04 February 2022
We are being historians through our topic learning this half term. Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to be around during historic events like the Great Fire of London? For this week’s Talk Time, we’d like you to do exactly that.
Would it be good to travel back in time?
Would it be good to travel forwards, into the future?
When talking about travelling back in time, you could use these question prompts to support discussions at home:
- What time period would you travel back to?
- a time from recent history (eg your lifetime)
- a point from your parents’/grandparents’ lifetimes
- over 100 years ago
- Where in the world would you like to be at that point in time?
- Does it relate to an important historical event?
- What have you learnt in a current or past history topic that you’d like to experience?
- Who would you like to meet?
- What historical figures have we learnt about at school?
- Are there people you’d meet who aren’t famous eg family members?
- Is there anything about the past that you’d try to change?
- If so, how would you go about it?
- Would you realistically be able to make that change? Would you need help?
Many of the points above will also help you to discuss travelling into the future. As well as those, it’s important to think of what would be gained from travelling forwards in time. When coming back into the present, would you tell people what the future is like (good and bad things) and why?
These R2s will get you thinking critically about your own ideas:
- What reasons can you think of in support of time travel?
- Are there reasons why you might be against it?
- Challenge: Rank your ideas by importance. Imagine you could only do five, or maybe even three things.
28 January 2022
There’s a moral theme to this week’s Talk Time.
It is a waste of our time to learn about the past as it has already happened and we can’t change it.
This is a very topical statement given that we’re currently in the middle of a history topic. You may already have an opinion on this but it’s always worth pausing to consider a range of viewpoints.
This week’s R2s will help you to provide a balanced argument before you reach a conclusion:
- What are the reasons for (the pros) learning about the past?
- What are the reasons against (the cons) learning about the past?
- Reach a decision. Is it valuable to learn about past events?
- One list may have more points than the other.
- Some points have a greater importance than others.
One way to approach this Talk Time is to have a debate with people in your household. This will not only help you generate ideas but also practise a range of oracy skills. The last half term’s focus was building on the views of others and reasoning. When someone raises a point that you’re in agreement with, use one of the following phrases to start your response:
- I agree with you because…
- That’s a good point. I also think that…
- Furthermore, I’ll add that…
On the other hand, you may disagree with a point made by a family member. When that’s the case, it can be hard not to interrupt them. The oracy focus for this half term is turn taking. To be respectful of others’ opinions, wait until a person has finished speaking and then respond using one of these sentence starters or one of your own:
- I hear what you’re saying but…
- That’s a good point. However…
- I take your point but…
21 January 2022
Our Talk Time this week relates to the vocabulary that we’re learning about in our current History topic.
Thinking about the new topic vocabulary, I can begin to use the words at home.
Years 1 and 2 History vocabulary:
- past – something that has already happened
- present – something that is happening now
- ancient – very old
- modern – the present day
- similarity – when something is the same
- difference – when something is different
- sequence – put in the correct order
- put in the correct order – the buying or swapping of products and services
- timeline – a list of important events arranged in order
Years 3 and 4 History vocabulary:
- chronology – arrangement of events or dates in time order
- empire – a large group of countries or states ruled by an emperor or empress
- invasion – when a country or region is invaded by an armed force
- settlement – a place or area where a group of people live
- to resist – to stand up to or fight back against something
- primary source – a source of evidence created at the time of the event (eg diaries, letters, photographs, newspaper article, artifacts, ruins)
- secondary source – a source of evidence created after the time of the event (eg replica objects, text books, illustrations)
- prehistory – before written records
- kingdom – an area of land ruled by a monarch (a king or queen)
Years 5 and 6 History vocabulary:
- chronology – arrangement of events or dates in time order
- conflict – a series of battles over time
- invasion – when a country or region is invaded by an armed force
- civilization – the society considered most advanced at a time
- caliph – ruler in a Muslim country
- golden-age – a time when an activity or society is at its best
- innovation – an improvement or replacement of something
- trade – the exchange of goods and services
- impact – the effect one thing has on another
- bias – a particular viewpoint for one thing over another, especially an unfair one
Some of the words may not have been covered in class as of yet so be sure to refer to the definitions for words your child seems less confident about.
