Team bonding!
This morning, Years 2 and 3 (soon to be 3 and 4!!) joined together to complete a team challenge. This was to help them be ready to be in the same class together again next year.
Using their knowledge from our recent Design Technology topic, they had to plan, design and evaluate a tower made from spaghetti and marshmallows. It had to be a stable, strong structure.
Can we construct a moving go- kart?
This term, in design technology, we have designed and constructed car models.
We researched our model first and thought about what our go- kart would need to be successful. We then designed the model. This week, we created a ‘prototype’ using Tech- card.

Year 6 leavers’ dinner
We’ve had a lovely dinner this evening at Ask to celebrate our fabulous Year 6s. Great company, great food and lots of ice-cream!
Living and Learning – Being Healthy
Last week, Y5,6 enjoyed Being Healthy week.
We Zoomed another Y6 class and asked them qestions about being healthy in their school.
Some questions that were asked were:
- What is on your school menu?
- What after school clubs do you do?
- Do you have any green spaces in your playground?
We also talked about being healthy online, and how it can affect our physical, mental and social health.
Help at home by discussing how to stay happy and healthy at home.
Robin Hood And The Sherwood Hoodies
Wow! I’m sure everyone will agree that KS2 put on a fabulous performance of Robin Hood And The Sherwood Hoodies on Tuesday and Wednesday.
They have worked extremely hard by learning their lines, singing songs and making props.
There are some incredible young actors amongst us at St James’, and most of all, we had so much fun putting the performance together!
Living and Learning: Health Week
This week has been Health Week! We’ve thought about all the different choices we can make to stay happy and healthy.
We started the week with Mindfulness Monday. We did some yoga and listened to some calming music.
Throughout the week, we’ve also completed a series of personal best challenges. We’ve skipped, jumped, ran and balanced to see if we could beat our best from before!
We also had Sports Day! A huge well done to the children for their confidence and supportive team spirit they displayed.
We ended the week with a special visit from d:side. We learned all about the different organs inside of our body and how they keep us healthy.
Help at home: ask your child what they’ve learned this week, and make a healthy choice at home this weekend!
Sports Day!
A massive thank you to everyone who came and supported yesterday at Sports Day.
We kicked off in the morning with EYFS and then carried on with years 1-6 in the afternoon.
A huge well done to all the children who took part and showed courage, resilience and lots of determination. The signs made in the classes looked fantastic as well.
Congratulations to the blue team who scored the highest amount of points!!!
EYFS Sports Day 2023!
Hello Everyone!
A massive thank you to all our parents/carers for attending our sports day this year! I’m sure you will all agree with how fantastic the children were. They showed great determination, resilience and brought team spirit to make it a really enjoyable morning. It really displayed to us how hard the children have worked this year and we are so proud of them!
Well done everybody!
Miss Ward and Mrs Payne
L & L: Health week
This week, we listened to #Goldilocks A Hashtag Cautionary Tale (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip). After listening to the story we talked about how she wanted to get 50,000 likes but that didn’t mean she had 50.000 friends and how she shared pictures without consent of her family and the impact that might have had on them. We shared our ideas on some advice we would give to Goldilocks to aim for a healthy balance between her online and offline activity.
Help at home: listen to the story again with your child. Can they remember any of the key points discussed in class?
- Never take and share photographs without consent/permission.
- Don’t share photographs with strangers.
- It’s not important to get 50,000 likes by people you don’t know
- Once you post online, it can never really be deleted.
- Don’t spend all day on your phone, spend time with your family and friends.
Personal Best Challenge
As part of our health and fitness week, we have been completing some personal best challenges and recording our score. Each day we’ve been trying to improve our score.
We have done a 20 second speed bounce and a stork balance.
“Yesterday I did the stork balance for 7 seconds and today I got 18 seconds,” said Carter.
“Today I did 56 jumps and yesterday I got 36,” said Florence.
Well done Year 1 on working hard to improve your scores!