Year 5 & 6 Class News


Posted on Friday 31 January 2025 by Jamie Kilner


We have been working really hard on our arithmetic skills in Year 5 and 6 and our confidence is really improving. As a result, we are seeing our scores steadily improve. We have seen many personal best scores today and the children have been very giddy and eager to share. Well done everyone!

Help at home – please encourage your child to go on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Cross Country!

Posted on Friday 31 January 2025 by Mr Freeman

Over 40 of our Key Stage Two pupils recently took part in the East Leeds Cross Country Competition. From Year 3 races of 900m, to Years 5 and 6 running a whopping 1500m, these tough tasks were met with enthusiasm and brilliant attitudes from the children at St James. Every single child managed to finish their race, showing resilience and determination throughout. I was really impressed with how well children conducted themselves – they were brilliant role models for our school. Finally, a huge congratulations to one of our runners, Lily, who has qualified for the next round of the competition by finishing 6th in her race!


Posted on Wednesday 29 January 2025 by Jamie Kilner


This morning, Year 5 and Year 6 carried out an investigation to find out what will happen to our shadow at different times during the day. 

We measured our shadow at 9.40am, 10.40am and 11.40am.

The children really enjoyed the process and recording their results. We found that our shadows were longer earlier in the day as the sun was at a lower angle causing longer shadows to form.

Help at home – How are shadows formed? Light travels in _________ lines. What does opaque mean? How did your child keep themself safe during the investigation?

Year 5 multi sports

Posted on Thursday 23 January 2025 by Jamie Kilner

Our Year 5 children visited Wetherby High School this afternoon to take part in a multi sports events. We tried lots of new sports/activities and developed new skills. We have some very talented children!

As usually, our children behaved really well and represented our school magnificently.


Posted on Wednesday 22 January 2025 by Jamie Kilner

Another very busy week in Year 5 and 6. Here are some highlights and key messages:


Following on from our light topic in science last half term, we had a Zoom meet with lighting engineer, James Martin. He spoke to us about how crucial lights are in our busy world but also how he works hard to ensure we are using light effectively. We discussed light pollution and how that can impact wildlife and how blue lights, from our devices, can inhibit sleep and cause fatigue and stress.

Help at home – ask your child about how lighting at a swimming pool is carefully considered to ensure safety to all. Can your child reduce the amount of blue light exposure they experience before bed?

Maths – fractions

Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions is sometimes tricky but it is becoming second nature to us. The children can use this knowledge to answer multi step problems and clearly explain their reasoning.

Help at home – Provide some fractions for your child to add and subtract, can they talk you through the process? Year 6 children, complete fraction pages of your revision booklet.

For some useful games, visit –


We are in the process of writing a narrative including speech and action. The children have really impressed with their knowledge of dialogue and the key points to remember when punctuating speech:

– inverted commas to open and close direct speech

– direct speech starts with a capital letter

– punctuate your direct speech before closing inverted comma (, ! ? .)

– separate direct speech from reporting clause with punctuation

– new speaker, new line

Help at home – Can your children write using speech at home? Maybe they could write a conversation you have had at home or something they have seen on the television. Try to include a variety of ‘said verbs’, such as boomed or whispered.


Please continue to hear your child read at home on a regular basis. Children have a reading record with a variety of activities for them to complete. Please ensure reading records are in school every Friday.

Living and Learning

Posted on Wednesday 15 January 2025 by Jamie Kilner

I know some drugs can be harmful

Our Living and Learning lesson this week, focused on media messages and influences in relation to tobacco, vaping and alcohol. We assessed the reliability of sources and learned how to access reliable and accurate advice and information about alcohol, tobacco and vaping (e-cigarettes). In pairs and as a class, we discussed what the media messages might make a young person think, feel or do (or want to do). 

During our lesson, we also talked about what children can do if they feel worried. We shared this resource with them and it is displayed in our classroom:

Help at home – Ask your child where they can go should they have any worries.


Posted on Wednesday 08 January 2025 by Jamie Kilner

A very warm welcome back after the Christmas break.

We have got straight to it in Year 5 and 6 – the children making a very positive start to 2025!

We have begun our new PE topic of yoga and the children have really impressed with their control, balance and strength.

Yoga is a practice that connects the body, breath, and mind. It uses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health.

We have revisited and learnt yoga poses and stretches – warrior 1, warrior 2, down dog, river, cobra and twisted dragon. At the end of each session, we take part in a guided meditation allowing children to think deeply, relax and reflect. The children particularly enjoy this calm experience and said they felt relaxed, energised and refreshed at the end of the lessons.

Help at home – ask your child to share some yoga poses with you.

Merry Christmas

Posted on Friday 20 December 2024 by Jamie Kilner

Just a short message to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. We have had such a wonderful Autumn term and we are grateful for all the support you show.

Enjoy a deserved rest and see you all in 2025!

Special visit

Posted on Thursday 19 December 2024 by Jamie Kilner

Print calendars

Posted on Thursday 19 December 2024 by Jamie Kilner

As you know, our topic work this half term has been focussed on the work of William Morris and Orla Kiely. We have also created our own print stamps and designs based on their repeated pattern and symmetrical work.

As a result, we have been inspired to create our very own prints for our 2025 calendars. Take a look at our fabulous work!