Food Technology
This week, we have made some overnight oats.
We washed our hands before we started to wash away any germs. We read the recipe and worked together in pairs to follow the method. We used a claw grip to keep us safe when cutting the banana with a knife.
After, we evaluated our oats saying what we enjoyed and what we’d improve if we made them again.
If you make this at home, please email some pictures to share with us.
Living and Learning: I recognise emotions in myself and others
This week in Living and Learning, we were looking at recognising emotions in myself and others.
We started with 6 words: kind, unkind, fair, unfair, right, and wrong. We heard different scenarios and moved to the word we felt summed up the scenario. Often, we could have gone to more than one word or children thought differently about the different people in the scenario.
We read the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ We heard how we could fill someone else’s bucket with the actions we do and the words that we say. We created our own bucket thinking about what we can do to help fill someone else’s bucket.
Help at home: encourage your child to think about their emotions and to label how they are feeling. See if they can fill your bucket or another family member’s bucket with their actions or words.
This half term in PE we’ve been enjoying playing games to develop skills such as balancing with bean bags, hopping, jumping and leaping over objects and rolling, throwing and bouncing a ball.
Safer Internet Day
Today, we have been celebrating at safer internet day.
This morning, we heard about Lee and Kim who learned that not everyone is who they say they are online and that we should keep our personal information to ourselves. We learned what personal information was and why it was important to keep it safe. We wrote on a padlock the things that we should keep private.
Later, we heard all about a new creature: a penguin pig! Only, we learned the little girl who found out about the penguin pig found out that it wasn’t a real creature at all. We learned that not everything we read online is true and that we should check with an adult if we’re not sure. We created our own creatures to help us remember that not everything we read online is true.
This afternoon, we met with Year 1. We shared our knowledge of being safe online through a game we played together. When we rolled the dice and landed on the HELP square, we had to pick up a situation card and discuss what we’d do to stay safe.
We ended the day by thinking of three top tips for staying safe online.
Help at home by asking your child their top tips and sticking to them.
Living and Learning: Staying safe online
Today, we had a workshop all about how to keep safe online. We learnt that when we use the internet there are 3 important rules to follow:
- Always ask parents first
- Only talk to people you know
- Stick to places that are just right for you
Here are some of our comments on how to keep safe online:
“You can go on YouTube kids to watch videos,” said Elijah.
“Don’t wear your school uniform on a video as strangers will see the school logo,” said Ethan.
“If it has an 18 on, you can’t play it if you are under 18,” said Gabriel.
“Don’t click on pop ups as it may be a trick ,” said Leo.
“Always ask a teacher if you’re not sure and need help on an iPad,” said Busby.
“Grown ups have rules to keep us safe,” said Lily.
Super scientist: I can perform simple tests
This week in science, we have continued learning about conducting a simple experiment. We thought about how to make an experiment a fair test and we have been conducting a comparative test.
We explored if all paper was good to write on. We used five types of paper and looked at which was the easiest or hardest to write on.
We found that some were easier than others and thought that this was because some paper was shiny and some were dull.
Living and Learning: I know how to seek help.
This week in our living and learning session, we have been thinking about knowing how to seek help.
We listened to an NSPCC assembly learning all about the work they do and we learnt actions to help us remember the Childline phone number. (08001111)
We thought about the word seek and practised our seeking skills – looking for the shapes that Buddy (the speechmark character from our NSPCC assembly) had lost.
We thought about who could turn to if we needed help. We discussed who could turn to if we needed help and who our safe adults were both at home and at school.
Topic: Local walk
As part of our Geography topic, we went on a walk around our local area and visited 5 places. Before we left school we spoke about ways to keep safe on our walk.
“We listen to our grown ups.”
“We need to wear our hi-vis jackets.”
“We need to stay in our groups and hold our partners hand.”
“We need to stay on the path and only cross the road when a grown up says it’s safe to.”
At each of the 5 places we completed a survey looking at the noise levels, litter and number of bins/recycling bins. We gave each area a score from 1 to 5.
Challenge: Can your child tell you the 5 places we visited? Can they tell you about any other places we saw on our local walk?
When we came back to class we looked at our surveys to see which place was the best. We talked about why we felt this way. Have a look at our amazing work!
Writing: nouns and adjectives
Wow, we’re very impressed with the writing Year 1 have produced recently. We’ve been reading books by the author Oliver Jeffers and using his books to inspire our writing. We’ve been focusing on nouns and adjectives and using them in sentences.
Have a look at our super writing!
Living and Learning – drug education
This week, we have been learning about medicines and how it is important to tell a trusted adult if we feel unwell so that they can help us to get the help we need to feel healthy and well again. We talked about how we should only use medicines with the help of a trusted adult.
The children worked in groups to read scenarios and suggest what will help the characters to feel better.
After, we thought of people who help us to stay healthy and well and how they do this.
“The doctors and nurses. They might take our temperature and ask us how we are feeling and sometimes they give us medicine”.
“Our grown ups, they might give us a cuddle to make us feel better”.
Challenge: Can you name one thing that can help someone feel better?