Putting our gymnastic skills to the test!
This half-term, our focus in PE is gymnastics. Over the last few weeks, we have been working on some key skills/concepts needed to develop our fundamental movement skills further. Here’s some of the skills we’ve learnt:
- balance
- movement (high and low, fast and slow, moving to a rythm)
- flexibility
- strength
- jumping (how to start and finish safely, along with a variety of jumps)
This week, we utilised the equipment in our school hall and decided to put all our learnt skills to the test! The children had a brilliant time with this – they tested out their skills and had lots of freedom to add challenge to each activity. All children participated safely and worked together as a team. Below are some pictures of our session.
Help at home:
Can you identify and skills (from our bullet point list) being used in the pictures? Talk with your child about the key skills needed in gymnastics and how to develop them.
Living and learning – I know how to make careful choices
This week, Year 3 have learnt about making careful choices in and out of school. We’ve also spoken a lot on how to disagree with other respectfully, especially if you feel you are in an uncomfortable position. In circle time, the children began by finishing off the sentence stem ‘I feel respected when…’ – here’s some pupil responses:
I feel respected when I’m listened to.
I feel respected when people give me time to myself if I ask for it.’
I feel respected when people give me eye contact.
We then went into imaginary scenarios, where children can offer advice and support to the situation. Pupils discussed different ways that we can disagree respectfully with others, especially if we are feeling that the situation is wrong or uncomfortable. Even with friends and peers, it’s important to disagree respectfully if necessary. All pupils responded well in this session and left feeling happy and healthy.
Art: Architecture
Our new art topic this half term is focussed on architecture. Architecture is the art or practise of designing and constructing buildings.
For our first two lessons, we’ve looked at some examples of buildings in different parts of the world. We’ve focused on two main architects – Christopher Wren and Zaha Hadid.
Using their buildings and designs as inspiration, the children were tasked to create a collage. We tried thinking about the following elements of art during the task:
- composition
- space
- scale
- colour
The outcomes were absolutely fantastic! Here’s some of our learning:
Living and learning: I know how to STOP bullying.
At St James Primary, we define bullying as:
‘Where you hurt someone, physically or emotionally,
Several Times On Purpose.
If we do experience bullying, we all should:
As part of our anti-bullying week, Years 3 and 4 took part in an online workshop on bullying and how to agree and disagree respectfully.
During this session, we came up with an acrostic poem to help us remain respectful in tricky situations, so that bullying never occurs. We used the word ‘respect’ to help us.
Remember to listen to others.
Everyone’s ideas matter.
Show support to each other.
Play fair.
Everyone is different.
Calm down and communicate.
Talk to a trusted adult.
Me and My Community Week
Wetherby Brass Band
On Tuesday, we were lucky to have a visit from Steven from Wetherby Brass Band. He spoke to the whole school about the benefits of playing in a band and being part of a community within the Wetherby community.
Steven, brought in some instruments and some of us were lucky enough to play some of them – some made hilarious noises.
The band play during many events in the Wetherby community, including the Remembrance Parade. They also play every Sunday at 2.30-4.30pm from the end of April to the end of September.
Christian Distinctiveness – Me and My Community Themed Week
At St James, this week is ‘me and my community’ themed week! With this in mind, our first day focussed on Christian distinctiveness here at St James’ CE Primary. Year 3 have worked really hard today and we covered four learning objectives – these are below and are supported by some fantastic learning.
LO: I know our school vision.
St James is a happy and healthy place to achieve and believe.
In class, we discussed what it does and should look, sound and feel like to be happy and healthy. We also discussed our current achievements and what it feels like to believe in something. Year 3 were then tasked to create a poster to promote our school vision.
LO: I know what our school logo looks like.
As a class, we gathered ideas on what our school logo represents. This discussion sparked some brilliant ideas, and the children really thought deeply about their responses. We came up with a fantastic class poster for our classroom!
LO: I know who St James was.
