Great learning in Reception
What fantastic readers we are! I wonder if you have heard any of our new phonemes at home that we have been working hard on this week? We have been using our magic air fingers and whiteboards to learn more about letter formation and have been trying to use these new skills in our different areas of provision.
We have been thinking more about ourselves and our families and decided to create some playdough self portraits. We used mirrors to look at our faces before choosing different loose parts to create our faces.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new friend in Reception called Ted. Ted is our class bear and he will be visiting everyone very soon. Ted has a diary which will be shared with the class after a home visit. The children are very excited to be bringing Ted home with them to meet their families.
On Thursday 29 September at 6pm there will be a zoom meeting with myself and Mrs Beesley to discuss reading and e-books. Everyone should have already received the zoom link and we are looking forward to seeing you then.
We now have our own reception email address which can be used for sharing information and pictures of fun learning that has been happening at home. The email address is:
As always if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Payne
23.09.22 Spellings
Next week, we will be learning the rule ‘drop the y for an i’.
Learn the following words for a test on Friday 30th September.
Feel free to choose this alternative list if you wish!
23 and 30 September 2022
Spellings for each year group are below. On the first week, use the look, say, cover, write, check method. On the second week, write the words in shapes in your homework books.
Year 1
- do
- for
- friend
- full
- go
Year 2
- has
- he
- here
- his
- house
- is
- love
- me
- my
- no
Year 3 Spellings 23rd September 2022
Next week, we are focusing on the ee/ea grapheme.
Living and Learning: I use good manners
This week, our Living and Learning has been about using our manners.
What are manners?
Manners are words and actions that we can do to help us be nice and respectful to others. It is important to be polite and use our manners whenever possible.
We looked at some pictures and talked about what good manners might be happening.
“The boy is saying please can you pass me the salt and pepper,” said Bea.
“The person that dropped their apple might say sorry for bumping into the girl carrying the books,” said Orianne.
“The girl with the chocolate cake might say thankyou for sharing the cake,” said Joshua.
We thought about how we use our manners in school and at home.
“We say thank you the Julie when she serves us our lunch,” said Lily.
“I say thank you to my brother when he shares his toys with me,” said Hattie.
“I say please when I want to join in with my friends game,” said Max.
We also watched and listened to the story How Rude a a story about manners.(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)
Science: What is a classification key?
We’ve continued our learning of classification keys in our weekly science lesson.
Ask your child about the time we classified our classmates…
23 September 2022
This week’s Talk Time brings together the learning that has happened in our Reading sessions last week. The Acceptable Use Agreements have been used in all classes as the stimulus for the reading lessons, as well as a copy being sent home to be agreed and signed.
Check out the KS1 and KS2 agreements.
After reading and discussing these agreements, do you feel these rules could apply outside of school too (e.g. at home or using the internet on your mobile phone)?
Do you think it’s a good idea to have agreed rules in place when using the internet?
Ancient Greek Art
This morning, the children had the opportunity to rehearse and enhance their sketching skills.
Ancient Greek art was an important part of the lives of the people. Vase painting was important, and the pots would normally feature paintings of people or figures.
The children studied the shapes and patterns and then drew them step by step. By paying particular attention to the belly, foot, handles and neck of the vase, the sketches started to take shape.
Some of the popular paintings on vases were circles, geometric shapes and triangles so the class created their own patterns of varying sizes. The outline of a human figure was added to the drawings and then outlined in varying thicknesses of black pen.
We are sure you’ll be impressed by the final images.
Living and Learning
Today, in Living and Learning with Mrs Bald, we’ve been thinking about good manners and what it means to have them. We already know we use good manners each day because we say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ – this makes us polite. We talked about how we feel happy when people use good manners towards us.
Ways we can use good manners in our classroom: put your hand up if you’d like to say something, share with our learning partners, don’t interrupt and smile.
Ways we can use good manners in other areas of school: hold doors open for people, chew our food with our mouths closed and smile at everyone we see.
How do you use good manners at home?
School Rules
In reception and nursery we have been learning more about our school rules. This week we have focused on ‘we keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves’. We have thought about what this might mean and how it can help us in school. After our discussion we all made a hand print poster to remind us of this school rule.