21 May 2020: Home Learning
Happy Thursday- I hope you’re all doing OK.
Today’s learning…….
Y5 maths: perimeter
Follow the BBC Bitesize lesson all about calculating perimeter.
Y6 maths
Play the final stage of Guardians of Mathematica – Ancient City of Algebra.
Test out your algebra skills by solving the Alphabet Algebra questions. Remember to start by using letter D.
Reading: fact and retrieval
Follow this online lesson.
Science: adaptation
Your learning today is science based and is all about adaptation. Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.
21 May 2020: Home learning
Good morning, Year 3 and 4 – you’ve nearly made it to half term. Another half term of home learning under your belt – well done!
Yr3 – Here is the video for today with yesterday’s answers and today’s learning. Here is a copy of the learning if you wish to print it.
Yr4 – Here are the answer’s to yesterday’s learning. Here is today’s video for learning. Here is a copy of the learning if you wish to print it.
Whilst we are basking in the summer sunshine (hope you’re being safe and using suncream and hats – have a look at today’s science lesson to help to be sun safe!), have a go at this reading comprehension all about ‘A very unusual winter…’. Don’t forget, the answers are on the second page so don’t scroll down until you’ve finished answering the questions.
This week, we are learning all about how to be sun safe and how to protect ourselves. Have a look at this video – the learning is at the end of the video.
Mrs Welsby has recorded some more chapters of ‘The chicken gave it to me’ here – I’m enjoying hearing a story I haven’t read before. Are you? (If you’ve missed previous chapters, head back to the start of this week to find them.)
20 May 2020 : Home learning
Hello to you all!
Watch the BBC Bitesize clip about reading measurements and scales : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zk8jxnb
Find some different scales and measures that are used to measure things in your house.
Challenge : Measure some things in your house. You might be able to find out :
- How much you weigh (in kg)
- How tall you are (in cms or m)
- How much one of your toys weigh (in g or kg)
- How much is in a cup or glass (in ml or l)
- How long or wide a toy is (in cm or m)
Listen to this different version of the Lion and Mouse story : https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks1–ks2-aesops-fables-the-lion-and-the-mouse/z67j92p
Challenge : List things that are the same/different about the story that we read yesterday.
eg : The characters are the same in both stories.
The mouse was teasing the lion in this story but not in the other story.
Topic – Art (spots and stripes)
Watch the BBC Bitesize clip all about animals with spots and stripes : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zpn6n39
Which do you prefer? Spots or stripes?
Draw an animal outline (or print one of the ones below) and fill it in with a pattern. It could be the real pattern or one that you make up yourself (like rainbow stripes or blue spots).
20 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Wednesday – you’re halfway through the week already!
Y3 – continuing on with our maths problem solving, here is your video with yesterday’s answers and today’s problem. Here is the problem if you wish to print it.
Y4 – Here are the answers to yesterday’s learning. Today, you are continuing with position and direction in today’s video. Here is the worksheet if you wish to print it.
Read through this exciting story starter and then answer the questions below. What do you think is going on? How mysterious …
Last week, we looked at verbs.
– A verb is an action or ‘doing’ word. It doesn’t always end in –ing.
This week, we are going to look at verb tenses.
Here is a video (with a quiz in it!) all about the present perfect tense along with a few questions to answer.
20 May 2020: Home Learning
Good morning!
Did you manage to complete yesterday’s art task and enter the competition? Hannah has sent me her entry, which she is sending off to the Brownlee Foundation- good luck!
Today’s learning…….
Y5 maths: Your learning today is finding the perimeter and convert units of measurements.
Y6 maths: algebra
Play Guardians of Mathematica – Ancient City of Algebra. Complete the first three stages.
Read this extract of The Tempest and complete the comprehension questions.
Follow this BBC Bitesize lesson.
19 May 2020 : Home learning
Morning everyone. Hope you are safe and well.
Watch the slideshow by Miss Harker about thirds of quantities : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhIXAg9UC
Read the Lion and Mouse story again. Try to use expression (change your voice) when the characters are speaking.
Answer the questions about the story.
Challenge : You could draw all the people in your house. Show how you worked out your answers (eg 3 people with 2 eyes = 2+2+2 = 6). You could add any pets or teddies you have too!
19 May 2020: Home Learning
Today’s learning…….
Y5 maths: length
Your learning today is applying length to real-life problems.
Y6 maths: algebra
Writing: paragraphs and homophones
Follow the BBC Bitesize lesson
Art: Brownlee Foundation
Yesterday, you were set a research and writing task relating to the Brownlee brothers. As we won’t be taking part in the Brownlee triathlon this year, the foundation have set you an art competition. Read what you have to do and how you can enter here. It would be great to see your final designs!
19 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Tuesday!
Y3 – continuing on with our problem solving, here is the video for today – it has the answers to yesterday’s problem (and how I worked it out) and today’s new problem. Here is the problem if you wish to print it.
Y4 – Yesterday’s answers.
Today’s learning – Position and direction 1 video and worksheet.
Something a little bit different ….
Read through this interview with Ben Schwarz and find out about the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Then, answer the questions on the next page.
Answers to the last lesson’s continents and oceans. Today, we are learning about the hemispheres. Video learning and worksheet.
If you want to listen to chapter 2 and 3 of the story The chicken gave it to me by Anne Fine, click here. (If you missed chapter 1, you will find it on yesterday’s post)
18 May 2020: Home Learning
Good morning- I hope you all had a good weekend. This is the final week of this half term and it feels so strange to have not seen you. Have a look at the class news page for some great examples of home learning you have been doing.
Today’s learning……
Y5 maths: converting units of length
Y6 maths: algebra
Reading: Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Follow the BBC Bitesize lesson
This week, Y5 should be taking part in the Brownlee Triathlon but under the circumstances they can’t. Today, I would like you to research who the Brownlee brothers are and why there’s a triathlon event named after them. Write an informative report about them and see if you can include the following features:
- heading/sub-headings
- questions
- fronted adverbials
- brackets/dashes or commas for parenthesis
Look out for a triathlon challenge from our very own- one and only professional triathlete- Mr Mills this week!
18 May 2020 : Home learning
Well, we didn’t think we would be on week SEVEN of our home learning tasks! Well done if you have done some home learning, even if it is not everything. Please remember, any learning that is missed we will catch up on once we get back to school.
Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Weekly spellings :
Y1 : coin soil train paint light high coat soap
Y2 : write written wrote wrong wrap table apple bottle little middle
Times tables : If you ready, start learning x6 (link to x3) OR keep going with times 2, 3, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 5 or 10
Watch the slideshow by Miss Harker all about thirds of shapes : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhIXqg9ZA
We are going to read another Aesop’s Fable (a story that has a message in it). Listen to Miss Harker read and talk about the story below : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhIXLg944
Topic – Royal competition
The Duchess Of Cambridge and the National Portrait Gallery have launched a project to find a photographic portrait, taken during these extraordinary times, which responds to one of the following themes:
- Helpers and Heroes
- Your New Normal
- Acts of Kindness
One hundred shortlisted portraits will feature in a virtual exhibition on the Gallery’s website and a selection of images will also be shown across the UK later in the year.
The project is completely free and open to all ages and abilities. Images must involve people, and can be captured on phones or cameras. Each image will be assessed on the emotion and experience it conveys rather than its photographic quality or technical expertise. The closing date for submissions is the 18 June 2020.
To enter you photo, visit the website : https://www.npg.org.uk/hold-still/