Year 1 Class News

Abbey House Museum

Posted on Wednesday 24 January 2024 by Mrs Freeman

At Abbey House Museum, Year 1 stepped back in time and wandered through the enchanting streets, shops and houses to experience life as a Victorian in Leeds. The children compared the standards of living with those of today, and discovered how people lived, worked and were educated in Victorian England.

The children represented our school impeccably and we feel very proud of them all. During the workshop, the class learnt about what life was like for people 100 years ago and how household items have developed over time.

Help at home by chatting to your child about the visit.

  • What can they remember?
  • What did they learn?
  • Which part of the museum was their favourite?
  • Can they name some differences in the ways people lived 100 years ago compared to now?
  • How did people wash their clothes and warm their homes?
  • What were the differences between rich and poor households?

Science: We are biologists!

Posted on Wednesday 17 January 2024 by Mrs Freeman

In our current science learning, the children are biologists.  A biologist is a scientist who studies living things. Biologists try to understand the natural world and the things that live in it.
We are finding out all about animals by classifying, grouping and discovering what different types of animals eat.
Below, is the vocabulary that we will be using throughout our lessons.
animal a living creature
mammal an animal with hair or fur on its body
bird an animal with feathers, wings and a beak
fish animals that live in water and have fins and gills
amphibian an animal that lives on land and water
reptile an animal with dry scales on its body
carnivore an animal that eats other animals
herbivore an animal that eats plants
omnivore an animal that eats other animals and plants
The learning objective for our first lesson was to identify, classify and name mammals.
Help at home by asking your child the following questions.
  • What is a mammal?
  • Are all animals mammals?
  • Is a fish a mammal?

Find out more

Do some research as a family about mammals. Your child could draw pictures or diagrams and label them, visit a farm and photograph the mammals or simply use books and the internet to find out more.

Encourage your child to bring their home learning in to school to share with the rest of the class.



History – Shopping in the past

Posted on Friday 12 January 2024 by Mrs Freeman

History is the focus of our topic learning this half term. During this topic, we will be ordering significant events in our lives and we’ll be discussing them using historical vocabulary.

Nostalgic photos celebrate life in Wetherby during the 1960sA Trip up through Wetherby Town Centre. 23rd Jan 2021 - YouTube

During this exciting topic, the children will discuss how significant things have changed over time: the food that we eat, the shops that we visit and how trade has changed. 

Below is the vocabulary that will be  learnt and referred to throughout the lessons.

past something that has already happened
present something that is happening now
ancient very old
modern the present day
similarity when something is the same
difference when something is different
sequence put in the correct order
trade the buying or swapping of products and services
timeline a list of important events arranged in order

Help at home by talking about what shopping was like when you were younger and ask grandparents for their memories too.

Have shops changed?

How were items paid for?

Living and Learning: I know what a drug is.

Posted on Tuesday 09 January 2024 by Mrs Freeman

Happy New Year to you all.

We have been so impressed with the all the children this week. They have returned to school with super learning attitudes.

In Living and Learning, the class learnt about things that can go into our bodies and onto our skin and how this can make people feel.

After drawing around one of the children and labelling the outline,  we thought about  all the different things that might go into or onto a person’s body.
What things might go into the mouth?
• What might go into the nose or ears?
• What things might go onto the skin?

Next, working in small groups, the children sorted picture cards according to whether the image shown was helpful or harmful, or whether some can be both helpful and harmful to our bodies.

Helpful: fresh air, water, sunscreen.

Harmful: smoke, berries from the garden may be harmful if we don’t know what they are or if they are safe to eat.

Both helpful and harmful: hygiene and cleaning products and medicines must be used safely otherwise they can be harmful; if someone eats too many sweets or drinks too much (fizzy drink) it can damage their teeth or make them feel ill; doctors and nurses use syringes to give injections that help bodies stay healthy but it is dangerous to pick up syringes if we see them lying on the ground.

Things that go onto bodies: make-up, clothes, moisturiser/cream, water, tattoos, hugs/kisses, sand, jewellery, animal hair/licks, smoke, plasters, bubbles, medicines

Things that go into bodies: food, water, fizzy drinks, sweets, medicines, fresh air, insect bites, injections, smoke

Help at home

It is important that young children begin to develop an understanding of drugs. Talk to your child about medicines – they’re helpful drugs, but only when used by the right people in the right way.

Here are a few scenarios for you to discuss with your child.

Amrit has eaten too much ice cream and is feeling a bit sick.
a. Eat more ice cream
b. Drink water and have a rest
c. Jump up and down
d. Something else?

Amrit’s skin has a rash — with little red spots.
a. Don’t tell anyone
b. Use some of mum’s face cream on it
c. Go with an adult to see a doctor
d. Something else?


