Living and Learning: I recognise the importance of personal hygiene including handwashing
This week, our living and learning session was all about recognising the importance of personal hygiene including handwashing.
We based today’s session on our dental hygiene. We started by thinking about what we already knew about dental hygiene.
We thought about the choices we make and how they affect our dental hygiene. We made two lists using the action cards: a good for our dental hygiene and a poor for our dental hygiene.
We had some interesting conversations about some of the actions. For example: is chewing gum good for you? Fruit is healthy so surely fruit juice is healthy for us too? Should we rinse our mouths after we have brushed our teeth?
We matched the actions we make with the consequences and results that happen.
Finally, we thought about all that we knew and listened to some scenarios and applied our knowledge to give advice to the children in our scenarios.
Times Table Rockstars Champions!
We have introduced a new competition in our class. We are finding out, each week, who is the timetable rockstar champion. Each week, there is a chance to gain a title spot on our 10 place leaderboard and some dojo points!
Well done to the following children for gaining the title of being on the first of our Times Tables Rockstar Championship.
Super Scientists
This half term, our science topic is forces and magnetism.
We have started learning our new vocab and we are trying to use these words in our science experiments and conversations.
This week, we completed a science experiment to compare how things move on different surfaces.
The variable we kept the same was the same slope on the ramp, the same car, the same person letting go of the car, the same tape measure, and the same conditions.
The variable we changed was the type of material.
We found that less friction between the car and the surface meant the car went further. The best surface to use was the paper.
Captain Tom 100 Challenge
Today, the JLT voted for the school charity we will be supporting this year- RSPCA.
Junior Leadership Team
This week, our Living and Learning has been about democracy- this included voting for our new Junior Leadership Team (previously named School Council). Well done to all the children who delivered speeches to their classes. Congratulations to all the children who were elected:
Year 1: Lily and Willow
Year 2: Ralph and Kamile
Year 3: Caleb and Jack
Year 4: Ellie and Sianna
Year 5: Evie and Scarlet
Year 6: Cohen and Bella
Easter Service
Thank you to all of the parents and carers who joined to support our Easter service today. It was lovely to see so many of you on zoom.
For those who were unable to join, here is a recording of our service.
Well done to all those children who took part and for all the wonderful singing that was heard around school.
Extending our vocabulary
We have had great fun making up actions to help us remember and apply the week’s vocabulary. Here are a few pictures of us acting out various words. Ask your child to show you their actions as they are so much better than photos!
Super homework from Year 3,4
This week, our homework task was to create a picture to teach us about forgiveness based upon our book “The Boy, the mole, the fox, and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy.
We had some fantastic creative homework in that will help us remember our Christian value of forgiveness. Here are a few:
Living and Learning: I know how to seek help.
In connection to this week’s Living and Learning statement, we have taken part in an NSPCC assembly and discussing who we can talk to if/when we are worried or anxious. This is especially important in the COVID year that we are living through. For more information, ask your child and I’m sure they’ll share all about it!
Let’s rock for Red Nose Day!
Hello to all of you Times Tables Rock Stars,
This Friday is Red Nose Day and the people at TTRS have come up with a great challenge to raise some extra money for Comic Relief.
Prices for a new nose start at 50,000 coins so we’d best get saving.
We’ve got until Friday – Red Nose Day. Let’s do our bit to help the nation reach that £5,000 target.