Maths Fun with One More and One Less!
This week in Year 1, we’ve been busy learning about 1 more and 1 less. Using ten frames and colourful maths cubes, the children explored adding or taking away 1 from different numbers. They enjoyed using the cubes to build numbers and then adding or removing cubes to see how the number changes.
Well done, Year 1 – you’re becoming fantastic mathematicians! Keep practising your 1 more and 1 less at home!
Help at Home
To support our maths learning, challenge your children with 1 more and 1 less questions at home. Try asking:
- “What is one more than 5?”
- “What is one less than 10?”
These simple questions will help build their confidence and understanding. Keep it fun and encourage them to explain their thinking!
Thank you for coming along to our Phonics and Early Reading meeting this evening. We hope you found the session useful. We hope everyone has received their new username and login details and have been able to access the e-books online.
Here is the login page for the new e-book platform.
Please select ‘Login’, ‘I am a primary pupil’ and input your child’s username and password.
If you’re still having trouble accessing the e-books, please speak with us and we’ll be happy to assist.
Last week, your child will have come home with a purple homework book. This is for you to use at home to practise spellings or for any other homework. These do not need to come back to school.
Each week, we will add a reading and maths focus which is linked to the learning your child is doing in school that week. As well as this, there is a talk-time homework which is an opportunity to chat with your child about their learning.
Finally, we add some spellings to the homework sheet. The spellings stay the same for 2 weeks and at the end of the 2 weeks your child will have a spelling quiz.
If you have any other homework questions please send us an email or catch us on the door at drop off/pick up.
Reading and Writing: Little Red
In English, we have been having lots of fun exploring the story Little Red by Bethan Woollvin! The children have enjoyed comparing this modern version to the original Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. We’ve had lots of great discussions about the differences in characters and storylines.
We have also started learning about nouns. A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. For example, in Little Red, the girl is a person, the woods are a place, and the basket is a thing. The children have been looking at different pictures and practicing identifying nouns in them. They are really getting the hang of it!
Soon, we will be using these nouns to create sentences!
We Are Scientists!
Welcome back! We’ve had an exciting start to the school year in Science.
This week, the children were introduced to the topic of Science itself, discussing what it means to be a scientist and why understanding the world around us is important. We explored how science helps us ask questions, make observations, and carry out experiments to discover new things.
Our first unit of the term is all about the human body. The children began by identifying different parts of the body. To put their new knowledge into practice, we conducted a fun experiment where the children compared their height, foot size, and age. The goal was to see if there’s a relationship between these measurements.
The class had a great time measuring each other’s feet and heights and noting down their findings. It sparked interesting discussions about growth, and the children enjoyed thinking like scientists!
Living and Learning: rules
At the start of the new school year, in our Living and Learning lesson, the children have been reminded about rules and the importance of rules in our daily life. This also links to the British Value of rule of law.
Before focussing on our school rules, we started by thinking about…
Why do we have rules?
What rules can you think of?
What places have rules?
Who makes the rules?
Rules keep us safe.
Rules help us to be healthy and happy.
We have to cross the road with our grown ups.
Our teachers and our grown ups at home help us to follow the school rules.
In our school we have three school rules.
Three, two, one, stop is one of the most important instructions the children will hear at school.
Following our school rules will make our school a happy, healthy and SAFE place to learn.
This week, we’re thinking about our rules about online safety at school. Your child will bring home their Being online – acceptable use agreement for pupils and parents/carers which should be read through, signed and returned to class.
Our new sensory space; The Den
Over the summer, Mrs Freeman has been busy creating a sensory themed room in school.
The Den is a safe space which aims to provide any child with the individualised sensory input they need to self-regulate so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with others.
The Den offers a safe space for relaxation, exploration, independence, and social sessions. The resources in The Den can be used to stimulate, soothe, entertain and distract, depending on the child’s requirements.
We would like to say thank you to the school PTA for the contributions towards resources for this room.
We hope users of The Den benefit from the stimulating visual and tactile activities.
First week in Year 1
We’ve had a brilliant first week in Year 1. We’re really impressed with how the children have settled into their new classroom. Changes can be tricky to manage and we are always here to help if your child struggles to cope with this. Reception Class to Year 1 is a big leap but we do find that the children adjust well to the new staff, routines and environments.
Here are a few things to note:
- Mrs Palmer – class teacher – Monday and Tuesday
- Mrs Bye – class teacher – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
- Miss Cairnes and Mrs Daracott – Teaching assistants
- PE – Monday and Thursdays (please dress your child in their PE clothes on these days)
- Library – Friday
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day and healthy snacks for playtime (if required).
During PE, the children are not permitted to wear earrings. Please can you ensure these have been removed prior to attending school on PE days.
The office will issue a milk list so that we are aware who can have it and also a medication update will be given to the Year 1 staff.
Homework and spellings will go home every Friday and the children will be tested on their spellings every two weeks.
The children will read daily in school and we encourage you to read with your child daily at home.
If you have any concerns or questions please either catch us at home time or make an appointment via the school office.
Here’s a few pictures from our first week in Year 1.
What a Year!
It has been an absolute pleasure to teach and get to know all of the children this year. Thank you for all of the support you have given your children at home; it really helps!
We wish everyone a very happy and healthy summer break and we look forward to seeing the children return to school on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.
Please note that the children will be in a new classroom which means they will need to turn right when the school gates open and walk through the playground where they will be met by a member of staff.
For the first week, parents can accompany their child to the classroom door. Following this, the children need to be dropped off at the school gate. There is always a member of staff in the playground to ensure the children make their way to the classroom sensibly and safely
Daily Poem (Safety Week)
To fit in with our safety theme this week, our daily poem has been about crossing the road.
We have shared this poem every day and would like you to enjoy it at home too!
Help at home by asking your child to read the poem with ‘prosody’.
You’ll be impressed!