Encourage your child to think back to their history learning so far. The following questions might prompt your child to remember even more about the vocabulary:
- What does this word mean?
- Can you use the word in a sentence?
- Can you (where possible) give an example of this?
- Can you link this word to one or more of the other words?
- Which of these words would you group together?
- Are there any synonyms (words with the same or similar meaning)?
- Are there any antonyms (words with the opposite meaning)?
This Talk Time provides the perfect opportunity to apply some of the oracy skills that we’ve been working on so far this year. These R2s will help your child to speak about the vocabulary confidently, fluently and at a good pace:
- Make eye contact and have good posture when speaking (and listening).
- Recall learning from class to help you remember the words you’ve used so far.
- Take time to think about each word before trying to explain it.
Challenge yourself to play the ‘Erm…’ game. Start a stopwatch when you begin talking about a word. Keep the time running until you say a filler phrase like ‘erm’, ‘umm’, ‘you know’, ‘like’ or pause for more than a few seconds. Have a couple of attempts for each word to see if you can improve on your timings. How long can you talk for?
14 January 2022
The Talk Time this week links to what we’ve been working on in our living and learning lessons.
I know that having rights comes with having responsibilities.
Rights are the things that all people are entitled to. Every right can only be guaranteed when certain responsibilities are taken. Here are some examples…
- We all have the right to be respected, and we’re responsible for making sure we respect everyone and everything (one of our three school rules).
- We have the right to play, but we have the responsibility to play safely.
- We have the right to learn, and the responsibility to get to school on time.
When having your discussions at home, these Remember 2s will help you to link rights to responsibilities:
- Think of something that you’re entitled to (a right).
- Remember that some rights are based on your basic human needs.
- A right is NOT something you’d like to have – It’s something that everyone should be guaranteed.
- For the right you’ve chosen, what part do you play to make sure that it is observed (responsibility)?
- Who else is responsible?
- Does age impact on a person’s level of responsibility?
How many right and responsibility pairs can you think of? If you’re struggling to think of many or would just like to find out more, check out this useful BBC Bitesize link:
07 January 2022
Our first Talk Time of 2022 has a reading and oracy theme.
I know a poem.
This week, you’re going to be learning a famous poem. It takes great resilience and remembering skills to be able to learn a poem – two of our 8Rs for learning.
Y1,2: Growing by Tony Milton
Given the length of this poem, this chunk of the first verse is what we’d like you to learn.
you may be small.
But one day
you’ll be tall,
like me,
maybe taller.
You won’t
fit into your bed.
Your hat
won’t fit on your head.
Your feet will fill up the floor.
You’ll have to bend down
to come through the door.
Y3,4: The Romans in Britain by Judith Nicholls
The Romans gave us aqueducts,
Fine buildings and straight roads,
Where all those Roman legionaries
Marched with heavy loads.
They gave us central heating,
Good laws, a peaceful home…
Then after just four centuries
They shuffled back to Rome.
Y5,6: From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson
Faster than fairies, faster than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
And charging along like troops in a battle,
All through the meadows the horses and cattle:
All of the sights of the hill and the plain
Fly as thick as driving rain;
And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Painted stations whistle by.
Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,
All by himself and gathering brambles;
Here is a tramp who stands and gazes;
And there is the green for stringing the daisies!
Here is a cart run away in the road
Lumping along with man and load;
And here is a mill and there is a river:
Each a glimpse and gone for ever!
These talking points could be used to support your initial reading and understanding of the poem:
- What’s the poem about?
- Can you work out the meaning of tricky words and phrases by using the clues in the poem?
- What’s the rhythm of the poem? Where do you pause for breaths?
- Are there any rhymes (words ending with the same sounds (eg cat and hat)?
- What other patterns do you notice (repeated words/lines, line lengths, themes/key messages)?
When you have a sound understanding of your chosen poem, turn your attentions to reading it aloud with confidence and clarity. This week’s Remember 2s (R2s) will help with that:
- Speak clearly in a loud voice without shouting.
- Pause for breath at the right places to make sure you read at an appropriate pace.
- Face the reader as often as you can.
Here are some creative strategies that you might use to help you remember the poem – do what works best for you:
- Create actions to go with certain words or phrases.
