03 July 2020 : Home learning
Year 1 : Watch the lesson from Oak Academy reviewing subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-subtract-two-digit-numbers-and-ones/activities/2
Year 2 : Watch the video from Oak Academy for some more challenging Year 2 subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-apply-subtraction-strategies-to-solve-equations/activities/2
Challenge : Have a go at some more subtractions.
Choose a sound from the orange sound mat (Phase 3). Have a look in magazines or newspapers for any words that have that sound in them. You could make a poster with the words or write the words in a list.
Have a go at the animal sound bingo game : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucuXAYMYttc&authuser=1
Challenge : Make your own sound/listening bingo game.
03 July 2020: Home Learning
Happy Friday!
Final learning of the week……….
Year 5 and 6 maths
Your learning for today is about fractions of amounts.
It’s Friday and today I would like you to chill, relax and enjoy reading. It could be your own book, magazine, online article or anything else you find interesting to read.
Can you summarise (in writing or verbally) to someone in your household what you’ve read today?
Follow this BBC Bitesize lessons all about evolution.
02 July 2020: Home Learning
We’re nearly at the end of the week- I hope you’ve managed to stay happy, healthy and safe.
Today’s learning……
Year 5 and 6 maths
Your learning for today is about solving problems with fractions.
SPAG: apostrophes
Complete this activity about apostrophes.
Living and Learning: I can make healthy choices.
Create a poster to promote a healthy lifestyle. You could include the following points:
- exercise
- healthy eating
- positive mental health
- sleep
- mediation
- hygiene
- teeth
02 July 2020 : Home learning
Use a number line to complete the subtractions.
Have a go at these subtraction calculations.
53 – 7 =
49 – 5 =
66 – 15 =
32 – 15 =
97 – 50 =
70 – 42 =
Words are everywhere. We hear, see and discover new words everyday.
Complete the table below and become word explorers.
Watch the video about how your hear : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgdmsbk/articles/zkdkmfr
Go in your garden, if you can, or sit near an open window. Close your eyes for 1 minute and listen to the sounds you can hear.
Challenge : Write a list of the things that you heard.
02 July 2020: Home learning
Good morning everyone. Is it really Thursday already? What is your new healthy choice for today? (Don’t forget that you can look back to Monday’s post for ideas!)
Let’s all have a boogie to the 8x table!
Year3: Today we are going to be looking at methods to help us solve addition and subtraction problems. You may be familiar with the RUCSAC method. Can you remember what each of the letters stand for when helping us to solve mathematical word problems? Click on the slideshow to find out.
Year 4: As we continue to work on fractions, in today’s video lesson we are looking at subtracting fractions from a whole number.
Reading: By now we’ve read the text for three days so you should be very familiar with it. Remember to read the text again out loud to develop your fluency. Then, write some of your own comprehension questions for Mrs Rowley and Mrs Welsby to answer. Try and include some retrieval, interpret and choice question – like we have in our RIC style questions. Please send them in, like Joe did last week, and we can add them into tomorrow’s post.
RE: Today we are learning about the scared text of Christianity with Miss Dhillon from the Oak National Academy.
01 July 2020 : Home learning
Well, July is here and a massive WELL DONE if you are still slogging on with home learning!
Watch the video about fact families : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT2Wdo6g-Rw
Write the whole fact family (two addition and two subtraction) for each part whole model.
eg : 10 + 6 = 16
6 + 10 = 16
16 – 10 = 6
16 – 6 = 10
Filp the calculation to make 4 more calculations
eg : 16 = 10 + 6
16 = 6 + 10
6 = 16 – 10
10 = 16 – 6
Jerome (from the Word Collector story) loved collecting words that were short and sweet, two-syllable treats or multi-syllable words.
Write and cut each word into syllables : whisper, savour, dream, smudge, breeze, peace, electric, glimmer, dream, wonderful, marvellous.
Challenge : choose some words of your own to split into syllables
Create a piece of art work using words.
01 July 2020: Home learning
Pinch, punch, first of the month – can’t believe we’re in July already! Let’s start the month with a workout that reminds us of nouns and noun phrases.
What is your new healthy choice for today? (Don’t forget that you can look back to Monday’s post for ideas!)
Year 3: In this lesson you will learn some efficient methods for solving addition and subtraction problems using three-digit numbers. The activities will teach you written methods for addition and subtraction, often called ‘column methods’. However, sometimes it makes more sense to solve some additions and subtractions using a mental method. The problems in this lesson all involve adding or subtracting multiples of ten, and the numbers are chosen carefully so that you can use a mental method to solve them.
Year 4: In today’s video lesson, we are looking at subtracting fractions.
Reading: Here is today’s video lesson and activity. Today we are answering comprehension questions. The answers are on the last two pages so make sure you don’t peek!
Science: This week we are learning about the life cycle of a plant. Here’s the video lesson from Oak National Academy. (I think I might have posted the wrong one last week – sorry!)
Don’t forget, we LOVE to see what you have been getting up to. Remember to email us and let us know!
kerensawelsby@spherefederation.org and beckyrowley@spherefederation.org
01 July 2020: Home Learning
Happy Wednesday!
Today’s learning…..
Year 5 and 6 maths
Use the Topmarks website to play ‘Hit the button.’ Put your times table knowledge to the test.
Your learning for today is about multiplying mixed numbers.
SPAG: colons
Watch this video and read about colons.
Then, complete this activity.
Living and Learning: I can make healthy choices
On Monday, we looked at healthy eating. Yesterday, we did some exercise to make our bodies healthy.
Today, we’re thinking about keeping our minds healthy.
Follow some of the links below and have a go at some activities.
30 June 2020: Home learning
Happy Tuesday! How are you feeling today? As it’s the final day of June, why not start the day with a disco challenge?
What is your new healthy choice for today?
Year 3: In today’s lesson, you will learn how to subtract three-digit numbers. If the numbers are too high or too difficult to subtract in your head, write them down in columns. Separate the numbers into ones, tens and hundreds. List the numbers in a column and always start with the ones first. You don’t need to print the worksheets if you don’t want to – write the calculations in your books. Be careful to line the columns up correctly.
Year 4: Our second fractions lesson is about adding fractions. Here’s the video lesson from Mrs Alloway and worksheet.
Reading: Here’s today’s video learning and text.
Grammar: Apostrophes for possession. A possessive apostrophe shows that something belongs to or is connected to something else. Watch this BBC clip to learn how to use possessive apostrophes . There are two follow up activities also on this link:
1) Sorting activity
2) Identify singular or plural nouns in a sentence.
30 June 2020: Home Learning
Good morning!
Today’s learning…….
Year 5 and 6 maths
Your learning for today is about adding mixed numbers.
Complete this reading comprehension about the tennis event, Wimbledon. This is an event which usually takes place around this time each year. Choose the level you want to do: one star being the easiest and three star being the most difficult.
Living and Learning/PE
This week, our Living and Learning statement is ‘I can make healthy choices’. Yesterday, we thought about healthy eating.
Today, we are going to make healthy choices by doing some exercise. Are you managing to get 60 minutes exercise each day? How are you doing this? Why is this important?
Here are some links to have fun and get moving today and everyday. I would love it of you could email me a photo of you doing some exercise, a piece of writing or a poster to explain the benefits of exercise.