Let’s rock for Red Nose Day!
Hello to all of you Times Tables Rock Stars,
This Friday is Red Nose Day and the people at TTRS have come up with a great challenge to raise some extra money for Comic Relief.
Prices for a new nose start at 50,000 coins so we’d best get saving.
We’ve got until Friday – Red Nose Day. Let’s do our bit to help the nation reach that £5,000 target.
TTRS Tournament winners (wb 08 March)
Our first week back at school has seen a very close race for the title!
All week, the lead has changed hands but, in the end, there can only be one winner!
The TTRS tournament winner this week is… (DRUM ROLL)…
It’s Year 5! That’s the second win in a row! Year 3,4 were a very close second.
Will Year 5 get a third win in a row? Will Year 3,4 go one further to take the victory? Or perhaps, Year 6 will come in and steal the show?
All the best, TTRS.
TTRS Tournament winners (wb 01 March)
Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,
Firstly, welcome back to school. We’ve missed rocking out with you.
Hopefully, last week was our final tournament from home. Everyone has been working so hard and… What’s that?
The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.
Recording an average score of 110, the winning year group is year 5 by a clear mile – WOW!
Now that we’re back in school, there’ll be opportunities to play in class as well as at home. Give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.
You could be in next week’s winning team.
All the best, TTRS!
Times Tables Rock Stars: tournament time
Calling all Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS),
It’s great to see that so many of you have been rocking those times tables as part of your home learning.
ALL classes are putting on great performances so now we’re raising the stakes.
Each week, you will be competing in a tournament with the other KS2 classes. The scores of you and your classmates will be added together to decide who will achieve the honour of being… ROCKSTARS OF THE WEEK!
In fact, we set up a warm-up tournament last week and the results are in…
Congratulations to Year 6 who achieved a WHOPPING 286 results.
Who will reach top spot in the charts next week?
Rules for the gig are simple:
- Log on to TTRS.
- Play on any game mode. We recommend Garage and Soundcheck.
- Check the class news page on Mondays to see if your class is the weekly winner. If you practise at the weekend, your scores will still be counted.
All the best, TTRS!
Two truths and a lie…
We’ve been having great fun during our daily afternoon zooms playing different games and quizzes.
One of the games we play is ‘two truths and a lie’. In this game, one person will say three statements. Two are true statements and one is a lie.
Here are Mrs Welsby’s statements.
And, here are Mrs Rowley’s statements.
Can you figure out which are the lies? We’d love for you to join in with our game. Email your two truths and a lie to Stjamesy3y4@spherefederation.org and we can add it to our daily afternoon zoom!
Here are the answers to Mrs Welsby’s and Mrs Rowley’s statements.
How are you doing?
Its been 5 weeks of home learning and with just one left until half term!
How are you finding it?
Are you managing to get out and do some exercise? Have you read any good books? Jack has done both of these recently!
Mrs Welsby and I have got a challenge for you!
When we go back to school, we will be doing ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ again so we’d like to challenge you to learn this dance that has gone viral around the world (you’re watching the Irish Garda but lots of other people have participated around the world!). Here is a video tutorial to help you – Mrs Welsby and I will be learning it too!
Newsworthy writing
From Mr Catherall, who is leading the Y3,4 home learning writing sessions…
Hi everyone
I hope you’re all happy, healthy and safe. I wanted to share with you – and celebrate – some of the awesome writing that’s been sent in by children across our federation. Home learning is tough. There are many challenges, for children and adults, but these superstars have been ready, resourceful and resilient learners. (Can you remember the other 8Rs for learning?)
In the Y3,4 phase, we spent last week building up to writing our own news report about a (made-up) volcanic eruption. This links to our geography and science learning.
Here are a small selection of the wonderful examples we’ve been sent in from all three schools. If you’d like to send yours in, I’d love to see it (send me an email – olliecatherall@spherefederation.org).
From my class at Scholes (Elmet)… I love the varied sentence starts in this one (Late on Friday night, On Saturday, In the escape).
We’ve got a budding journalist at St James’ CE… I really like the news report structure here.
Back to Scholes (Elmet) for some another great piece… This time, I really like the main news section (the first paragraph in bold) because it’s exactly like you’d read in a newspaper or online.
Some amazing writing from Moortown… I love the expanded noun phrase (the orange, glowing liquid) and the vocabulary (predicted, nightfall, terrified) in this one.
Another super piece of writing from my class at Scholes (can you tell I’m proud?!)… There’s a lot to celebrate here – particularly the vocabulary (menacing, catastrophic, awoke, ear-splitting, historic)…
Back at Moortown for another great example of journalistic writing… I particularly enjoyed the use of questions to engage the reader and the way this writer has presented their news report in the style of a newspaper.
Another impressive report from Scholes… In this one, I love the vocabulary (citizens, fled on foot, vast amount).
Whatever writing you’ve managed to do at home, well done! After the last lockdown, writing was one of the few areas that we noticed children hadn’t progressed in. Try to help by completing at least one of the writing lessons each day (and always keep a focus on handwriting).
Home learning
We have nearly made it to the end of January. well done, everyone!
How are you all getting along? It’s been great to hear from you on our daily 2pm zooms and sharing our learning. Which has been your best bits so far? Lots of you are loving the Geography with Mr Wilks. Siana, Emilija, Will and Brooklyn have all shared their hard work. Anyone else make any rock sandwiches this week?
Siana has shared some lovely spelling spirals. What’s your favourite way of practising you spellings? Don’t forget if you have written a poem with your spellings this week to send them in to us!
Super home learners
How are you all getting on with your home learning? We have been enjoying our daily zoom’s. We have loved speak to you each day and seeing all that you have been getting up to. Each day, we have been doing a quick quiz – this has been great fun. If you’re shy and don’t want to speak, but still want to see us and join our zoom, that is fine by us – we have a few children who just give us a thumbs up and a wave.
Here’s a quick picture of one of our zooms this week – we even got to see the chidlren who were in school!
So far… so good…
So, we’re two weeks into the new term… how are we all doing? It’s lovely to hear how you are getting on at home. Thank you for those of you that have sent in pictures of your learning experiences at home.
Mr Roundtree was very impressed with the video that we received this week from one of our Y4s. This is what he thought: ‘What a well-presented video – very clearly introduced and explained. I enjoyed watching this immensely.‘ Click here to enjoy it for yourself!
It’s also been great to see those of you that have logged in to our 2pm zoom calls this week. Don’t forget, they’re available every weekday and it’s fun being able to see other classmates and share our experiences of home learning and lockdown life.