Class News

A super, sunny week!

Posted on Friday 18 March 2022 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’ve made the most of the glorious weather! The children have loved being outside in the fresh air. From making soup in the sandpit to making mud pies in the mud kitchen, we’ve some fantastic imaginative play.

On Monday, we started our new focus story, The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. After reading the book, we talked about the events, looked at some key vocabulary and made story maps. Next week, we’ll continue to look at this book, discuss what plants need to grow and plant our own tiny (sunflower) seed.


This week, we looked at the composition of seven. We used lots of different resources such as Numicon, multilink cubes and beanbags to show our parts.

In the areas this week, we’ve seen lots of children being independent learners and completing the chilli challenges.
Here they are in action…

Making spring gardens in the playdough area.

Playing take away a tower of 8 with a friend.
Reading tricky words on carrots.
Blending words in the ball pool.
Working out the missing whole on the part-whole models.
Home-Link Challenge

Coming up…
Thursday 24 March – PTA cake sale
Monday 28 March – Whole school farm visit
Monday 28 March – Decorate an Easter egg competition
Thursday 30 March – Easter service at St James’ Church
Friday 01 April – Break-up for Easter

Enjoy the spring sunshine this weekend!



18 March 2022

Posted on Friday 18 March 2022 by Mrs Palmer

The /f/, /l/, /s/, /z/ and /k/ sounds are usually spelt as ff, ll, ss, zz, ck if they come straight after a single vowel letter in short words. This week’s spellings for year 1 follow this rule.

Y1: off, well, miss, buzz, back

This week’s spellings for year 2 will focus on suffixes. A suffix is a letter or group of letters that goes on the end of a word. Adding suffixes changes their meaning.

Y2: enjoyment, amazement, sadness, kindness, careful, playful, hopeless, plainness, badly, loudly


18 March 2022

Posted on Friday 18 March 2022 by Mr Mills

This week we have been learning about the -tial and -cial spelling pattern.

Please learn the following words for a test on Thursday 24 March

  • controversial
  • official
  • commercial
  • special
  • artificial
  • glacial
  • social
  • influential
  • confidential

Reading with prosody

Posted on Friday 18 March 2022 by Mrs Palmer

We have started talking about prosody in our reading practice sessions.

Prosody is the rhythmic and intonational aspect of speech that manifests as expressive reading. It comprises timing, phrasing and intonation, and helps to convey meaning and add ‘life’ to reading.

It is basically reading with expression.

We have been reading and talking about Owl Babies and trying to add prosody when reading certain sections. Ask your child to read this page with prosody.

18 March 2022

Posted on Friday 18 March 2022 by Nicky Russell

Living and learning provides the focus for this week’s Talk Time.

I can describe what to do in different sorts of emergencies.

 An emergency situation is when there is an immediate risk that needs to be addressed right away.

We suggest approaching this Talk Time in two parts. First, where and when might you face an emergency? Think of a range of settings and scenarios.

After that, consider what your response would be. If there’s not a trusted adult around, call 999 if possible. The LIONEL acronym below is one that we’d like you to learn. It will help you if you ever need to phone the emergency services.

L – Location – Tell them where the emergency is and where they need to come to.
I – Incident – Tell them what has happened.
O – Other services – Do you need the ambulance, police and fire service?
N – Number of people – How many are involved?
E – Extent of injuries – How badly are they hurt?
L – Location – Repeat again where they need to come to.

Science – microbes

Posted on Thursday 17 March 2022 by Mrs Palmer

We have been working scientifically in science this half term and also learning about microbes, linked to preventing illness and cleanliness.

We used pepper in a test today to represent microbes. We filled a dish with water. We put a stick in the water. It got wet! We then dipped the stick in a dish filled with water and pepper . The pepper stuck (like microbes do to our hands when we touch anything). Finally, we dipped our stick in a bowl of washing up liquid and water. When we dipped it in the water again, the pepper moved away like magic! There was a gasp from everyone! This shows us that microbes (that sometimes make us ill) do not like soap and that is why we use it to wash our hands.


Posted on Thursday 17 March 2022 by Mrs Freeman

Year 3 have been learning to play the recorder with Mrs Bald. Today, they rehearsed playing to the tune of the rhyme ‘Hot Cross Buns.’

The children will be performing at St James’ Church on Thursday 31st March and the service will begin at 2pm. Please join us if you are able to.

Year 5 & 6 ‘rulz’… Yeah, it does!

Posted on Tuesday 15 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Our cloakroom has a plethora of compliments, boosts and celebrations of friendship! It’s only March and I think we’re rapidly running out of space!

It’s great to see the children being so positive about their classmates.

If children catch someone being friendly, kind, helpful or just generally being an all-round top person, they can grab a chalk pen and scribe on our communal cloakroom wall to share that moment with us all! Nice one, Y5/6!

Quick Beats

Posted on Tuesday 15 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree

In today’s music lesson, we’ve explored Quick Beats – it’s an app used to create different styles of drum beats, like grime, hip-hop and Latin.

We mirrored our iPads onto the board so we could share our beats with our classmates – everyone was impressed at how cool our beats sounded!

Nicholas‘Scarlet’s beats were wild  because it sounds like it’d be played in the jungle!’

Joe‘Evie’s beats made me feel like I was at a disco!’ 

Siana‘Jess’ beats were upbeat and energetic.’

The children have been given their log-ins so that they can have a go at accessing Quick Beats at home.

This week’s bible story

Posted on Monday 14 March 2022 by Mr Roundtree

The Son Who Left Home: Luke 15:11-32

Jesus told many stories that are recorded in the New Testament. His stories were often about everyday events that all the people could relate to, but they had a special purpose – they were told to help people understand more about God. Usually, the stories, or parables as they are called, spoke for themselves, but sometimes they had to be explained. Let me now tell you one of Jesus’ best-known parables.


Read the story of the son who left home.



Jesus told this story to show how much God loves us. Just like the son in the story, we often want our own way and do not think of the consequences. We make foolish mistakes and come to regret them later. Just like the father in the story, though, God never stops loving us and is always ready to forgive us when we admit our wrongdoing.


Dear Lord,
Forgive us, we pray, for the times when we have acted foolishly.
When we have wanted our own way and not listened to good advice;
when we have not considered the thoughts or feelings of others.
May we be prepared to forgive others when they are sorry for hurting or upsetting us, just as you are prepared to forgive us when we admit our wrongdoing.