11 Jun 2021 – Times tables
This week, we will focus on all the times tables.
Children should be ready for a test on Thursday 17 June 2021. Make sure you have a very quick recall of the multiplication facts up to the 12 x 12.
Here are a few examples of the kinds of questions children could be asked and the type of questions children could be practising in addition to the times table facts:
24,000 ÷ 6
60 x 80
63 ÷ 9 =
280 ÷ 4 =
11 June 2021
This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework: I can talk about an activity I enjoy that doesn’t involve screen time.
As part of National Screen Free Week, we’ll be exploring how we can reduce screen time in school and want the children to continue this at home, too. Screens have become an integral part of entertainment and learning but we want the children to focus on having fun away from the screen, too.
You might:
- talk about what you do for fun that isn’t screen-based
- have a screen-free hour, day, week
- try a new activity that is away from the screen
- talk about why time away from screens is important
Next week, each class will share what they’ve discussed at home, hopefully offering lots of ideas for how to enjoy ourselves without the use of a screen.
(Incidentally, we’re not saying screen time is a bad thing – and in fact, we encourage your child to use Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars. It’s all about finding a good balance – and not being on an electronic device too close to bedtime.)
21 May 2021
This week, the whole school Talk Time homework is What is a drug?
This homework, which links to our Living and Learning statement, is a first step in children becoming aware of drugs. There are a few key points you may wish to talk about at home. Children need to be aware that some drugs are helpful, some are harmful, some are legal, some are illegal. Don’t forget to consider that even the legal or helpful ones can be harmful.
Below are some question prompts that could help shape your discussion…
- What is a good definition for a drug?
- What is a drug? What is not a drug?
- Are all drugs bad?
- Why might some people need to take medicines?
- Who can prescribe medicine?
- Who should administer medicine?
- What should you do if you find some medicine?
- Should you take medicine that isn’t yours?
Children should be prepared to discuss what they’ve talked about at home during our homework review next week.
21 May 2021
This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework:
What is a drug?
This homework, which links to our Living and Learning statement, is a first step in children becoming aware of drugs. There are a few key points you may wish to talk about at home. Children need to be aware that some drugs are helpful (medicine), some are harmful, some are legal, some are illegal. Don’t forget to consider that even the legal or helpful ones can be harmful.
Below are some question prompts that could help shape your discussion…
- What is a good definition for a drug?
- What is a drug? What is not a drug?
- Are all drugs bad?
- Why might some people need to take medicines?
- Who can prescribe medicine?
- Who should administer medicine?
- What should you do if you find some medicine?
- Should you take medicine that isn’t yours?
Children should be prepared to discuss what they’ve talked about at home during our homework review next week. This homework should be completed by Thursday 27 May 2021.
14 May 2021 – Times tables
Times Tables
This week, we will focus on all the times tables.
Children should be ready for a test on Thursday 20 May 2021. Make sure you have a very quick recall of the multiplication facts up to the 12 x 12.
Here are a few examples of the kinds of questions children could be asked and the type of questions children could be practising in addition to the times table facts:
16,000 ÷ 8
70 x 80
88 ÷ 11 =
440 ÷ 4 =
14 May 2021
The whole-school Talk Time homework this week is I know the key vocabulary from our Computing topic.
As we come to the end of our Computing topic, your child should have come across the following vocabulary:
Y1, 2
- algorithm – a sequence of instructions or a set of rules to get something done
- program – a collection of algorithms
- debug – to find and fix errors in algorithms
- computer – a type of machine that can follow instructions and do useful things
- password – a string of letters, numbers or symbols which give you access to something (eg a computer, a service like Numbots)
- personal information – information that can be used to identify you (eg age, school, address, password)
- appropriate – something that is suitable
Y3, 4
- program – a collection of algorithms
- repetition – to repeat the execution of certain instructions
- sequence – to arrange instructions in a particular order
- logical reasoning – helps us explain why something happens
- sprite – a 2d character in a computer game
- decomposition – the process of breaking down a task into smaller, more-manageable parts
- input – data sent to a computer system from a device (eg keyboard, mouse, microphone)
- output – data sent out of a computer system via a device (eg monitor, printer, speaker)
- digital footprint – information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity
- program – a collection of algorithms
- repetition – to repeat the execution of certain instructions
- sequence – to arrange instructions in a particular order
- selection – choosing to execute one set of instructions over another
- variable – something that is stored in a program and can be changed or used (eg a timer, a score, a number of lives left)
- logical reasoning – helps us explain why something happens
- simulation – modelling a real-world or imaginary situation
- search engine – program that searches for and identifies items on the internet using complex algorithms
Discuss these words together:
- Can your child explain to you what they mean?
- Can they use any of them in a sentence?
- Can they suggest how some of the words link together?
- Can they tell you about the learning in school which linked to a certain word?
Next week, each class will reflect on this topic vocabulary and what they have learnt this half term.
14 May 2021
This week’s homework is Talk Time.
I know the key vocabulary from our Computing topic.
Talk with your child about the words we have been using in our computing topic. How many do they know?
Y6 Swimming survey
As part of the government PE and Sport Premium for primary schools, there is a condition requiring schools to publish how many pupils in Year 6 are meeting the National Curriculum requirements. As school swimming lessons took place earlier in KS2, please could you complete this survey to provide up to date information for your child.
Thank you
Mrs Latham
PE/Health Leader
07 May 2021
This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework: I know the positives and negatives of gaming.
This half term, our topic is computing. For homework, we would like you to talk to someone about gaming and how it might have a positive or negative impact on our lives.
Here are a few points you may want to explore:
Do certain types of games have more of a negative/positive impact, why?
How does it impact on:
social skills?
physical and mental health?
reading and maths skills?
Be ready to discuss your ideas in class on Thursday 13 May.
Times Tables
This week, we will focus on the 11 x table.
Children should be ready for a test on Thursday 13 May 2021. Make sure you have a very quick recall of the multiplication facts up to the 11 x 12.
Here are a few examples of the kinds of questions children could be asked and the type of questions children could be practising in addition to the times table facts:
11,000 ÷ 100
1.1 x 10
99 ÷ 11 =
550 ÷ 11 =