11 December 2020
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework, which should be returned by Thursday 17 December.
The children are invited to respond to something from either a cultural or a spiritual perspective.
I can present a review of a book / TV show / film or something else cultural.
We’d like children to present their responses about a recent book they’ve read, film they’ve watched, piece of art they’ve looked at, piece of music they’ve listened to – anything cultural in fact.
We’re interested to read some sort of description (a summary, for example) and then your child’s opinions. This review might include pictures, an interview (your child could write a fictional script between himself/herself and the artist, for example), a letter (eg to or from a character, or perhaps even the author) – anything which might include your child’s responses!
However, your child might prefer to do the following:
I know what a faith celebration means to me.
Over the course of this term, some children in school may have celebrated a religious festival of some sort. This might have been
- the Muslim festival of Eid ul Adha
- the Sikh and Hindu festival Diwali
- the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, coming up in December
- the Christian festival (of course, celebrated by many non-Christians) of Christmas
- and the Chinese New Year festival, coming up
There are lots of other festivals and celebrations, which you and your child together might want to reflect on.
We invite children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), pictures, an interview (perhaps in a script). Your child might also choose to research a completely unknown festival, or they might even think about creating a brand new festival, one that everyone will celebrate.
Times tables/Number facts:
Complete the attached timetables challenge.
When it comes to times tables, speed and accuracy are important – the more your child practises, the more likely they are to remember the trickier tables facts. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help children master times tables. Children have already enjoyed practising at school. Now, let’s continue our rock star careers at home…
Children are also able to log onto NumBots (play.numbots.com) using the same login/password. This is a great game to practice their key number facts which is essential to their maths learning.
04 December 2020
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate different emotions.
This homework, which links to our living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to show that they can recognise, and show, different emotions. As humans, we display a huge-range of emotions. Sometimes, it’s obvious how we’re feeling. Sometimes, it’s trickier for us to show, or recognise, an emotion. This statement allows us to spend time thinking about the different emotions we experience and how we can recognise these accurately in ourselves and others.
Children could respond creatively to this in a range of ways:
- create a piece of art that shows a range of emotions
- take pictures of themselves (or others) displaying different emotions
- write a short-story in which a character shows lots of emotions
- devise a poem, song or rap about emotions
- create a comic strip to illustrate different emotions
Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Thursday 10th December 2020.
04 December 2020
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate different emotions.
This homework, which links to our living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to show that they can recognise, and show, different emotions. As humans, we display a huge-range of emotions. Sometimes, it’s obvious how we’re feeling. Sometimes, it’s trickier for us to show, or recognise, an emotion. This statement allows us to spend time thinking about the different emotions we experience and how we can recognise these accurately in ourselves and others.
Children could respond creatively to this in a range of ways:
- create a piece of art that shows a range of emotions
- take pictures of themselves (or others) displaying different emotions
- write a short-story in which a character shows lots of emotions
- devise a poem, song or rap about emotions
- create a comic strip to illustrate different emotions
Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Thursday 10 December 2020.
Times tables/Number facts:
Complete the attached timetables challenge. (For an extra copy, head to here. Year 3 are completing the 3 times table. Year 4 are completing the 6 times table)
When it comes to times tables, speed and accuracy are important – the more your child practises, the more likely they are to remember the trickier tables facts. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help children master times tables. Children have already enjoyed practising at school. Now, let’s continue our rock star careers at home…
Children are also able to log onto NumBots (play.numbots.com) using the same login/password. This is a great game to practice their key number facts which is essential to their maths learning.
27 November 2020
This week, we have a whole school homework. It is due on Thursday 04 December. Send your completed homework to Stjamesy3y4@spherefederation.org
Practice Makes Perfect: I know the key vocabulary from our history topic.
chronology | empire | democracy |
government | legacy | bias |
influence | citizen | oligarchy |
This week, practise using our vocab from our Ancient Greeks topic. Make sure you understand all of the words and are able to use them in a sentence. There are some ideas below to help you do so.
