Living and Learning – I use the 8 R’s to help me learn.
Years 5 and 6 have had a fantastic second week back at school. Pupils’ behaviour and general attitude to learning has been brilliant – I can already see children making serious improvements across many subjects!
On Monday, we had our first official living and learning ‘circle time’. In this session, we get and give the opportunity for all pupils to have a voice and to listen to others. For this session, our focus was using resilience in our lives, which suits with our Christian value this half-term (perseverance), too.
All pupils responded really well and provided advice for others to overcome and succeed in different scenarios. I have since seen pupils using resilience, and many more of our 8 R’s, in school time.
Help at home:
Have conversations with your child on things they may be finding tricky in and out of school. See if you, or they, can come up with some solutions to tackle this issue by using our 8 R’s.
Pupils have also had their first set of homework sent home. Please complete the following with your child:
- times tables practice
- spelling practise (choose around 8 words per week)
- arithmetic practice (use the questions your child wasn’t sure of on their tests, which they should bring home
- read regularly with your child and sign their reading record
Welcome Back!
As we come to the end of our first week back at school, both Mr Nash and I (Mr Freeman) are super proud of each and every one of our pupils. Not only have the children come back to school calm and settled, their fantastic attitudes and willingness to learn has made our first week a great success.
We are both looking forward to a fantastic year in Year 5/6 and we know the children are, too.
A few notices to make you aware of…
Spelling – You’ll notice that the spelling has changed slightly on the homework sheets. There’s no longer a specific list spellings to learn. Instead, there are a list of spellings that the children need to learn within the first half-term. On a Friday each week, there will be a spelling test. We will keep track of our scores and support children with their misconceptions as soon as they may happen.
PE days – Our nominated PE days are on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit for these days.
Homework books and reading records – Today, your child has been sent home with a purple homework book and a white reading record. There’s no pressure to bring the homework books back in every week, but we do need the reading records signed by an adult and shown to use every week. This is so that we can keep track of the amount of reading the children are doing at home and whether we can further support in any way.
Please feel free to contact myself, or Mr Nash, if you have any questions!
Year 6 leavers’ dinner
We’ve had a lovely dinner this evening at Ask to celebrate our fabulous Year 6s. Great company, great food and lots of ice-cream!
Living and Learning – Being Healthy
Last week, Y5,6 enjoyed Being Healthy week.
We Zoomed another Y6 class and asked them qestions about being healthy in their school.
Some questions that were asked were:
- What is on your school menu?
- What after school clubs do you do?
- Do you have any green spaces in your playground?
We also talked about being healthy online, and how it can affect our physical, mental and social health.
Help at home by discussing how to stay happy and healthy at home.
Robin Hood And The Sherwood Hoodies
Wow! I’m sure everyone will agree that KS2 put on a fabulous performance of Robin Hood And The Sherwood Hoodies on Tuesday and Wednesday.
They have worked extremely hard by learning their lines, singing songs and making props.
There are some incredible young actors amongst us at St James’, and most of all, we had so much fun putting the performance together!
Sports Day!
A massive thank you to everyone who came and supported yesterday at Sports Day.
We kicked off in the morning with EYFS and then carried on with years 1-6 in the afternoon.
A huge well done to all the children who took part and showed courage, resilience and lots of determination. The signs made in the classes looked fantastic as well.
Congratulations to the blue team who scored the highest amount of points!!!
Living and Learning – RSE
Over the last few weeks, Year 5 and 6 have been learning about RSE. It’s important to understand changes you might go through, both physically and emotionally.
“There are lots of different types of relationships like families, friends and online,” said Willow. “If something is negative in a relationship you have, take some time away and tell a trusted adult.”
We’ve learnt about what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like and talked about how to build each other up, avoid peer pressure and improve the connections we have in our lives.
Brooklyn explained, “You might get taller, hair grows more and you will sweat more!”
“Your hair also gets greasier, too,” added Ellie.
We’ve learnt about the different changes we might go through and how to take care of our bodies as we get older. We discussed how every adult has already gone through it and most of the changes are actually shared by most people.
“Bath every day!” said Jewel.
“Use deoderant!” insisted Olivia.
“Wash your face every night and/or morning,” advised Siana.
However you’re feeling, it’s important to talk to a trusted adult if you’re unsure, especially if you’re feeling like your emotions are hard to manage.
Help at home by having a reflection on what your child has learnt in RSE over the last few weeks.
Total Warrior
Year 6 had a brilliant time at Bramham Park where they took part in the Total Warrior Challenge. By the end, they were head to toe in mud but with huge smiles on their faces. Well done Year 6!
Didn’t we have a lovely time …..
It was an absolute pleasure to take KS2 to Filey beach last week.
The children showed respect, followed instructions and represented our school admirably. Throughout the day, all of the adults were impressed with the social skills the pupils were using. We observed and overheard: cooperation, good manners, teamwork, listening to each other, patience, good communication, compliments and lots of encouragement for each other (especially in the sea!).
Many thanks to all of the adults who helped to make the day such an enjoyable one!
This has been one of the best trips I have ever had the pleasure to attend. The look on the children’s faces, when arriving on the beach, will be etched in my mind for a long time! Mrs Freeman
Key Stage 2 had a wonderful time in Filey. We built sandcastles, paddled in the sea, had a picnic and ice-cream on the beach and played lots of fun games. We didn’t want to leave!