Year 5 & 6 Class News

Rhythms of the World

Posted on Friday 19 April 2019 by Miss Beatson

Year 5 had a great day at Wetherby High school, learning how to play rhythms of the world using lots of percussion instruments. At the end of the day, they performed alongside other primary schools to showcase what they had learnt.

Spectacular Sculptures!

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

We have been very busy working on our sculptures this week. Some of us have now painted and finished them; some of us are still creating the shape using Modroc.

Living and Learning: I can pay and receive compliments

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

This week, we’ve been paying and receiving compliments as part of our Living and Learning lesson. It made us feel really happy inside when our friends gave us a compliment.

Are your passwords safe and secure?

Posted on Monday 11 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

As part of our learning on e-safety, we’ve been thinking about when we use passwords and how we can make them as strong and secure as possible. We ordered passwords from the strongest to the weakest and discussed why it isn’t a good idea to use names and dates of birth. We did agree that using lower and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols are a good way of making our passwords safe and secure.

Pancake Day

Posted on Saturday 09 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

On Tuesday, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes.

They were delicious!

Staying Safe homework

Posted on Saturday 16 February 2019 by Miss Beatson

This week, the homework relating to staying safe was brilliant! Here are some examples:

Olivia created a fantastic ‘gaming’ story, similar to our class novel- The Forest of Doom, although her story related to bullying. She also made a spinner using an electrical circuit to decide what happens in the story. A fantastic mixture of Living and Learning, English and Science!


Class Novel

Posted on Sunday 10 February 2019 by Miss Beatson

In years 5 and 6, we are thoroughly enjoying our class novel: The forest of doom.

We have battled and escaped many creatures in the forest and we have written non-chronological reports about our own Fighting Fantasy creatures.

In order to battle, we had to roll two dice to create a stamina, skill and luck score. Fortunately, our stamina score was high and it has helped us throughout our adventures.

In PE, we have been working on our own stamina! We hope to see our stamina improve over the next half term by practising the same skills each week.

In Art, we have developed our drawing skills to create our own creature, which we are going to build into a sculpture using Modroc.

We’ve looked at well-known sculptures and shown our own appreciation of art by researching, discussing and writing about them.

Living and Learning

Posted on Thursday 24 January 2019 by Miss Beatson

Our Living and Learning theme this week: I know what a drug is.

In Years 5/6, we have been discussing different influences which could make us want to smoke or drink. We sorted images from various forms of media to recognise what a positive influence looks like and what a negative influence looks like.

We realised it isn’t just media that can influence us. After group discussion and an organising activity, we all agreed that friends could possibly be the biggest influence on the decisions we make.

We thought about why somebody would want to avoid smoking or drinking alcohol. Some of the suggestions were religion, health, money, against the law, and not wanting to get into trouble with parents.

We came up with different ways people could respond if they wanted to avoid smoking.

“It’s not good for me, I’m trying to be healthy.”

“I don’t like the taste or smell of smoke.”

“It’s against my personal belief.”

Then, we shared our thoughts by doing a conscience alley.

How can we clean water?

Posted on Sunday 20 January 2019 by Miss Beatson

In science, our task was to clean some very dirty water by sieving, filtering and evaporating. The water had a range of materials in it: sand, salt, mud, leaves and twigs.

Once we had sieved and filtered the materials from the water we still needed to remove the salt. We use evaporation to separate the salt and the water.


What’s the matter?

Posted on Saturday 12 January 2019 by Miss Beatson

This week, we tested which materials are soluble and insoluble. We sorted sand, salt, sugar and many more into these two groups.

After that, we investigated if the temperature of water affects the speed of dissolving. We had to test this several times to make sure our results were reliable. Then we calculated the mean time taken for sugar to dissolve in different temperatures.

Our results showed us that the higher the temperature of water, the faster the sugar dissolves. Therefore, the temperature of water does affect the speed of dissolving. I wonder why? Can you find out?