Dates for your diary
Over the course of the year we will be holding lots of exciting events for you to get involved in.
If you have any questions about any of the sessions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
The Reception Team
Welcome to Nursery
We’ve been very busy getting our Nursery ready for you all. We’ve tried to make sure that there’s something for everyone to enjoy – including some of your favourite things that you told us about. It was lovely to meet some of you at our first ‘stay and play’ session and we are looking forward to seeing you again throughout our transition period next week!
Below is some information about some questions you may have;
What does my child need?
- A waterproof coat (NAMED)
- A pair of wellies (NAMED)
- A water bottle (NAMED)
- A bag containing a full change of clothes (including a top, trousers/leggings, underwear and socks – ALL NAMED)
Next week, we will be welcoming more children back to nursery and also some new children. We are so excited to see you all!
Here is a sneak peak of some of our provision!
See you soon!
The Nursery Team
Welcome to Reception
A big hello from everyone in Reception!
This week we have been busy creating an exciting learning environment for everyone to enjoy. We have welcomed our first group of children for transition sessions and are excited to see our second group on Monday.
We hope you enjoy looking at some of our provision that will be ready for you to explore next week.
See you all on Monday!
The Reception Team
09 September 2022 – Year 1
This week’s spellings are ‘Common Exception’ words – words that don’t follow the usual spelling rule or pattern. We keep spellings for 2 weeks.
Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the 2 weeks.
This week’s spellings are:
- are
- ask
- be
- by
- come
Why not try our super spelling strategy?
Reading books
Today, your child will be bringing home a new reading record, their homework books and a letter about accessing e-books which will be assigned to your child every Friday, alongside spellings. Let’s get this year off to a great start by reading daily and sharing the book. Please fill in the records and bring them back into school every Thursday.
Our first week together!
Wow, what a week we’ve had in Year 2! It has been great to see the children looking happy and healthy as they return back to school. They have settled into our new classroom really quickly and it has been wonderful to hear about all the exciting things you have been up to over the summer holiday.
This week, in our living and learning session, Year 2 really impressed me with how well they understand our school rules. We discussed the three rules and how we can follow them, both in and out of the classroom. The children have certainly have put this into practice, with many compliments – how calm we are when getting on with our work and how sensibly we walk into collective worship. Keep this up, Year 2!
In maths, we have been recapping our knowledge of place value – see photos below from when we were ordering from greatest to smallest using our knowledge of tens and ones in a number. The children were tasked with ordering 3 numbers, but challenged themselves and wanted to order more! It was lovely to see how proud they were with their successes. We have also read and talked about our class novel, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, ahead of our topic learning starting next week. The first lesson will be focused on timelines. This weekend, why not discuss some events which would feature on a timeline of your life?
I have really enjoyed getting to know Year 2 this week and I am looking forward to lots of learning together. Please feel free to come and say hello or ask me any questions you have!
Year 4 – 09 September 2022
This week’s spellings are the days of the week. Each day we write down the date along with our learning objective so it’s a good idea to know how to spell these words accurately:
This week’s spellings
This week, we’d like you to practise homophones. These are words that sound the same as another word but have a different meaning, and often a different spelling. Learn the following words ready for a test on Friday 16th September:
Year 1 will be visiting the library on a Thursday. We enjoyed our first session yesterday. The children choose their ‘love of reading’ book to borrow. Please bring these books back on a Thursday to change.
We looked at the books we had chosen and noticed that some children had chosen fiction book and some children at chosen non-fiction books. We talked about what this meant.
Fiction: a made up story.
Non-fiction: a book that gives facts/ real information.
Why not have a look through your books at home and see if you can group them into fiction and non-fiction books.
This week, we’ve had some ‘naughty numbers’ in our classroom. The numbers were all mixed up and we had to get them back into the correct order. The children worked together to see where they needed to be in the giant number line. We used some great language such as more, less, smaller, higher when deciding where we needed to be.
Why not count forwards and backwards at home? Starting from 0 to 10 and backwards from 10 to 0. Can they count from any given number e.g. 7 to 10 or 6 to 0?