Year 3 Class News


Posted on Wednesday 17 January 2024 by Jamie Kilner

We have been fortunate enough to have a visit from Dave from d:side. He talked to us about smoking and the effects on the body, what is in a cigarette, E-cigarettes and why people smoke.

It was a very informative workshop and the children learnt how to say ‘no’ if pressured into smoking.

Help at home – Ask your child what chemicals are in a cigarette. What are the laws around smoking? Why do people start smoking? How can we say ‘no’?

Welcome back

Posted on Friday 12 January 2024 by Jamie Kilner

We have had a very busy first week back in Year 3 and Year 4. We have been ensuring we stick to our routines and recapping on our rules and expectations in the classroom and around school. We have also welcomed Mr Goodwin and Mr Smith who will be based in our classroom from now on.

In writing, we have learnt about subordinate clauses and how these differ to main clauses. We have been able to identify subordinate clauses and we will look to use these in our recount writing next week.

In maths, we have begun using Frayer Models to represent number. The children have enjoyed the challenge that these models bring and enjoyed sharing their findings.

In Living and Learning, we have been learning about drugs and the benefits and risks surrounding them. We have also shared ways of reducing these risks and how we can keep safe at home and school.

Help at home – Ask your child if they can tell you what a subordinate clause is. Can they write a sentence using a subordinate clause, subordinate conjunction, and main clause? Can they check around the house to see if drugs are kept in a safe place?

Bandi Chhor Divas

Posted on Thursday 07 December 2023 by Jamie Kilner

This week, we have been learning about the story of Guru Hangobind Sahid Ji and how, in 1619, he saved 52 Sikhs from prison. We understand why Sikhs celebrate this event, known as Bandi Chhor Divas and how it links to Diwali. We have also compared this religious celebration with other events, such as Hanukkah and Christmas and how this celebration relate to us.

Help at home – ask your child about the story of Guru Hangobind. Can they remember how he helped free 52 innocent prisoners? Can they retell the Jewish story of Hanukkah and say how it links to the Sikh event Bandi Chhor Divas?

Spring Attendance Competition

Posted on Wednesday 06 December 2023 by Miss Beatson

St James’ CE Primary is a happy and healthy place to be – and maybe even a lucky one, too!

Look out for our attendance competition next half term. All pupils with attendance of 96% or higher will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Love to Shop vouchers!

So… for the full Spring 1 half-term, Monday 08 January to Friday 09 February (five weeks), if your child reaches a good level of attendance – that’s 96% – their name will be entered into a prize draw. We’ll select one lucky winner on the last day of the half-term (Friday 09 February).

Remember, arriving late for school counts as an unauthorised absence. This affects a child’s overall attendance figure, and that might mean they lose out.

So far this term, 40 pupils have 100% attendance and 80 pupils have over 96% attendance – well done to the children and their families!

Children in Need

Posted on Friday 17 November 2023 by Miss Beatson

Thank you for all your support raising money for Children in Need. 

We have raised £140 for the charity.



Posted on Tuesday 14 November 2023 by Jamie Kilner

On Monday, we acknowledged Anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks and learning about how we can help to stop bullying.

The children learnt many key messages, including what ‘banter’ is and how it can be percieved. We learnt about how friends speak to each other and how to be an ally for someone who is being bullied.

Here are some pictures of the children creating work to demonstrate their understanding:

Help at home – ask your child about the STOP acronyms. Can they remember our school bullying definition? Who can we speak to if we are being bullied? What is the Childline phone number?

Forest School

Posted on Friday 10 November 2023 by Jamie Kilner

At Forest School today, the children have created pieces of art using the natural materials in the woodland area. We have had a great time working together and being creative, all whilst respecting the environment around us.


Me and My Money

Posted on Friday 10 November 2023 by Jamie Kilner

What a busy week we have had in the Year 3/4 classroom. We have learnt so many useful skills when dealing with money. We have learnt: the best ways when looking after our money, the many ways of spending money, the advantages and disadvantages of borrowing money (eg. mortgages) and why people use and donate to charities.

On Tuesday, we were very lucky to welcome members of staff from Yorkshire Building Society. With their help, we used a budget to plan a party and made spending choices based on our priorities, needs and

Help at home – Speak to your child about the importance of spending money wisely and seeking value for money. Help them to set up a way of saving (piggy bank or money jar).

Year 3/4 St James Day

Posted on Tuesday 07 November 2023 by Jamie Kilner

We have had a wonderful start to the half term by learning more about St James. The children enjoyed researching about his life and why Jesus trusted him to become one of His disciples.

Year 3 and 4 also explored our school logo and what the shells represent. In addition we demonstrated our understanding behind our school vision; St James’ CE Primary is a happy and healthy place to achieve and believe. 

We had a really reflective, spiritual day and we all learnt lots.

Help at home – Ask your child about what they have learnt. Why is our logo scallop shells? Tell me about St James. Who was his father? What was his occupation? When is his feast day?

Reading: Tom Palmer

Posted on Thursday 19 October 2023 by Mrs Palmer

This year, some children at school attended an online workshop with author Tom Palmer. Tom Palmer has been in touch to let us know about some local events he is attending in half term.

Message from Tom

For children and families – I am also coming to Leeds on Thursday 2 November 2023 :
*       Farsley Book Festival – 10am-11am more here
*       Chapel Allerton Library – 2pm
*       Pudsey Community Hub and Library – 4pm