Year 5 & 6 Class News

Year 6 Revision

Posted on Monday 30 April 2018 by Miss Beatson

Year 6, please use this PowerPoint to revise colons (:) and semi-colons (;) this week.

Library Visit

Posted on Tuesday 24 April 2018 by Miss Beatson

Today, we visited Wetherby Library. Madeleine, the librarian, showed us how to find books in the library and how books are organised.  We have all chosen two books each to borrow for a few weeks.

Year 6 SATs Revision

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Miss Beatson

It’s not long now until SATs week. Over the next few weeks, we will be revising so we’re fully prepared for the tests.

Here are some links so you can revise at home, too.

Year 2 and Year 6 assessments

Posted on Thursday 29 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

The STA has published an information leaflet and two videos for parents/carers of children in Year 2 and Year 6 about national curriculum assessments. The purpose of these materials is to help you understand more about the end of key stage assessments that will be administered in primary schools in May. (The end of Key Stage 1 is Year 2; the end of Key Stage 2 is Year 6.)

The materials provide basic information about the purpose and format of the tests, how parents can best support their children and how results will be reported.

Read the leaflet.

Watch the videos.


Posted on Sunday 25 March 2018 by Miss Beatson

On Friday, we had a great trip to Eureka in Halifax. Here are the highlights!

Recycle Art

Posted on Thursday 08 March 2018 by Miss Beatson

This afternoon, we’ve been getting messy and creative. We have been creating sculptures using recycling materials brought in from home. We’re looking forward to seeing the finished product next week.

A visit from some creepy crawlies…

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Miss Beatson

Today, we had some interesting visitors in school. We had a fantastic hands-on experience of holding some wonderful creatures including giant snails, giant cockroaches and stick insects.

Church Visit

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Miss Beatson

Today, we have visited St Joseph’s Church in Wetherby. Father Nunon showed us around the church and we asked lots of questions. We learnt about how forgiveness is portrayed within the Catholic faith and we explored similarities and differences between St Joseph’s Church and St James’ Church.

Great grammar games

Posted on Friday 09 February 2018 by Miss Beatson

Here are some good links to help revise some grammar and punctuation concepts that we have been learning in school.

Creative Homework

Posted on Friday 09 February 2018 by Miss Beatson

This week, Years 5 and 6 have been learning all about how to stay safe online. It was also a topic for their creative homework this week. Here are some fabulous creations they have brought into school.