- Draw a series of pictures to help you remember what comes next.
- Say or sing the poem in a unique or funny voice.
- Echo phrases/lines with someone at home.
10 December 2021
Living and learning is the theme for this week’s Talk Time.
I can talk through a ‘recipe’ for how to be a good friend.
Being a good friend requires a number of key ingredients. When discussing how to be a good friend, think about the qualities that you have and that you value in your friends, too. How many adjectives can you come up with to describe a good friend?
This week’s Remember 2s provide some useful top tips for being a good friend:
- A good friend is someone that you can have fun with and makes you feel good about yourself.
- You don’t need to spend all of your time with one person to be a good friend.
- Your friend might not always agree with you but they will still respect your opinions.
One of the qualities in your good friend recipe is likely to link to honesty.
Discuss and come up with as many reasons why telling the truth is important.
For the second part of this Talk Time, come up with a list of reasons why telling the truth is important.
Think about a time when someone didn’t tell you the truth. How did that make you feel? Even if the truth might not be what you want to hear, is it better to hear the truth than it is to hear a lie?
03 December 2021
This week’s Talk Time poses a moral dilemma that links to our current Art topic.
Is it right that a painting can cost a million pounds?
In fact, only weeks ago, Banksy’s ‘Love is in the Bin’ sold at auction for a record £16 million.
The question does not have a right or wrong answer. You may already have a strong view on this but a key part of your discussions at home will be taking others’ views into consideration. Following this week’s Remember 2s (R2s) will help with that:
- Why would someone pay a million pounds for a painting? Think about what the painting represents and how it could make a person feel.
- Why might it be considered wrong for a painting to cost a million pounds? How else could that money be spent?
- What is an acceptable amount of money to spend on a single painting?
Your discussions will build on the skills gained through this half term’s oracy focus: building on the views of others and reasoning. If you agree with someone else’s comments, you could respond with one of these sentence starters:
- Picking up on what’s been said, I’d add…’
- ‘As well as that…’
- ‘In addition to that…’
- ‘Furthermore…’
- ‘Moreover…’
It might be that you disagree with the views of people in your household – that’s okay but it’s important to remember to respect their views, too. Whatever your opinion, using ‘because’ in your discussions will help you to put forward a strong argument.
26 November 2021
The Talk Time for this week leads on perfectly from the previous week’s statement.
I am confident that I would tell someone if I felt bullied, or if I know someone who was being bullied.
I can name people I would go to, and can explain why I’d choose them for help.
During last week’s discussions, you recalled the two meanings of ‘STOP’: Several Times On Purpose (our definition of bullying) and Start Telling Other People (our response to bullying).
We suggest approaching this Talk Time in two steps.
First, discuss why it is important to tell someone if bullying is happening. Remember, everyone is responsible for helping to prevent bullying. If you see someone being treated unfairly, don’t assume someone else will report it or that it’s a one-off.
How many reasons can you think of to tell someone if you feel bullied or know someone else is being bullied? On the other hand, why would not telling someone be a bad idea?
Second, come up with a list of people you could go to. Consider what makes someone a good person to talk to.
This week’s Remember 2s are question prompts to help you when creating your list:
- Who can not only help you feel better, but also help to explore and solve the problem? (Think of people outside of school as well as people at school.)
- What do we mean by ‘trusted adult’?
- Is talking the only way you can alert someone to a problem like bullying?
19 November 2021
Living and Learning is the focus of this week’s Talk Time.
I know how to STOP bullying.
As it’s Anti-Bullying Week, we’ve placed a strong emphasis on what bullying is and how to stop it. In fact, ‘STOP’ is an acronym that provides a clear definition of bullying:
Several Times On Purpose
An example of bullying would be someone saying on multiple occasions that you can’t join in with their game. On the other hand, getting upset/angry in the heat of the moment or accidentally bumping into someone wouldn’t be considered bullying. As part of your discussions, can your child identify examples of what bullying does and doesn’t look like?
Our school ethos statement is that our school is a happy and healthy place to achieve and believe. School will not be a happy and healthy place if we don’t know how to stop bullying.
‘STOP’ not only tells us what bullying is, but also how to make it stop:
Start Telling Other People.
