02 October 2020
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on Thursday 08 October
This half term, our Christian value is friendship. Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations, which leave us in a moral dilemma. Talk to somebody about the examples below.
What you would do in the same situation? Why are these moral dilemmas?
- You see your friend cheating in a maths test.
- Your friends are in a club with you at school. A new child joins the class but they won’t let them join the club.
- Someone is saying unkind things about your friend behind their back.
- Your parents have asked you to come straight home after school. Your friends want you to go to the park with them. They say that you should go to the park.
Talk to somebody and make notes so you are ready to feedback in our homework review on Thursday 08 October.
There’s an old saying that goes, “In order to have good friends, you have to be a good friend.” What does that mean? Do you think it’s true? Why? What are the benefits of having friends who are different from us?
Email your thoughts and ideas to Mrs Rowley ( stjamesy3y4@spherefederation.org )
Times tables
Times tables
If you want some quick fire practise, head to https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button . Use the sheet to practise the times table you’ve been given.
02 October 2020
This week’s whole school homework is moral themed and is a Talk Time homework. It is due in next Thursday, 08 October.
What makes someone beautiful?
We have been reading ‘The Ugly Five’ by Julia Donaldson. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip). The animals are called ‘ugly’ in the beginning but then realise that they are actually lovely/beautiful. Talk about what makes an animal or person beautiful. For example:
- Who decides what is beautiful?
- Does it matter what you look like?
- Is what a person does or says more important than what they look like?
- How many different ways can you be beautiful or lovely?
25 September 2020
This week, our homework is Talk Time: I can use the 8Rs to help me learn.
In school, we use the 8Rs for learning: ready, responsive, risk-taking, responsibility, resourceful, resilient, reflect and remember.
We’d like the children to discuss what these words mean to them. Below is a list of questions that might help with your discussion.
- How do the 8 Rs help you in school?
- When have you used the 8 Rs outside of school?
- How could you explain the meaning of each word in the 8 Rs?
- Which 8 R do you think you use the most?
- Which 8 R could you use more often?
- How could you use the 8 Rs at home?
Homework should be completed by Thursday 01 October 2020 and will be reviewed / celebrated in class. Please send any completed homework to Mrs Rowley ( stjamesy3y4@spherefederation.org )
Times tables
If you want some quick fire practise, head to https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button . Use the sheet to practise the times table you’ve been given.
25 September 2020
This week, our homework is Talk Time: I can use the 8Rs to help me learn.
In school, we use the 8Rs for learning: ready, responsive, risk-taking, responsibility, resourceful, resilient, reflect and remember.
We’d like the children to discuss what these words mean to them. Below is a list of questions that might help with your discussion.
How do the 8 Rs help you in school?
When have you used the 8 Rs outside of school?
How could you explain the meaning of each word in the 8 Rs?
Which 8 R do you think you use the most?
Which 8 R could you use more often?
How could you use the 8 Rs at home?
Remember to keep practising your times tables facts on Times Tables Rockstars too. Each child has been given their username and password again to take home.
25 September 2020
This week’s homework is Practice Practice Makes Perfect and is due on Thursday 01 October.
This week, write your numbers, focusing on correct formation and orientation (the right way round).
18 September 2020
This week’s homework is Practice makes perfect.
We’ve been learning to round numbers. Click here to recap on how we round numbers.
Y5: Look at each IP number on the sheet and round to the nearest 10, 100 and 100. An example has been given.
Y6: Look at each IP number on the sheet and round to the nearest 100, 1,000 and 10,000. An example has been given.
18 September 2020
This week’s homework is Practice makes perfect and is due on Thursday 24 September.
Please send a picture of the completed homework to Mrs Rowley (beckyrowley@spherefederation.org)
Times tables:
If you want some quick fire practise, head to https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button . Use the sheet to practise the times table you’ve been given.
18 September 2020
This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 24 September.
I can talk about a time when showed resilience (didn’t give up).
We have been reading After The Fall (by Dan Santat) and it is all about how Humpty Dumpty never gives up. Talk about a time when you have shown resilience – keeping going even when things are hard.
11 September 2020
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on Thursday 17 September.
What qualities do you look for in a friend?
This half term, our Christian value is friendship. In school and in collective worship, we will be looking at what makes a good friend and examples of being a good friend from the Bible. With your family, discuss the main question ‘what qualities do you look for in a friend?‘ along with the other suggestions underneath. Be prepared to talk about your answers in our homework review.
There’s an old saying that goes, “In order to have good friends, you have to be a good friend.”
What does that mean? Do you think it’s true? Why? What are the benefits of having friends who are different from us?
11 September 2020
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on Thursday 17 September.
What qualities do you look for in a friend?
This half term, our Christian value is friendship. In school and in collective worship, we will be looking at what makes a good friend and examples of being a good friend from the Bible. With your family, discuss the main question (What qualities do you look for in a friend?) along with the other suggestions underneath. Be prepared to talk about your answers in our homework review.
There’s an old saying that goes, “In order to have good friends, you have to be a good friend.” What does that mean? Do you think it’s true? Why? What are the benefits of having friends who are different from us?
Times tables:
Each week, you will be sent times tables to practise. The idea being, by the end of year 4 you will know all of your times tables. You need to be able to know them off by heart with rapid recall (within 5 seconds). If you want some quick fire practise, head to https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Use the sheet to practise the times table you’ve been given.