Did you get sporty today?
Well, the rain came – just like when we usually have sports day! We hope you managed to complete at least some of the challenges set by the West Yorkshire School Games for the Virtual Sports Day. Don’t forget to submit your results here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdEX8xOo-PtkFwasg0B7deXM1uzvMQMFAPwpKCU9yEKG6qqg/viewform
Social distancing: How wide is 2 metres?
A group of us who are in school looked at how wide 2 metres was. In our investigations, we found that 2m was the same as the following:
2 Hana’s legs
7 yellow cones
1 ¾ Alfies
16 Emily’s phones
4 stools
42 board rubbers
7 i-pads
18 glue sticks
4 carpet tiles
20 maths blocks
6.4 rulers
10 Mr Stink books
7.8 of Mya’s water bottles
17 pink houses
0.8 football goals
24 sticks
How many other ways could you measure 2 metres?
Art work
This week, some children have been following this link to learn how to draw different characters, animals and objects.
Last week in school
Last week, we opened our school up to some of our pupils. Here are some of the fun activities the KS2 children have been doing.
Letters to Captain Tom Moore
Here are two great examples of letters to Captain Tom Moore written by Sofia and Mya- well done.
Sofia’s letter
What’s growing?
Mr Atkins has been very busy planting some vegetables in our school allotment. Can you guess what he has planted?
There are peas, carrots, radishes, lettuces, beetroot, spring onions and potatoes! Thank you Mr Atkins for watering them and keeping them going until we are all back at school.
Home Learning
Well done to Hannah, who I think beat Mr Mills at the shoe lace challenge last week!
Hannah also gave me feedback from the music task. This is what she said about her favourite song:
“My favourite song is Roar by Katie Perry. I like this because if anyone is mean I remember it and I feel better immediately. It also helps me learn, so I can keep going.”
Pride and Presentation
It’s great to see pictures of the home learning you’re doing at home. Here is some Y6 maths learning Mya has been doing. I’m so impressed that Mya hasn’t let her standards slip with her pride and presentation- well done!
Writing challenge
Thank you to Sofia, who emailed me her writing challenge that Mr Roundtree set last week. The challenge was to write an article for parents and carers to read, and offer top tips and other guidance to support parents and carers with their child’s home learning.
Art at home
Caitlin has emailed me some of her art work that she has been doing at home- take a look!
Thank you to everyone who has been sending me emails with pictures of your learning- it’s lovely to see what you are all doing at home.