Ask your child what ‘STOP’ means – encourage them to remember both: Several Times On Purpose and Start Telling Other People.
This week’s Remember 2s (R2s) are actions to take if you see, or are the victim of, an unpleasant behaviour:
- Challenge the behaviour with that person. It may well have been accidental or something not intended to be hurtful.
- Tell that person that you don’t like that behaviour and that you want it to stop.
- If the behaviour occurs again, let a trusted adult know so they can explore the situation.
12 November 2021
Our Talk Time has a vocabulary focus this week.
Thinking about the new topic vocabulary, I can begin to use these words at home.
We’re all being artists this half term. Along the way, we’ll gain knowledge of famous artists and their work. We’ll also learn and develop a range of skills to improve our own art. The following list of vocabulary is being taught and applied in our art lesson at school:
Years 1 and 2 Art vocabulary:
graphite | Mixed with clay, graphite forms the ‘lead’ in a pencil |
HB | Referring to pencils, HB stands for ‘hard black’ – a medium hard pencil |
H and B | H stands for ‘hard’ and B stands for ‘black. B pencils are soft. |
primary colours | three colours (red, yellow, blue) that can’t be made by mixing other colours, but can make other colours |
secondary colours | three colours (orange, green, purple) that are made when two primary colours are mixed using paint |
pattern | arrangements of things such as colour, shapes and lines that repeat in a logical way |
texture | how something feels, like smooth or rough |
shape | a two-dimensional area which may be created using lines or colour |
tone | how light or dark a colour is |
Years 3 and 4 Art vocabulary:
complementary colours | colours that are opposite on the colour wheel (roughly, a primary and a secondary colour can be paired up like this) |
warm and cold colours | Warm colours represent roughly one half of the colour wheel (like red, orange, yellow) and usually represent heat and emotions like anger and excitement. Cool colours roughly represent the other half of the colour wheel (like blue, green, purple) and usually represent cold things and emotions like calm and sadness. |
form | Often used to talk about sculpture or the human body, form is the physical aspects or the shape of the artwork or parts of the artwork. |
space | usually used to describe areas or parts of an artwork where there are large blocks of colour or ‘gaps’ |
medium | the type of art (eg painting, sculpture, printmaking), or the materials an artwork is made from (plural: media) |
collage | the technique and the resulting artwork where things like pieces of paper, photographs and fabric are arranged and attached to a surface |
mixed media | artworks created from a combination of different media or materials |
abstract art | a type of modern art that is not an accurate depiction but instead use shapes, colours, forms and marks to achieve its effect |
figurative art | art that has strong references to the real world and in particular, the human figure |
Years 5 and 6 Art vocabulary:
pastel | a coloured drawing medium, usually stick-shaped, produced in soft, hard and pencil formproduced in soft, hard and pencil form |
art | the expression of creativity or imagination, or both |
art movement | a style in art followed by a group of artists, often linked to a time and place or to particular artists (sometimes called an ‘ism’) |
sculpture | three-dimensional art made by one of four basic processes: carving, modelling, casting, constructing |
negative space | the space around and between the subject |
maquette | a sculptor’s initial model or sketch |
modern art | art that is often experimental and not traditional (1900s onwards approximately) |
classical art | used to describe art that makes reference to ancient Greek or Roman style |
Some of the words may not have been covered in class as of yet so be sure to refer to the definitions for words your child seems less confident about.
Encourage your child to think back to their art learning so far. The following questions might prompt your child to remember even more about the vocabulary:
- What does this word mean?
- Can you use the word in a sentence?
- Can you (where possible) give an example of this?
- Have you seen a piece of art that links to that word?
- Can you link this word to one or more of the other words?
- Which of these words would you group together?
This half term, our oracy focus is building on the views of others and reasoning. Referring to these ‘Remember 2s’ (R2s) will help your child to speak confidently whilst also respecting the views of others.
- Listen carefully to an opinion (have eyes on the speaker).
- Respond by acknowledging what has been said and add further ideas of you own. Use phrases like these:
- ‘Picking up on what’s been said, I’d add…’
- ‘As well as that…’
- ‘In addition to that…’
- ‘Furthermore…’
- ‘Moreover’
- Challenge yourself to provide reasons for your opinions by using ‘because’.