Class News

We are artists!

Posted on Monday 21 November 2022 by Miss Kay

In Topic this half term, we are artists!

We are learning and experimenting with structure, inspired by one of our feature artists Bridget Riley. She specialised in optical art. We are creating our own optical art pieces!

The first step was to draw straight lines with a ruler. Some children had drawn many lines, some had not so many, some had thick lines, some had thin… there was certainly lots of experimenting happening! Then, we used the colour black to paint every other line. We talked about this being a pattern, one of our key words.

What’s that Sound?

Posted on Monday 21 November 2022 by Miss Gledhill

We have been investigating pitch in Year 3 Science today.

We used different sizes and shapes of container to see whether the pitch was different when we plucked the elastic bands.

Pitch is how high or low a sound is.

Volume is how loud a sound is.

It was great fun playing our elastic band guitars!


PE – Movement

Posted on Friday 18 November 2022 by Mrs Palmer

This half term during PE, we are focusing on movement. Today, we showed movement through different types of weather on an Autumn day. We stretched upwards in the sunshine, shivered in the chilly wind and worked with a partner to grow as a tree, then we spun around slowly, like the leaves falling. Next, we danced quickly around the hall, as the rolling leaves were being carried by the wind. Finally, we put the moves we had learnt together to create a longer dance sequence.

Children In Need

Posted on Friday 18 November 2022 by Mrs Palmer

Thank you for all the donations brought in today to help raise money for Children in Need.

Spellings for Friday 18th November

Posted on Friday 18 November 2022 by Miss Gledhill









Practice spellings with the ‘ue’ phoneme.  Try writing some sentences using ‘ue’ words.


18 November

Posted on Friday 18 November 2022 by Mrs Palmer

Below are the new spellings for the next two weeks. On the first week, use the look, say, cover, write, check method.


  • of
  • once
  • pull
  • one
  • our

Author visit – Alex Willmore

Posted on Thursday 17 November 2022 by Mrs Palmer

This afternoon, we watched and listened to the author and illustrator Alex Willmore reading his story I did see a mammoth, live on zoom.

Afterwards, we helped Alex draw a mammoth coming up with lots of different ideas. We suggested he could draw the mammoth wearing a Christmas jumper and elf shoes.

Challenge: Have a go at drawing a mammoth at home. Think about what they might be wearing, where they are, is there anyone/anything else around them? Bring your drawings in to share with your friends.


Posted on Thursday 17 November 2022 by Miss Kay

In our Topic lesson today, Year 1 and Year 2 came together! We compared works of art by one of our feature artists Bridget Riley, who specialised in ‘optical art’. She made flat images look like they are moving, creating a visual illusion.


At home, why not create your own optical illusion? We talked about how this could be done in irregular patterns. We’d love to see these in class if you do!

What’s that Sound? Science in Year 3

Posted on Tuesday 15 November 2022 by Miss Gledhill

Year 3 have been physicists this half term. We have been exploring sound and this week we thought about vibration and how sound is produced.

We made music with our bodies and felt our voice boxes vibrate as we hummed and spoke.

In groups we experimented with vibration on drums.  We could see the rice moving on top of the drum as we banged loudly, quietly, hard and softly.


Living and Learning: Anti-Bullying week in Year 3

Posted on Tuesday 15 November 2022 by Miss Gledhill


Anti-Bullying Week 2022 – 19 of the best teaching resources - Teachwire

On Monday we came to school in odd socks to start our week thinking about how we are all unique and different.

We discussed our school Junior Leadership Team’s definition of bullying and also what to do if we are being bullied. We used the acronym STOP


Bullying is: Several Times On Purpose

If you feel you are being bullied you should:  Start Telling Other People

We looked at different scenarios and thought about whether the behaviour should be defined as bullying.  We made some posters to display in the classroom to remind us all of what STOP means and we designed our own odd socks.

Year 3 were very thoughtful and respectful during these Living and Learning activities.