Year 3 Class News

Geography – using grid references.

Posted on Wednesday 18 October 2023 by Jamie Kilner

Geography – our year 3 and year 4 children have been learning how to use grid references using easting and northing coordinates. We were able to find places of interest on an Ordnance Survey map using a 4-figure grid reference. We looked in detail at OS maps of Harewood, Golden Acre Park, Ilkley and Wetherby – it was lovely to hear some of the children’s stories from when they have visited some of these places.

Help at home – Ask your child about easting and northing lines on an Ordnance Survey map – what do they tell us, and which is vertical and which is horizontal? Can they remember the rule we use when finding a grid reference? Which other subjects would we need to use grid references?


Loving Latin

Posted on Saturday 30 September 2023 by Jamie Kilner

The children have really enjoyed learning Latin this week and discovering that many words we use today are heavily influenecd by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Here are some examples:

Tele (far away) – television, telephone, telescope
Micro (small) – microphone, microscope, microbe
Tri (three) – triangle, triplets, tripod

As a class, we enjoyed learning, collaborating and then sharing our thoughts and findings.

At home, see what your child can remember.

Help at home

Posted on Thursday 21 September 2023 by Jamie Kilner

Help at home

Geography – Where in the world am I?

  • Ask your child to point out major UK cities on a map.
  • We have been locating mountains and rivers and I am sure they would love to show you where these are too.
  • We have also been learning about the capital cities of the United Kingdom, ask them about what they have learnt and any facts they remember.

Times tables

We are having a big push on consolidating our 2’s, 5’s and 10 times tables as well as learning our 3’s and 4’s.

  • Encourage your child to access TT Rockstars.
  • Practice for our tests every Friday.


  • Hear your child read through the week and sign their reading record.
  • Encourage the use of expression in their reading.
  • There are lots of extra ideas, of ways to help, in their reading record books.

A bright start!

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2023 by Jamie Kilner

Year 3 and Year 4 have settled back into school really well and they have made Miss Gilliland and me (Mr Kilner) feel very welcome in our new roles. We’ve focussed on being ready for learning and establishing our classroom routines and the children have responded well. I’m looking forward to a super year with them all.

A few notices to make you aware of…

Spelling – Spelling has changed slightly on the homework sheets. There’s no longer a specific list of spellings to learn. Instead, there’s a list of 40 spellings that children need to learn within the first half-term. On a Friday each week, there will be a spelling test. We’ll keep track of our scores and support children with their misconceptions as soon as they may happen.

PE days – Our PE days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Tuesdays, Year 4 will need to remember their swimming kit as they go swimming at Wetherby Leisure Centre. Year 3 will have PE on this day in school. Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit for these days.

Homework books and reading records – Your child has brought home their homework book and reading record. Each week there will be homework for them to complete; there’s no need to bring this book into school unless you’d like me to read or mark something. Your child will bring home a reading book this weekend. Please encourage your child to read throughout the week and, if time permits, please try to hear them read. The reading record is for you to record their reading. Children will need to bring this into school every Friday signed by an adult. This is so that we can keep track of the amount of reading the children are doing at home and whether we can support in any way.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Can we construct a moving go- kart?

Posted on Wednesday 19 July 2023 by Miss Gledhill

This term, in  design technology, we have designed and constructed car models.

We researched our model first and thought about what our go- kart would need to be successful. We then designed the model. This week, we created a ‘prototype’ using Tech- card.

The children explored how to get their models move by using an electric circuit.
Check out how one of our fabulous groups got on here. 


Help at home: Ask your child about our ‘go-karts’ project. What have they enjoyed the most?
Can they explain why it is important to create a prototype?

Robin Hood And The Sherwood Hoodies

Posted on Sunday 16 July 2023 by Miss Gledhill

Wow! I’m sure everyone will agree that KS2 put on a fabulous performance of Robin Hood And The Sherwood Hoodies on Tuesday and Wednesday.

They have worked extremely hard by learning their lines, singing songs and making props.

There are some incredible young actors amongst us at St James’, and most of all, we had so much fun putting the performance together!


Watch us sing all over the world. 

Sports Day!

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Miss Gledhill

A massive thank you to everyone who came and supported yesterday at Sports Day.

We kicked off in the morning with EYFS and then carried on with years 1-6 in the afternoon.

A huge well done to all the children who took part and showed courage, resilience and lots of determination. The signs made in the classes looked fantastic as well.

Congratulations to the blue team who scored the highest amount of points!!!

Living and Learning: Body Image

Posted on Tuesday 04 July 2023 by Mrs Freeman

What is body image?

Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.

Thoughts about how we look are often influenced by things going on around us. It can be what we see every day on social media, what the characters we see on TV look like, or seeing adverts about ‘improving how you look’. All of this can contribute to how we feel about our body.

Other influences might be:

  • the media promoting one type of body as ‘fit and healthy’ with little to no representation of different bodies
  • comments from friends or family about your body
  • social media promoting what should be the ‘perfect body’ image
  • clothes limited to fit certain body types
  • adverts, health campaigns or lessons at school on what is a ‘ healthy body’

We are all different and therefore we all look different. – Ralph

It is what’s on the inside that really matters. – Lilly

Help at home
How can I help my child be body confident?

Body image can be an issue for many of us, but especially children. As they go through physical changes, they can become conscious of what their body is doing and what they look like. Avoid talking about other people’s appearance and their bodies. Instead, chat about more important things about a person, such as how kind, talented, or charitable they are or whether they have good manners or work hard.

Football Coaching Fun

Posted on Monday 03 July 2023 by Miss Gledhill

We enjoyed joining together this afternoon for some football coaching.

Check out our brilliant ball skills!

Didn’t we have a lovely time …..

Posted on Thursday 29 June 2023 by Mrs Freeman

It was an absolute pleasure to take KS2 to Filey beach last week.

The children showed respect, followed instructions and represented our school admirably. Throughout the day, all of the adults were impressed with the social skills the pupils were using. We observed and overheard: cooperation, good manners, teamwork, listening to each other, patience, good communication, compliments and lots of encouragement for each other (especially in the sea!).

Many thanks to all of the adults who helped to make the day such an enjoyable one!

This has been one of the best trips I have ever had the pleasure to attend. The look on the children’s faces, when arriving on the beach, will be etched in my mind for a long time!   Mrs Freeman