We had some fun in the sun today, with a maths arithmetic relay – combining maths and PE.
Help at home – set your own maths relay in the garden or park.
Today, the sun was shining and we had another superb PE lesson learning key basketball skills. We began by recapping the key principles of dribbling and then moved onto stealing/tackling.
Here’s what the children had to say:
Remember to bounce the ball at waist height to keep control. Use fingers not palms to bounce.
Gabriel Y3
You can’t walk with the ball; you must bounce as you move. Must use two hands. Two hands would be a double dribble.
Madeleine Y4
Use our bodies to block the person trying to steal.
Emily M Y3
Today, I enjoyed playing Gauntlet.
Emily G Y3
I really enjoyed playing Gauntlet and stealing bibs.
Christian Y4
Living and Learning: I know the importance of sleep.
Our living and learning statement for this week was:
I know the importance of sleep.
As well as individual class living and learning sessions, the whole school attended our ‘Tuesday Viewsday‘ collective worship to learn more together. We discussed the role of sleep in our lives and it’s importance/lack of importance both personally and collectively (the world).
Children put forward some fantastic points of view to debate both sides of the importance of sleep – here’s some of the quotes:
‘I think sleep is important because it gives our brain a chance to rest so that we can do well in school the next day.’ (JC, Year 6)
‘Sleep is important for us to switch off and not think about things for a while. If we didn’t sleep, we would all just be tired and moody.’ (FJ, Year 2)
‘I don’t think sleep is important because it wastes time. We could be doing other things that we like instead of sleeping.’ (NE, Year 5)
‘Sleep can be important if you have a job, but if you don’t have a job or something to get up for, you’re wasting time in your life that you could use to help others or find something that you enjoy.’ (JS, Year 5)
Help at home:
Discuss the importance of sleep for a healthy, happy lifestyle with your child. Does your child know what a good amount of sleep is? Explore their thoughts on what might happen if they don’t get enough sleep, or they sleep too much!
Book Club
The children were busy during Book Club today producing some fantastic work in their reading records.
Class novel
Our love for reading continues to grow in Year 3 and 4 as we have begun our new class novel – The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.
We have been enjoying the early chapters and can’t seem to put it down. We have so many questions already.
The children are developing their own views about Edward and have been finding evidence from the text to justify their impression of him.
Help at home – ask your child about the story so far. Who is Rosie and what did he do? What does Abilene do to display her love for Edward? What are their thoughts about Pellegrina and why?
Times Tables
As you will be aware, the Year 4 will complete a times table check in a few months. We have been working hard in school to ensure children know their times table facts and can recall them quickly.
Thank you for all the hard work that you do for the children at home. I know that they are practicing lots as times table scores are consistently strong.
Help at home
There are many websites that help children and increase the speed at which they answer:
Maths Frame –
Hit the Button –
Times Table Rock Stars
Summer Term
Greetings from Year 3 and Year 4. We hope you had a wonderful and restful Easter.
We have quickly settled back into school life and the children have enjoyed seeing their friends and getting back to the school routine. The children have made so much progress since September and we are really looking forward to this Summer Term.
A few updates and reminders:
– PE days continue to be Tuesday (Y4 – swimming) and Thursday.
– Home reading. Please encourage your child to read at home with an adult or older sibling. Reading is an important aspect of a child’s learning and supports their understanding across the curriculum. Please also encourage your child to complete a reading activity in their reading record books each week. Any questions about this, please feel free to see me after school.
– Library books. We are lucky to have access to lots of fantastic books in our school library. Our library day is Monday; if your child wishes to change their book, they can do so on this day. Please also return any school library books that have been read. Any questions about this, feel free to see me after school or ask your child to speak to a Reading Ambassador.
– Water bottles. Please ensure your child has their labelled water bottle in school every day. Bottles need to go home at the end of each day to be washed.
Easter Church Service
Yesterday, the whole school attended church for our Easter service. Our Year 3 children performed Hot Cross Buns on the recorder. They did a fantastic job! A huge thank you must go to Mrs Bald who taught the children how to play.
Our Year 4 children talked about The Story of Easter and what each day means to them and how Christians remember. The children were able to talk about the things we have learnt in RE and used their oracy skills beautifully to relay this to the congregation.
Additionally, members of our class helped to tell the parable, ‘Road to Emmaus.’ Again, reading superbly well!
It was a wonderful service and all the children made the school proud. A big thank you to all the family and friends who attended too.
All of Year 3 and Year 4 would like to wish you a very Happy Easter.
This week we listened to and performed dance routines to ‘Mas Que Nada’ by Sergio Mendes.
We talked about how the song makes us feel and how we could move to the music. We performed our routines to the class, focusing on pathways and how we could move around the hall.
Help at home – listen to song together and share your thoughts about the music. What emotions do you feel when you listen? Do you share the same emotions? Could you put together your own dance routine to the music?
Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday
We have been learning about the significance of these three days in the Christian calendar. We have learnt about the crosses Christians use and what they represent. Yesterday our learning was supported by our whole school collective worship where Mrs Obbard handed each child a palm cross.
We have answered some difficult questions, such as – Would Mary call the day Jesus died Good Friday?
Here are some of the children’s responses:
No because it was her son that died not somebody else. And she was a kind mother to her son – Harper.
Yes she would because He gave his life for us – Leo S.
No as Mary will feel upset because Jesus was her son and he was badly treated people in Jerusalem – Madeleine.
Yes. She knows He did it for mankind and for taking away our sins – Tommy.
No. That would be a sad day for Mary because it was her son – Isla.
We have also made links to our own lives by thinking about the things that bring us joy, sadness and hope.