05 June 2020: Home Learning
Happy Friday everyone!
Today’s learning….
Year 5 and 6 maths challenge
Have a go at this challenge all about number lines.
It’s the end of the week……. enjoy reading your own book/magazine/paper or an online article. There’s some good articles on CBBC Newsround this week.
Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson about story settings and fronted adverbials.
05 June 2020 : Home learning
Happy Friday! Another week done. Enjoy the weekend.
Have a go at the Friday challenges from White Rose Maths. There are more problems to solve here if you want : https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/classroom-resources/problems/
Reading – phonics
Read the postcard to June. It contains lots of split digraphs, which children often find tricky to read at first. See how many you can spot. If you can print it, you could put sound buttons on the words (the first one has been done to you) or you could write a list of all the words containing split digraphs.
Topic – science
Read the mixed up instructions and match them to the correct picture. (You could just match the number and letter if it can’t be printed.)
Home learning: 05 June 2020
Good morning – happy Friday.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s learning.
Book club:
In class, we’d usually have a Love of Reading session each week where we read something that we love. Adults use the time to read with children.
Today, I’d like you to…
- Get really comfy: wear some thick socks, a dressing gown or wooly jumper. Sit somewhere soft and relaxing.
- Turn all electronic devices off: TVs, radios, computers, phones, tablets, etc.
- Spend some quality time reading with each other. Read aloud, take it in turns, put on voices for characters, re-read things to improve how you’re reading them.
- Talk about what you’re reading. Which are the best bits? Why? Does it remind you of other things you’ve read or watched? Do you know anything about parts of it from other knowledge that you have? What do you think of the characters? What will happen next? Why do you think that?
Today is challenge Friday! Have a look at this video where I explain your problem. Here is the sheet if you wish to print it – Mrs Welsby and I worked it out on paper so don’t worry if you can’t.
Today, have a go at learning some Spanish on the Oak Academy website. In this lesson, we are going to learn about where Spanish is spoken in the world and we are going to learn the Spanish alphabet as well as numbers 1-10 with Miss Harrison. You will need some paper and a pen or pencil for this lesson.
04 June 2020: Home Learning
Hi everyone. Isn’t it a shame that we’ve lost the lovely sunshine! Although it does mean I don’t have to water my plants. I’ve grown a few things from seed and am looking forward to eating homegrown tomatoes and courgettes. Has anyone else been growing anything? I love the fact we are looking at plants in science this half term.
Maths: Y3 Non-unit fractions. Today’s video lesson is led by Mrs McCormack from Scholes. Activity sheet.
Y4 Twelve times tables. Today’s video learning is led by Mrs Alloway from Scholes. Activity sheet.
Reading: Yesterday’s answers. Continuing with inference, here is today’s learning video and activity.
RE: This half term we are learning all about Jesus. Click this link for the first lesson from Oak National Academy.
04 June 2020 : Home learning
Good day to everyone!
On a magic square, all the rows and columns add up to the same amount. On this square, it is 9.
How many different ways can you do it?
Challenge : Make some magic squares of your own, remember each row and column must add up to the same amount.
Have a go at the Phase 5 activities below.
Topic – Science
What plants can you find outside? Watch this BBC Bitesize clip about plants : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpxnyrd/articles/zw2y34j
Go on a plant hunt in your house/garden or on a walk, if you can.
Use the checklist below, write a list, draw or take photos, if you can.
04 June 2020: Home Learning
Today’s learning…….
Year 5 maths
Your learning today is about volume. You will be describing volume in cubic units.
Click on the following link for this lesson.
Year 6 maths
Play this maths game with somebody at home.
Read the text about Mahatma Gandhi and answer these questions.
Challenge linked to Gandhi’s inspirational quotes.
Writing: character creation and complex sentences
Follow this BBC lesson.
03 June 2020: Home Learning
Today’s learning……..
Year 5 maths: Volume
Click on the link above for a warm-up task. You will be playing Snowboard Slalom. Select the multiplication option and then year 5/6. Click on all the times tables that are in the list. You can select your speed also.
Your learning today is about volume. You will be estimating the volume of objects.
Click on the following link for this lesson.
Year 6 maths
Click on the link above for a warm-up task. You will be playing Snowboard Slalom. Select the multiplication option and then year 5/6. Click on all the times tables that are in the list. You can select your speed also.
Complete this nrich puzzle involving factors and multiples.
Read all about mermaid folklore. Then complete these questions.
The answers are at the end of the sheet.
Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.
03 June 2020: Home learning
Good morning. We are already half way through our first week back! Go, team!
Maths: Y3 Unit fractions. Today’s video lesson is led by Mrs McCormack from Scholes. Activity sheet.
Y4 Twelve times tables. Today’s video lesson is led by Mrs Alloway from Scholes.
Reading: Yesterday’s answers. Today we are reading an extract from Peter Pan. Video learning and text.
Science: This half term we will be learning about plants. Click this link for the first lesson from Oak National Academy. Throughout the lesson, you will be asked to pause the video to complete tasks (just like when we do a video lesson). Don’t forget, you can go back and listen to bits again to help you fill in the answers correctly. Have fun!
03 June 2020 : Home learning
Hope you are getting back into the swing of home learning? Here are today’s tasks.
Part whole models can have more than 2 parts. Complete the part whole models.
Challenge : Make some more part whole models with 3 parts. Choose a number for the whole and then make it using three parts.
Watch the phonics Phase 5 review : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhtXPpbak
Topic – Science
Watch the BBC Bitesize video about what plants need : https://youtu.be/_RXVhiUnTA8
Make a poster about what a plant needs to survive. There is an idea below.
02 June 2020: Home Learning
Today’s learning……
Year 5 maths: volume
Log in to TT Rockstars and see if you can improve your speed!
Your learning today is about volume. You will be investigating cubed numbers.
Just like yesterday, there is a little quiz to get you started.
Click on the following link for this lesson.
Year 6 maths: problem solving
Complete this challenge.
Reading: RIC
Today task follows on from yesterday, using jobs and money as our learning area. Complete today’s retrieval and inference questions using this picture provided.
Challenge: Using your dream job (you can use what you wrote in yesterday’s task). Can you answer the same questions about your chosen job?
Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.