Five Star Sports LIVE sessions
Five Star Sports regularly come into school to deliver fabulous sporty sessions. They are running some LIVE sessions on Facebook for you to join in with. There is a Monday session for younger children and Saturday morning football sessions. Join in and keep active with them.
Mya has written her own poem all about ambition. It was a home learning task this week and it was a writing challenge set by Leeds United! If you didn’t get chance, then you can take another look at what the challenge involves here.
World Book Day 2020
This week, we’ve been celebrating World Book Day by sharing stories for ten minutes each day. Yesterday, lots of children brought in their favourite book to share with the class. Foundation had a great time dressing up as a favourite book character, whilst KS1 and KS2 visited Scholes Primary School to watch a Hobgoblin performance of Wind in the Willows.
Living and Learning: Safer Internet Day
This year, Safer Internet Day had the theme ‘Together for a better internet’ and we discussed what this means in a class discussion. The children had some brilliant and mature suggestions on how we can make others happy online and what makes us happy online.
“I like to make others happy online by face timing them and telling them that they’re amazing and really kind.”
“I like to make others happy online by telling people good things about them and calling to check they’re OK.”
“I like to make others happy online by making them feel like they aren’t the only ones who have experienced cyber bullying.”
“Something that makes me happy online is to play games and explore the internet.”
Living and Learning: I make safe choices.
This week, we’ve been thinking about making safe choices in different situations. Here are some suggestions made in a class discussion:
“If somebody tells you or asks you to do something inappropriate online then report, block and tell a trusted adult.” Sofia
“If your friends are peer pressuring you to try a cigarette or an e cigarette then tell them you don’t want to and walk away.” Mya
” If you’re crossing a road, always try and find a zebra or pelican crossing to cross rather than anywhere random.” Rodi
Living and Learning: I know what a drug is.
This week, our Living and Learning statement was ‘I know what a drug is’. As part of our learning, Dave from D:side came in to talk to each class about drugs. With the younger children, he spoke to them about medicines and how we can keep our bodies healthy. In KS2, he delivered workshops on smoking, alcohol and drugs.
Following on from this, each class discussed the issues and dangers around passive smoking and what they could do if they felt uncomfortable about it. The NHS website has some excellent information about passive smoking and the risks for children.
Music day
Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a whole day of music, where they all learnt how to play some basic chords on the guitar and keyboard. By the end of the day, they played six well-known songs to the rest of the school. It was fantastic to see the focus and concentration the children had when playing the songs and how well they all played together as a group. Thank you to Fran and Sarah from Artforms, who ran the day.
Our visit from Councillor Lamb
This week, we had a visit from Councillor Lamb, who spoke to us about the planned housing developments around Wetherby. This is part of our geography topic: Where in the world am I? We looked at some huge maps of the local area, which clearly showed the places where housing has been proposed. The children asked some great questions about the negative and positive impact of the new housing developments and they have gathered lots of information for them to write a balanced argument in English.
Living and Learning: Anti-bullying Week
The whole school had a creative homework task to show how we can stop bullying. Here are some examples the children in Y5/6 showed in our homework review this week.
Living and Learning: Body Image
At the end of last year, the pupils in Year 5 and 6 completed a My School My Health survey and one of the findings from the survey was how many of us have negative feelings around our own body image. This week, we had a Dove workshop all about self-esteem and body image. With many unrealistic images in the media and on social media, it’s important to explore our feelings and thoughts around this issue.
This is what some of the children had to say after the workshop:
“I will remind my friends not to say “I want to be like them,” but I will tell them to be themselves.”
“I will look at pictures and see how much editing/work they have done to this image. I need to say to myself that they are fake and don’t change yourself.”
“I pledge to think about myself in a better way and not compare myself to others.”
“I will remind people that we need to respect ourselves and others. I will disagree to negative comments on social media. “