Living and Learning: Staying safe online
Today, we had a workshop all about how to keep safe online. We learnt that when we use the internet there are 3 important rules to follow:
- Always ask parents first
- Only talk to people you know
- Stick to places that are just right for you
Here are some of our comments on how to keep safe online:
“You can go on YouTube kids to watch videos,” said Elijah.
“Don’t wear your school uniform on a video as strangers will see the school logo,” said Ethan.
“If it has an 18 on, you can’t play it if you are under 18,” said Gabriel.
“Don’t click on pop ups as it may be a trick ,” said Leo.
“Always ask a teacher if you’re not sure and need help on an iPad,” said Busby.
“Grown ups have rules to keep us safe,” said Lily.
Living and Learning: I know I should treat others respectfully when online
Next week, our Living and Learning will be based around internet safety. To start this off, Dave from D:Side came to talk to us about staying safe online. We had a look at some of the games we have heard of, and the symbols on the games that mean there is something inappropriate for our age.
We thought about who we shouldn’t and shouldn’t speak to online. Dave taught us that people might not always be to they claim online. It’s fine for us to talk to our friends and family member who we already know. However, it’s not safe to accept requests from people we don’t know.
Years 3 and 4 were great at recognising which private information we should never give out online. To stay safe, we should make up a username rather than using our real one.
We were given some different scenarios of photographs and thought about if it is safe to post online. We think it’s safe to post photographs of a new pet, but it’s not appropriate to share photographs that give away out personal information. This includes anything that shows who we are and where we live. Aubrey, sensibly suggested that if we want to share photos of our friends we need to ask their consent.
We got to be detectives and guess the password based on clues about what people like.
Why not as your child what they enjoyed about our internet safety talk? Can they remember what we need to do to create a strong password?
We have been getting our stomp on in nursery this week!
The children have been exploring out dinosaur provision. Our focus story for the next two weeks is called ‘Dinosaur Roar’ by Paul and Henrietta Stickland. Here is what we have been betting up to!
The children created their own fossils out of clay. We also compared what our feet looked like to a dinosaur using paint. The children used their listening skills to interpret and make their own dinosaur sounds, we stomped around the classroom to the music.
It’s like a dinosaur been in it but then a person has taken the dinosaur out and it’s a pattern – Gracie
Paint toes, make dinosaur feet- Frankie
Dinosaur squeak, dinosaur fast, dinosaur tiny, dinosaur strong- Austin
Have a happy and healthy weekend!
Miss Ward
Geographers: exploring world issues
In geography, Year 5/6 have been researching some issues happening in different parts of the world as a result of climate change. This week, we’ve been learning about the issue of rising sea levels and how it is affecting people in the Solomon Islands.
What we found out came as quite a surprise for all of us. A really powerful, engaging lesson led us to reflect on the issue of climate change and how it can affect people/things we don’t see in our normal, everyday lives. One of our geographical concepts (interdependence) has been discussed at length this week. We understand the paths someone could take as a result of what we’ve learnt. Here are some examples:
- reduce our food wastage, therefore reducing the amount of harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
- try not to buy products with palm oil, therefore not supporting deforestation of rainforests
- try and walk to school/other places to reduce car emissions
- save electricity when it is not needed in our homes and at school (as much of this is powered by coal, oil and gas)
- ignore the problem and carry on
The children have been so engaged in this topic, they are even asking to stay in at play time to learn more!
Here’s an example of some notes taken during our lesson on the rising sea levels in the Solomon Islands.
Help at home:
Give your child further opportunity to reflect on this learning. How does it make them feel? Why do they feel this way? Ensure your child does not feel responsible for what we’ve seen in the Solomon Islands – this is a global issue over a long period of time. Discuss paths you could take moving forward (if your child wishes to).
Super scientist: I can perform simple tests
This week in science, we have continued learning about conducting a simple experiment. We thought about how to make an experiment a fair test and we have been conducting a comparative test.
We explored if all paper was good to write on. We used five types of paper and looked at which was the easiest or hardest to write on.
We found that some were easier than others and thought that this was because some paper was shiny and some were dull.
Visiting Wetherby Library
Today, Year 4 spent an hour in the local library. This was a great opportunity for the children to get immersed in books they enjoy. The library positively encourages young people to enjoy reading for pleasure.
Our session, with the librarian, involved learning how a library is organised, a library skills quiz, making a bookmark, choosing some books to have in our classroom and, of course, a story.
Ralph, who is very interested the the world wars, chose a book on this topic to have in our reading area.
Wetherby Library has lots to offer (and it’s free) so why not pop in with your child!
17 Westgate, Wetherby, Leeds, Wets Yorkshire, LS22 6LL
Attendance competition
Last week’s attendance winners were Year 2 with 96.8%. Well done to all the children in the Year 2 class.
Week 4 – Supertato
This week our focus book is Supertato! We have been learning more about different fruits and vegetables and how they can help us to follow a healthy diet. We really enjoyed listening to the story and then adding actions for the different characters. In the classroom evil pea had been busy and had trapped lots of different fruit and vegetables onto our writing table. We wrote speech bubbles so they could get some help.
We decided that we would like to create our own Supertato. We carefully choose different materials and thought carefully about how we could make them stick to a potato!
The evil pea was causing so much trouble in the classroom we decided to build some traps so we could catch the pea! It was a tough job but we worked together and made some amazing traps.
This week we have learnt more about primary and secondary colours. We investigated what happened when you mixed two primary colours together.
Dates for your diary:
Friday 3 February – funky fingers stay & play. We hope you can all join us in the classroom to discover more about how we build muscle strength in out hands.
W/B 6 February – early years writing zoom. A pre recorded zoom presentation will be sent out to all families discussing writing in the early years setting.
As always please keep reading at home. The children love sharing their e-books with you all.
Mrs Payne
Living and Learning: I know how to seek help.
This half-term, we have been regularly talking about who we can go to for help/advice. We have also discussed some potential reasons why someone may seek help, as pupils can sometimes be unaware of whether they should seek support.
To recap our learning, here’s the list of people that we came up with to go to if we need help:
- A trusted adult – This could be a teacher, a safeguarding officer, a parent or someone else at home.
- A friend – It’s always ok to ask a good friend for advice if you need to.
- Childline 0800 11 11 – If you struggle to express your concerns in person, you can call ChildLine at any time, day or night, and have a conversation on the phone.
- Write it down and post it in a worry box at school – This is a good way of expressing your concerns/worries if you are uncomfortable speaking out.
Help at home:
Please give your child opportunity to discuss any worries or concerns they may have. Children have the opportunity to do this in our Circle Time sessions at school, which they enjoy and benefit from.
Amazing Writing
Wow! Year 3 have been doing some writing to be proud of this week! We continued with our recount learning and imagined we had experienced a volcanic eruption! Our R2S were, fronted adverbials, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases.
I’m sure you will agree the results were impressive!