Times tables/Number facts:
Complete the timetables challenge.
When it comes to times tables, speed and accuracy are important – the more your child practises, the more likely they are to remember the trickier tables facts. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help children master times tables. Children have already enjoyed practising at school. Now, let’s continue our rock star careers at home…
Logging in to Times Tables Rock Stars:
- Type ttrockstars.com into your web browser.
- On the website, click the following: Login > School > Student
- Enter our school’s postcode and our school’s name will show up below. Click on it.
- Enter the username and password that has been provided (with their homework books).
- More information on Times Table Rock Stars can be found here.
Children are also able to log onto NumBots (play.numbots.com) using the same login/password. This is a great game to practice their key number facts which is essential to their maths learning.
27 November 2020
Practice Makes Perfect: I know the key vocabulary from our history topic.
You have been fantastic at remembering lots of facts from our history topic where we’ve compared the Stone Age and Iron Age in Britain with what was going on in Ancient Egypt at around the same time. Our topic vocabulary is in the grid below. This week, I’d like you to re-cap on the vocabulary and teach somebody at home the meaning for each word. If you are still unsure of some words then discuss these at home, find out using a dictionary, internet or books.
hunter-gatherer | advances | civilisation |
empire | hieroglyphics | pharaoh |
archaeologist | Rosetta Stone | Neolithic |
In our homework review, we will do a quiz to see if you’ve remembered all the words. There may even be a prize!!
Tips to help remember:
Draw it
Draw a picture to represent the meaning of the word.
Say or write the words in your own sentences. You could discuss where the word works and where it doesn’t.
For example:
An empire is ruled by an emperor – correct.
I have an empire in my garden at home – incorrect.
Give words that mean the same as the topic vocabulary.
For example:
For advances, you could give ‘moved forward ’, ‘ made progresses, ‘made discoveries’ or ‘developed’.
27 November 2020
This week, the whole school has the same Practice Makes Perfect homework which children should be ready to discuss as part of our homework review on Thursday 03 December. It is all about our history topic. The vocabulary is linked to the Great Fire of London. Find the words in the wordsearch. Challenge : write each word in a sentence.
- old
- modern
- artefact
- firebreak
- diary
- rebuild
20 November 2020
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework which children should be ready to discuss as part of our homework review on Thursday 26 November.
I know how to STOP bullying.
This homework is a response to our learning this week during anti-bullying week. Throughout the week, each class has had the chance to talk about what bullying is, what the different types of bullying are and how can we STOP it:
- Start
- Telling
- Other
- People
As part of your discussion you may find our school definition of bullying useful, as agreed by our School Councillors:
Bullying is when you hurt someone, physically or emotionally, several times on purpose.
As the homework is creative, you can do anything you want to respond to the statement. Here are a few ideas to help you:
- Create a cartoon strip of a bullying scenario and how it is solved.
- Create an acrostic poem using the word bullying.
- Write your own ‘kindness statements’ for your class.
- Create a scenarios quiz for your class to decide what they would do.
13 November 2020
This week’s homework is Creative and is due on Thursday 19 November.
I can show how sound travels.
In science, we have been learning about how sound travels. We have seen the rice vibrating on the drum – the louder the sound the bigger the vibrations. Find a way to show how sound travels.
Please send a picture of the completed homework to Mrs Rowley (beckyrowley@spherefederation.org)
Times tables:
If you want some quick fire practise, head to https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button . Use the sheet to practise the times table you’ve been given.
13 November 2020
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.
In maths, we’ve learning all about division. In Year 5, we’ve been practising how to divide by 1 digit numbers. In Year 6, we’ve been learning how to divide by 2 digit numbers. Click here to watch a video to support you with the methods we learn in school.
13 November 2020
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect.
We have signed up to Numbots – a great app and website for practising addition and subtraction facts.
Login using the same details you use for Times Tables Rock Stars and have a go. See how many levels you can complete. Email your class teacher if you need those login details.