18 May 2020: Home learning
Hi everyone,
How are you all? We hope that you have enjoyed the weekend. Can you believe that we are in the last week of this half term! Here are you learning tasks for today. Enjoy.
Maths: Y3 – Friday’s Y3 solutions. Today’s Y3 learning is another challenge.
Y4 – Mr Gathercole from Scholes explains the solution to Friday’s Y4 challenge. Today’s learning is multiplication and here’s the worksheet to complete.
Reading: Today you are going to find out about the explorer Amelia Earhart, a courageous pilot. Watch the video clip.
Your task is to write a paragraph to summarise the achievements made by Amelia Earhart. Try to keep your summary to five quality sentences. There is a transcript of the clip underneath that you can read through to help you.
Topic: Today we are going to recap the continents and oceans of the world. Watch the video and then answer the questions about continents and oceans.
Spellings: This week we are revising the long o vowel sound. Read and find the words with the long ‘o’ sound. Now complete the wordsearch which lists your spellings for this week.
Story time: If you want to listen to a story, here’s Chapter 1 of The chicken gave it to me, read by Mrs Welsby. Watch out for chapter 2 and 3 tomorrow.
15 May 2020 : Home learning
It’s Friday already again. It should have been a training day but we have some learning prepared for you instead!
Watch Miss Harker’s video all about adjectives : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhiQRg2mD
Topic – Science (staying healthy)
Watch the BBC Bitesize about staying healthy : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9yycdm/articles/zxvkd2p
There are lots of things you can do to stay healthy. You need to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. You also need to do lots of exercise and get enough sleep. You need to keep yourself clean, too.
How many different ways can you think of to stay healthy? Make a poster all about staying healthy. There are some ideas below.
15 May 2020: Home Learning
Well done for getting to the end of the sixth week of home learning. How have you found learning virtually? What has been a challenge? What have you enjoyed?
Today’s learning…….
Maths: Year 5 and 6
Continue to use Times Tables Rockstars to practise your fluency and recall.
As it’s Friday, I would like you to relax and chill with your favourite or current book/magazine/paper and just enjoy reading. Then have a discussion with someone in your household about what you have read today.
Science/Design technology
Follow the BBC Bitesize lesson all about design using maths and science.
15 May 2020: Home learning
It’s Friday! Hope you’ve had a good week and had a successful week of learning!
It’s challenge Friday!
Year 3, here is your challenge all about coins commonly used in Britain today.
Year 4, here is your challenge – you have a magic square and you need to put the digits 1 to 9 in the square so that every row, column and diagonal all add up to 15. Here are some digit cards that you could use if you want to do it practically or you could make your own using some scrap paper.
Something a little different… read the news article here and see if you can complete the crossword below it. All of the answers have been underlined so you just need to match each clue with the correct word.
Today, we are going to use our musical talents. I know many of you play instruments and lots of you love singing and dancing to rhythms. This is a fantastic lesson on pulse and rhythm. Follow this link from Oak Academy to practice your beats and rhythm. You may need a pencil and paper to make some notes.
14 May 2020: Home learning
Good morning, Year 3 and Year 4.
Here is your learning for today.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths learning for Year 3 and Year 4.
Year 3, there are two videos to watch on this link before having a go at the activities. If you have a selection of different (current British) coins available, they could come in handy. If not, you might want to print/draw these coins to help. You may wish to print Activity 1 or it could be done straight in books. Activity 2 is done interactively.
Year 4, here is your video and the learning mentioned in the video.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s Artic journey activity.
Today, have a look at this explorer story task and using the book blurb or the story opener, write your own story about a land that you would explore or discover.
Here is a video for us to continue our learning all about Pentecost. There are 5 questions for you to answer (this is the printable if you wish but it isn’t necessary) and then, if you’d like, you can make your own paper windmill using these instructions.
14 May 2020 : Home learning
Thursday already! Keep up with your reading and times tables.
Watch the video by Miss Harker all about quarter turns then complete the activity below.
Challenge : Find some toys or books. Turn them a quarter turn clockwise or anti clockwise. Take a photo before and after, if you can.
Use what you know about phonics to write the words that would label this picture. You can write them as a list in your home learning book.
Challenge : Put each word into a sentence.
Topic – Science (5 senses)
Watch the BBC Bitesize all about the 5 senses.
Complete the activity at the end too.
If you can, go on a senses scavenger hunt.
14 May 2020: Home Learning
Good morning Year 5 and 6.
Today’s learning….
Y5 and Y6 Maths
Today, both year groups have the same activity: converting units of time.
Complete the reading comprehension about Captain Tom Moore.
Captain Tom Moore has been named The Nation’s Hero for all the money he has raised for the NHS. Your writing task today is to write a letter to Captain Tom Moore. Some points to think about:
- formal/informal?
- letter layout and organisation
- content- what are you going to tell him/ask him/thank him for?
- range of punctuation
Please email me your letters, so I can read them.
13 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Wednesday – half way through the week. How’s it going? Thank you to those people who got in touch when there was a problem with the topic link on Monday. It meant we could resolve the issue as soon as possible. There are inevitably going to be the odd blips and mistakes so thanks for bearing with us! Hopefully all the links will work today!
Maths: Yesterday’s Y4 answers.
Today’s learning. Year 3 video learning and worksheet. Year 4 video learning and worksheet.
Reading: Arctic Adventure video, text and questions
Science: Continuing with our Light topic, we are recapping transparent, translucent and opaque properties. Video lesson and sheet.
13 May 2020 : Home learning
Hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday so far. Here is your learning for today.
Watch the BBC Bitesize clip about how much a quarter of an hour is.
Try telling the time today. Look at a clock as often as you can.
What are you doing at 10 o clock?
What are you doing at half past twelve?
What are you doing at quarter past 3?
What time did you have dinner?
What time do you go to bed?
Watch the Phase 4 review by Miss Harker : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhiQkg2kC
Challenge : play the Read and Race game below.
Topic – Science (human body)
Watch the BBC Bitesize all about the human body. There is a labelling activity at the end too.
Challenge : Draw your own body outline (small, on a piece of paper or around your actual body, maybe outside, using chalk). Label as many parts as you can.
13 May 2020: Home Learning
Good morning- I hope you’re all staying happy and healthy. Please email me if you have any questions about the home learning or you would like to send me any pictures of your learning.
Today’s learning…..
Y5 maths: regular and irregular polygons
Well done to Sofia, who emailed me her fantastic maths learning from yesterday all about polygons. I love her presentation too- very neat and colourful!
Today, you are going to continue to learn about regular and irregular polygons. Use the video from yesterday to support you. Complete the task.
Y6 maths: ratio and proportion
Yesterday, you followed a White Rose lesson all about ratio and proportion. Today, complete this fluency sheet. Choose which level you want to do (first page easiest) and then mark your work with the answers at the end.
Writing: reports
Think of your favourite celebrity, musician, sportsperson or hero. Write a formal report about them. Follow this online lesson to find out how to do this. I would love to read some of your reports, so please email me your writing!
Geography: trade and economic activity
Follow the learning and have a go at the quiz tasks 1 and 2.