Water Safety Week
This week is Water Safety Week.
We have been discussing how we can stay safe in and around water and reading some of the websites below.
Help at home – Read through the webpages with your child.
Food technology – pasta bake
Our children have been busy in the kitchen today. They have been creating a very tasty pasta bake.
They have been draining through a colander, peeling, chopping using a claw grip, crushing garlic, tearing herbs and seasoning to taste.
Help at home – Encourage your child to help in the kitchen. Can they show you some of the skills they have learnt today?
Did you know that every week, Year 5 and Year 6 have the chance to feature on our TTRS Wheel of Fame in Achieve and Believe assembly. The lucky winner of the Wheel of Fame challenges a teacher for the ultimate honour of winning the TTRS trophy!
What does my child need to do?
Play 15 minutes of TTRS games in the week leading up to the Friday (when we check how much each child has played.) We recommend little and often. 3 minutes per day every school day might be easier to achieve than doing it all in one go.
Why does it matter?
If children know their times tables they will find the rest of the maths we learn in school much easier. This is true from Year 3 but is particularly important in Year 4 where we learn column multiplication and learn more about fractions.
If you have any questions or need any help do let me know. Send me an email / call the school office / speak to me at pick-up. If you don’t like your child to use electronic devices at home let me know and I can provide alternative ways for them to practise their times tables.
I can’t wait to see even more of our superstars on the Wall of Fame and challenging (and answering faster than) teachers in Achieve and Believe!
We are preparing to write a spooky story based on the online video: Alma.
The children were instantly hooked in and have shown lots on enthusiasm towards their work.
As we work towards our final written piece, we have been learning how to link clauses using dashes, semi-colons and colons.
How to use dashes:
How to use semi-colons:
How to use colons:
Here are some examples of our work:
She looks at the doll – the doll stares back. Honey.
Alma stared at her Doppel-ganger; the doll looked back at her with a creepy smile. Amelia.
Alma tried the door – it was bolted shut. How would she get in? Madeleine.
Alma looked at the clone; it glared at her like it was ready to fight. Kamile.
The chalkboard, filled with names, determined the next victim – Alma wrote her name beautifully. Summer.
As she peered through the frosty window, the doll-twin stared at her – it was as if they knew each other. Valerie.
The doll was an exact relica of her: green eyes, blue hat, pink gilet and red scarf. Chloe.
Alma knew she was alone; so she thought. Aubree.
Help at home – Ask your child to describe when they would use a dash/semi-colon/colon. Can they give an example? Role play them teaching you how to use them. Write spooky sentences using this week’s spellings.
Warm Spaces
Each term, children are invited to Warm Spaces at St James’ Church Hall, Wetherby. Today our children from Year 5 and 6, enjoyed chatting to the ladies and gentlemen about what they are doing in school. The children also enjoyed listening to school tales from long ago.
Our children, as always, where superb ambassadors for our school.
Leeds Rugby
We have had a wonderful afternoon with coaches from Leeds Rugby. We took part in a variety of games and activities, working well as a team.
It was lovely to see the children moving, competing and enjoying themselves during the activities. I have said it before, but we have some very talented sportspeople in our class.
Help at home – ask you child what skills they learnt today? Could you reenact some games at home? Find the closest rugby team to you.
Living and Learning
Internet Safety with D:side Dave
D:side Dave was in school this morning, sharing some important messages about internet safety. The children really enjoy his sessions and always engage well. He began his session by asking children how old they should be to access many social media platforms. The age for this is 13.
A key message from Dave is that internet safety is a partnership between the child and parents. We talked about these key points:
- Followers – when we receive a new friend request, we should ask ourselves – do I know them? If the answer is ‘no’, then we should decline. It is ok to decline requests and it is ok to delete followers once they have been added. We also need to consider if people online are telling the truth and they are who they say they are. Be careful when following older children – sometimes they post things which are not suitable for younger children. When following celebrities, make sure they are verified with a ‘tick’.
- Profiles should be made ‘private’.
- Always set passwords. Make sure these passwords are shared with parents. This builds trust between child and parent.
- Think carefully when posting images. Images can not be deleted once shared. You can delete from your phone but once shared with others, it is impossible to delete – this could cause problems in the future.
- If something appears to be too good to be true, it often is.
Help at home – read through this post with your child. Check that passwords are set and shared. Encourage transparency.
We have been working really hard on our arithmetic skills in Year 5 and 6 and our confidence is really improving. As a result, we are seeing our scores steadily improve. We have seen many personal best scores today and the children have been very giddy and eager to share. Well done everyone!
Help at home – please encourage your child to go on Times Tables Rock Stars.
Cross Country!
Over 40 of our Key Stage Two pupils recently took part in the East Leeds Cross Country Competition. From Year 3 races of 900m, to Years 5 and 6 running a whopping 1500m, these tough tasks were met with enthusiasm and brilliant attitudes from the children at St James. Every single child managed to finish their race, showing resilience and determination throughout. I was really impressed with how well children conducted themselves – they were brilliant role models for our school. Finally, a huge congratulations to one of our runners, Lily, who has qualified for the next round of the competition by finishing 6th in her race!
This morning, Year 5 and Year 6 carried out an investigation to find out what will happen to our shadow at different times during the day.
We measured our shadow at 9.40am, 10.40am and 11.40am.
The children really enjoyed the process and recording their results. We found that our shadows were longer earlier in the day as the sun was at a lower angle causing longer shadows to form.
Help at home – How are shadows formed? Light travels in _________ lines. What does opaque mean? How did your child keep themself safe during the investigation?