Amrit has dropped a can of black sticky liquid in the shed — it is spilt on the floor.
a. Leave it
b. Clean it up
c. Tell an adult
d. Something else?

Amrit has fallen over and has a
grazed knee.
a. Wash it with water
b. Rub a leaf on it
c. Put washing-up liquid on it
d. Something else?
Some shampoo has gone in Amrit’s eye by accident at
bath time.
a. Wash the eye with water
b. Rub the eye
c. Hold a wet flannel on the eye
d. Something else?

Merry Christmas

Posted on Wednesday 20 December 2023 by Mrs Freeman

Year One would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We recorded our singing and really hope you like it!

We are so proud of each and every child for the efforts they have put in to our nativity – Wriggly Nativity. It was a huge success!

Well done to all!


In the new year, Mrs Bye will be joining our team. She is currently doing her teacher training and is really looking forward to working in Year 1. Mrs Bye will be teaching some of the lessons on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I (Mrs Freeman) will be in class supporting Mrs Bye.

It has been a super term and all of us have been amazed with how well the children settled into their new year group. There has been some fantastic learning, great progress and a little bit of fun along the way.

Thank you for our Christmas gifts.

Merry Christmas form the Year 1 staff team.



Living and Learning: To recognise different feelings in myself and others.

Posted on Sunday 17 December 2023 by Mrs Freeman

Recently, our Living and Learning sessions have focused on mental health and emotional wellbeing. The children have been recognising and naming some feelings that they might experience and the impact these can have on their body and mind.

Mental Wellbeing

The class have discussed that there is a normal range of emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, nervousness) and that all humans experience emotions in relation to different experiences and situations.

The benefits of physical exercise and time outdoors can impact positively on our mental wellbeing and happiness.

I love to get some fresh air.

Riding my bike is my favourite thing to do.

Kids Playing Outside Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik

Sometimes big feelings can be defined as intense feelings which can often appear suddenly and in response to a situation. The children discussed whether these feelings are good/healthy or not so good. and they could talk about feelings that can  intensify (get stronger).

Big feelings, like anger, make me feel cross for a long time!

Emotional Control at Home: Strategies for ADHD Flooding

Help at home

Getting young children to talk about their feelings can be difficult at times. Please reassure your child that they can share their feelings with a trusted adult or they can use the Living and Learning box in our classroom.

Share this story with your child.

It is a reassuring picture book encouraging children to open up about their fears and anxieties to help manage their feelings.
The perfect book to soothe worries during stressful times.


PE – using apparatus

Posted on Thursday 14 December 2023 by Mrs Freeman

This week, the children had so much fun using the large apparatus in PE. It was great to see all of the skills learnt in recent gymnastics sessions put into action. The children showcased their balancing, agility and coordination expertise.

The children modelled improved coordination and spatial awareness.  It was great to see some of the pupils overcome fears when having time to explore apparatus and navigate across, on, over or under different equipment.

Listen to some reading with prosody.

Posted on Wednesday 06 December 2023 by Mrs Freeman

Today, the children rehearsed the weekly poem. Here are a few examples of the children reading with prosody. (expression)

A HUGE well done to all of the children!

Spring Attendance Competition

Posted on Wednesday 06 December 2023 by Miss Beatson

St James’ CE Primary is a happy and healthy place to be – and maybe even a lucky one, too!

Look out for our attendance competition next half term. All pupils with attendance of 96% or higher will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Love to Shop vouchers!

So… for the full Spring 1 half-term, Monday 08 January to Friday 09 February (five weeks), if your child reaches a good level of attendance – that’s 96% – their name will be entered into a prize draw. We’ll select one lucky winner on the last day of the half-term (Friday 09 February).

Remember, arriving late for school counts as an unauthorised absence. This affects a child’s overall attendance figure, and that might mean they lose out.

So far this term, 40 pupils have 100% attendance and 80 pupils have over 96% attendance – well done to the children and their families!

We are chemists!

Posted on Tuesday 05 December 2023 by Mrs Freeman

Our recent science lesson was all about melting and freezing water. The children held a piece of ice in their hands. They observed what happened to the solid over a short piece of time.

Our hands are warm but the ice is cold.  Olly

It is starting to drip.  Athena

Next, the class were shown some toys that had been frozen in ice.

How could the toys be released from the ice and what could we use?

– a hairdryer
– a blanket
– a pair of gloves

If we use a hairdryer, it might turn into a liquid.    Athena

We need to warm them up to become a liquid.    Kupa

The class concluded that adding some heat to the ice made it melt and become a liquid.

The vocabulary used in this lesson was;

  • solid
  • freeze
  • melt
  • liquid
  • ice

Help at home

Make some ice cubes and then put them in different places to watch them melt. This is a great activity for learning about melting and freezing!

Discuss what makes ice melt and predict where the cubes would melt the fastest.