Class News

But he was still hungry!

Posted on Friday 21 April 2023 by Miss Ward

Welcome back Nursery! We hope you had a lovely break over the Easter half term.

This week we introduced our new topic ‘ wheels, wings and other things’. Our first focus book was ‘The very hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.

Here is what we got up to …

We created our own caterpillars using loose parts and play dough. We took the children down to the big playing field to start our minibeast hunt, the children ticked off the minibeasts they found along the way. We also went to check out school pond to see if there were any tadpoles- safe to say we will be seeing lots of frogs very soon!

The Caterpillar goes into a cocoon and then comes out as a Butterfly – Gracie

It gets really hungry, it’s going to eat 5 oranges next- Joshua

Look Miss Harvey, there is a millipede here. It has lots of legs!-Deacon

1 apple, 2 pears, 3 plums, 4 strawberries and 5 oranges but he’s still hungry – Zubi

The butterfly is symmetrical because it’s the same on both sides- Austin


As the weather is starting to become warmer, please could you ensure your child/children bring a sun hat to school clearly labelled. We do have a sun hat box if you would like to leave it with us.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Ward


Finding fractions!

Posted on Friday 21 April 2023 by Miss Kay

This week, in Maths, we’ve been learning all about how to find fractions of amounts! We’ve been using our knowledge of division and sharing to help us.

We’ve been learning about halves (two equal parts), quarters (four equal parts) and thirds (three equal parts).

We thought about the amount being our whole. We found a fraction of our amount by sharing and dividing.

Help at home: find fractions in your food! For example, cut your pizza, toast or sandwiches into half (two equal parts) or into quarters (four equal parts)!


Posted on Thursday 20 April 2023 by Mrs Palmer

We have started out new history topic all about real life heroes. The first important person we’re learning about is Nelson Mandela. You can find more about him here. He believed that everyone should be treated the same. We will be learning about equality, apartheid and the suffragettes.



Posted on Thursday 20 April 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Wow, what a fab start to our Summer term. We have written a recount about our Easter holidays, remembering to use adjectives and conjunctions. Have a look at some of our work!

In English, we have started to read our new book Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World by Kate Pankhurst. We read about Frida Kahlo and Coco Chanel. We used the dictionary to look up the meanings of some words we weren’t quite sure about and added them to our word wall.

We are biologists!

Posted on Wednesday 19 April 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Biologists study living things, including people, animals, and plants. This half term, Year 1 and 2 will be studying plants.

On Tuesday, we began looking at the different things plants need to grow. We have created an experiment looking at what an onion bulb needs to grow.

We planted four onion bulbs in different conditions.  

We have four environments for our bulbs to grow:

  1. no light, no soil, no water
  2. no water, no soil
  3. no soil
  4. water, light, soil

After we’d planted them, we made predictions on which bulb we thought would grow the best or wouldn’t grow. Each week, we will be observing our bulbs to see which are growing.

Help at home

Explore plants that you have in the garden or that you see on your walk to school. Observe how plants change over time and talk about what things they need to grow and survive.

We are physicists!

Posted on Tuesday 18 April 2023 by Mrs Freeman

Physics is the study of forces and energy and this half term Year 4 are being physicists in their science. The main focus of the sessions will be forces and magnets.

On Monday, the class learnt what a force is and explored different forces. What is a force?

A force is an action that changes or maintains the motion of a body or object. Simply stated, a force is a push or a pull. Forces can change an object’s speed, its direction, and even its shape. Pushing a door open, pulling it closed, stretching a rubber band—all of these actions require force.
Facts About Force: Push and Pull (All You Need to Know!)
Outside, the children investigated which forces they used for different actions.
I am PULLING myself up the ladder.
I have to TWIST to move the hoop.
I PUSHED the ball into the net.
I PUSHED my body off the ground.

Help at home.

A push, pull and twist are all contact forces. Discuss this with your child. Can they tell you why the word contact is used to describe the force?

Explore these forces at home and please send in any photos of your child doing this task. We love to celebrate extra learning done at home!

Easter brings new life

Posted on Monday 03 April 2023 by Miss Ward

This week our focus book has been ‘ The Easter Story’. The children have been getting very creative making Easter cards, building churches and designing our own Easter eggs!

We may of had a sneaky visit from the Easter bunny! The children got to work on the hunt to find our colourful eggs around our outdoor provision

Easter means new life and babies like baby chicks- Gracie

Jesus woke up again- Sophie

He died on a big cross- Austin

Hot cross buns!-Beau

You may of also heard the children coming home singing a song about a spring chicken. Reception, KS1 and KS2 visited the church on Wednesday to take part in their Easter service. They have all been practicing the song to perform at church, so nursery joined in and they loved it!

Here it is to share with your children at home …

Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off auto play – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip

We have had a wonderful few weeks in Nursery. We wish everyone a happy and healthy Easter and a well deserved break! We look forward to welcoming the children back as we may have some special visitors…. here is a clue!

Miss  Ward

Week 6 – The Easter Story

Posted on Friday 31 March 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We have had a busy week in Reception! Our focus this week has been learning more about The Easter Story. We have learnt more about why this time of year is important to Christians and what things might happen over the Easter period.

We used repeating patterns to decorate eggs and Easter cards. We also used natural materials to create a cross.

In our maths sessions we learnt more about sorting different items. Did you know there are so many ways to sort things. One of our favourite ways was to sort our class by age. We found out that some people in our class are 4 and some people are 5. Some people are a little older than that too!

Our grass heads have started to grow hair! We are very excited to see what they are going to be like when we return from the Easter break.

Our poem this week was also about seeds and growing. We hope you like it.


A huge thank you to our lovely school PTA who organised a very exciting egg hunt for us this afternoon. We loved hunting for rabbit foot prints and our prizes look very yummy!


I would like to thank everyone for their support this term. It has been an exciting term of learning. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and fingers crossed the sun will shine for us a little!

Mrs Payne

Persuasive writing

Posted on Thursday 30 March 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Yesterday, when the children came to school, they noticed all their chairs had gone! They soon found out that the chairs had gone on strike as they were fed up of not being sat on properly amongst other reasons.

The children had to write a letter to the chairs to persuade them to come back. We shared some of our ideas before writing our letters.

Please come back chairs because you help us to relax and also we like you.

Please come back because if you are here we won’t have to sit on our knees and you help us to concentrate.

Where have you gone?

Please come back so you can help us to do our neatest handwriting.

Suddenly, there was a BANG BANG BANG on the classroom door so we rushed to see who it was!

One of the chairs had come to hear our persuasive writing to see if we could persuade the chairs to come back!

After listening to us, the chairs decided they would return. We were all very happy!

Easter Church Service

Posted on Wednesday 29 March 2023 by Miss Gledhill

We enjoyed a trip to St James’ Church earlier today for our Easter service.

Years 3 and 4 read our poem ‘Easter In My Hand’ beautifully. Many children could recite their line from memory!

In case you missed this, please follow the link  below to watch the recording.

Easter In My Hand 

Well done Years 3 and 4!