Year 4 Class News

Week 5

Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Mr Roundtree

This week our focus story was ‘The Everywhere Bear’. In the story the bear gets lost and go on lots of different adventures until he finally gets back to school. We used pictures to help sequence the story and thought about how the bear must have been feeling. We decided we would like to create bear ears so we could be bears too. We used careful cutting skills to create a headband and ears.

We are continuing to build our hand and finger strength by doing lots of different funky fingers activities. This week we created bear faces in shaving foam and had a timed challenge! We had 1 minute to get as many Autumn objects out of our tray as possible. It was very tricky using tweezers but we all had great fun trying.

On Thursday we went on our Autumn local walk. We were all very excited to wear our wellies and go exploring in Wetherby. As we walked away from school we used our senses to explore our surroundings. We discovered that the trees we saw had lots of different coloured leaves and that some of them had fallen onto the ground. We had an amazing time collecting things that reminded us of Autumn. Please look out for how we get creative with these things next week! If you go on any Autumn walks we would love to hear about them too.

Thank you for working hard at home with e-books. It is fantastic that everyone is reading at home and in school everyday. If you have got any questions about phonics we are holding a parent drop in on Thursday 13 October. This is an opportunity for you to come into class and take part in a live phonics lesson. The session begins at 9am and finishes at 9:30.

As always, if you have any questions or would like to share any home learning including family photographs with us please use our reception email

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Payne

07 October 2022

Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Mrs Palmer

Below are the new spellings for the next two weeks. On the first week, use the look, say, cover, write, check method. On the second week, write the words in the air.

  • has
  • he
  • here
  • his
  • house

07 October 2022

Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s Talk Time relates to the knowledge we’ve gained about History this half term.

I can show off my knowledge of history.

 Years 1 and 2 – The Great Fire of London:
I know and can use words and phrases relating to time and chronology (eg old, new, past, a very long time ago, present, ancient, modern).
I know what houses were like before the Great Fire of London and that fires were quite common.
I know that Samuel Pepys’ diary helps us to know what the Great Fire of London was like.
I know why the fire spread quickly and how it was eventually put out.
I know what changed as a consequence of the Great Fire of London.

Years 3 and 4 – Ancient Greece:
I know that ancient Greece was divided into many city states and I know that Athens and Sparta were the most powerful. I know some of the main characteristics of the Athenians and the Spartans.
I know about the influence the gods had on Ancient Greece.
I know about the influence Ancient Greece has had on the Western world (e.g. philosophy, arts, science, maths, literature and politics).
I know that democracy is a Greek word meaning ‘government by the people’ and that our government today is a legacy of the Athenian assembly and council.

Years 5 and 6 – Stone Age to Iron Age:
I know how Britain changed between the beginning of the Stone Age and the Iron Age.
I know the main differences between the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.
I know what is meant by ‘hunter-gatherer’.
I know about and can name some of the advanced societies that were in the world around 3000 years ago.
I can compare life in Britain 3000 years ago to life in Ancient Egypt.
I know that the Ancient Egyptians had a writing system called hieroglyphics.
I know that the Ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for pharaohs and that the biggest was built around 2500BC.

 At school, we refer to 8Rs to promote good learning behavior. Check out the 8R’s for learning. See how many your child knows.

This week’s ‘Remember 2s’ (R2s) directly link to three of the 8Rs:

  • Remember – Think back to history lessons, learning, tasks, games etc.
  • Reflect – Which facts are you most confident with? Which ones do you need to work on?
  • Resourceful – For facts you’re unsure of, how can you improve your understanding? Who could you ask at home or at school?

Additionally or alternatively, you might like your child to consider our current Christian value…

At St James’ CE Primary School, we learn about Christian values that help us to become well-rounded citizens in society. The values are woven into our everyday school life. Each half term, we have a new Christian value that will be embedded into our collective worship and our reflection areas.

This half term, our Christian Value is perseverance.

Perseverance is needed when standing firm in the face of any difficulty. It is the special gift that we have when life is difficult or painful that helps us not to give up. Difficulties might include hardship, persecution or scorn, although we hope these difficulties do not arise in our school. We use it more in the context of ‘keeping going’ and ‘not giving up’.

This week’s Talk Time homework is all about persevering when the going gets tough.

Set yourself a really tough challenge. This could be learning to tie your shoe laces, walking to school backwards, learning to draw a difficult animal or any other ideas that you have.

 Talk to a grown up about the challenge you set yourself. Why did you choose this challenge? How did you show perseverance? Tell your teacher all about the challenge you set yourself and how you felt when you needed to persevere.


Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Miss Kay

Our new spellings for the next two weeks will be:

of, once, one, our, pull, push, put, said, saw, says.

Why not try our super spelling strategy?

Friday 07 October 2022

Posted on Friday 07 October 2022 by Mr Roundtree

There have been two sets of spellings handed out this week. Your child will have been given the correct spellings for them to learn.

This week, our spellings focus on dropping the y for i when adding ed and keeping the y for ing. Make sure you spot the different suffix, too!

worry – worried

carry – carried

happy – happiness

ugly – ugliness

creepy – creepiest

funny – funniest

sorry – sorriest

reply – replying

copy – copying

marry – marrying




This week, our spellings focus on words we sometimes spell incorrectly in our writing:











Science: What’s living in our school grounds?

Posted on Thursday 06 October 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Check out how we got on in our science lesson

Awesome biology learning from Jacob, Murielle, Liam and Ralph – super scientists!

TT Rockstars

Posted on Tuesday 04 October 2022 by Miss Gledhill

Just a reminder to practice our times tables as often as possible. We have a weekly focus, this week it will be 2s,5s and 10s.

TT Rockstars is a really fun way of doing this! I have set the year 3 pupils accounts to our weekly times tables focus, so it will be easier to access.

Your child’s login will be stuck inside their reading record. If you need this again please just ask!

Image result for tt rockstars

Microhabitat hunters

Posted on Tuesday 04 October 2022 by Mr Roundtree

In our science lessons, we have been learning all about living things and their habitats.

We went on a microhabitat hunt around our school to see if we could find any microhabitats and who or what was living there. We found many creepy crawlies hiding under a log including woodlouse, centepedes and worms.


Watch us while we work

Posted on Tuesday 04 October 2022 by Miss Beatson

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who joined us this morning to watch us while we work. It was an opportunity to watch some learning in  maths and reading and hopefully pick up a few strategies that can be used at home.  Here are a few feedback comments from parents this morning:

“The children sat, listened and interacted well. It was lovely to see what they are like in class.”

“Great to see what happens in class. Really enjoyed it.”

“It was nice to see the classroom and teaching strategies.”

“Lovely being in class. Teacher had them engaged at all times. Good to see English and maths.”

“Great to see different ways we can help at home……different ways to practise times tables and retrieval in reading.”

30th September 2022 spellings

Posted on Sunday 02 October 2022 by Miss Gledhill

Next week, we will be focusing on double consonant words:

– appear

– different

– shop/ed/ing

– trapped

– happening

– opposite

– arrive