The children took part in a reading activity, based on St James himself. St James, son of Zebedee, was a fisherman, along with his brother, John. When Jesus came to visit, both James and John were excited to become followers of Jesus and to become ‘fishers of men’. When James heard the stories that Jesus told, Jesus became the centre of everything he believed in. He dedicated his life following Jesus and became one of his three closest followers (along with John and Peter).
LO: I know the Christian Values at St James’ CE Primary.
Here at St James, we have six Christian Values:
- compassion
- forgiveness
- perseverance
- honesty
- peace
- courage
Year 3 read three bible stories. We had to decide and debate which Christian Value was shown the most in each story. Here are some quotes from the children:
‘Noah showed perseverance in The Flood Begins because it must have taken ages for him to build the boat.’ – Max
‘In The Good Samaritan, compassion was the main Christian value because the Samaritan showed care towards the dying man when the others before him didn’t.’ – Orianne
‘Zacchaeus showed forgiveness because he had to forgive himself for treating people badly and Jesus helped him do it’. – Isabella
‘Zacchaeus showed peace and honesty by admitting to his mistakes and Jesus helped people become peaceful in Jericho.’ – Bea
Living and Learning: I take part in democratic decisions.
This week, our living and learning statement is:
I take part in democratic decisions.
Over the half term, we’ve learnt lots about democracy already (through our history topic). We found that democracy originated in Athens during their Golden Age (800-500BC). We also know that democracy means ‘power to the people’ – a fitting name indeed!
In our country, we’re beginning to understand what voting means and how new laws are written. The children have understood that, when voting for a new prime minister, areas often vote for a leader to represent them.
Next week, our whole school will be taking part in a democratic vote to nominate new members for our Junior Leadership Team! In class we’ve spoken about what makes a good leader and some questions we might (and might not) ask to find out who to vote for. Here’s a few examples below:
Good examples:
Are you confident talking to lots of people?
Are you kind to everyone around you?
Are you a good listener and will you let everyone have a say?
Questions to avoid:
Who’s your favourite footballer?
What’s your favourite dinner?
Help at home:
Encourage your child to try out for a place on the Junior Leadership Team! Help your child create and practise a speech to persuade their classmates to vote for them. What characteristics someone might need to be a good leader? How could you show them off to your class?
MindMate – Self Esteem
Thursday was World Mental Health Day. We invited MindMate Support Team into school to deliver workshops to the children about self-esteem and how to get help if they’re feeling sad or have low mood. Year 3 responded to this learning really well – they learnt new ways to help tackle tricky feelings and how to turn them into positive ones. On Friday, the same team delivered a workshop to parents about supporting children with self-esteem and the feedback was positive.
Here are a few pictures from our class workshop:
Help at home:
Talk with your child about any feelings of sadness or low self-esteem that they may have experienced. Your child should have brought home their posters on self esteem – use this as a talking point to flip those feelings into positives.
Lotherton Hall trip!
Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic time on our first trip of the year to Lotherton Hall! The aim of this trip was to support our ongoing science learning about animals, their habitats and their bone structures.
Mr Freeman and Mrs Poole were very impressed with the responses from the children during the workshops – children could confidently talk about the following:
- 5 animal groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians)
- characteristics of animals within each group (classifying)
- vertebrates and invertebrates
- animals with skeletons and exoskeletons
Outside of the workshop, the children had chance to explore the wide range of animals at Lotherton. We found some very interesting bird types with unique characteristics and also noticed lots of animal names had originated from Latin roots!
Here are some great pictures from our trip – enjoy!
Our learning journey this week
We have been extremely busy learners this week as the children continue to adapt well to life as key stage 2 pupils.
We are well on the way with our first piece of writing and we’ve managed to complete paragraph one of our Athens recount. The children have made sure to include our R2s:
- adverbs
- prepositions
- past tense
Here are some examples of pupil paragraphs:
Help at home:
Discuss and practise adverbs and prepositions as we have learnt them in class. If you’re unsure, use the guide below. Perhaps your child could write sentences with an adverb and a preposition?
Adverb = adds information about a verb
I walked fiercely through the town.
Preposition = tells you where something is in relation to something else.
The soldier hid behind the market stall.