
12 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 11 May 2020 by Miss Beatson

Good morning!

Today’s learning…….

Year 5 maths: regular and irregular polygons

Watch the video

Year 6 maths

Here are the answers to yesterday’s arithmetic paper.

Today, your learning is about ratio and proportion. Here is a link to the White Rose Maths website. Watch the video in week 2 lesson two ratio and proportion.

After watching the video, answer these questions in your exercise book.


Today, complete this FirstNews comprehension.

Living and Learning: I know the importance of money.

Watch this video

12 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 11 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Hello everyone! Here is your learning for today.


Complete the activities below.

Challenge : Draw a square and a rectangle. Divide the shapes into quarters. Is there more than one way to make quarters (remember the four parts need to be equal) ?


Read ‘The boy who cried wolf’ again from yesterday. Try to add expression to the parts where someone is speaking.

Use the words with the suffix ed from yesterday. Put each word into a sentence. Say your sentence out loud and then write it. Remember to start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.


This song is very popular at the moment. The words are below. Read along and sing the song. It has messages about being powerful, strong and confident. I hope it makes you feel that way too.

Fight Song by Rachel Platten

Like a small boat, on the ocean
Sending big waves, into motion
Like how a single word, can make a heart open
I might only have one chance but I can make an explosion

And all those things I didn’t say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song, take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song, my power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong, I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes, ‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

Losing friends and I’m chasing sleep
Everybody’s worried about me
In too deep
Say I’m in too deep (in too deep)
And it’s been two years I miss my home
But there’s a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe

And all those things I didn’t say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song, take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song, my power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong, I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes, ‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

A lot of fight left in me

Like a small boat
On the ocean
I might only have one chance
But I can make an explosion

This is my fight song, take back my life song
Prove I’m alright song, my power’s turned on
Starting right now I’ll be strong, I’ll play my fight song
And I don’t really care if nobody else believes, ‘Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

Know I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me

12 May 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 11 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good morning all. Hope you have got your wooly jumpers on now that we have cold weather back. I was back in my winter coat when I walked the dog last night! Keep smiling, though, as I think the sunshine is due back next week.

Maths:  Today’s Y3 video learning and worksheet. Y4 video learning and worksheet.

Reading: Sylvia Earle – a famous marine biologist and explorer. Video and text.

Grammar: Verbs task sheet and questions.

Don’t forget, you can always contact us by email. Mrs Welsby (kerensawelsby@spherefederation.org) and Mrs Rowley (beckyrowley@spherefederation.org)  – we love hearing from you!


11 May 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 10 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children,
How are you all? We hope that you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed
the bank holiday weather. Did anyone celebrate VE day on their street? I saw lots of my neighbours (from a distance) and it was lovely!

Maths:  Year 3 video learning and worksheetYear 4 video learning and worksheet. (Don’t forget to send copies of your wonderful work so that we can share it on the class news page.)

Reading: Today, you are going to find out about the amazing explorer, Ibn Battuta, who travelled for 29 years and covered over 75,000 miles! Wow! Find out how he travelled and what he saw along the way. Watch the BBC clip . (If the video doesn’t work, there is a transcript of the clip underneath.)
Take notes as you watch the clip. Choose five facts that you found the most interesting and write these into full sentences.
If you could interview Ibn, what would you ask him?
List five questions that you could ask him.

Topic: Mapping the world video learning second attempt (sorry the first one didn’t work for some reason.)
Go to the Bitesize link and watch the video. Read the text. (This recaps what Sue Venir has told us in the video.) Now play the quiz. (You can use the text above to help you.)
Did you get all 5 questions correct?
If you didn’t, you can always have another go at the quiz. (Remember, you can find the answers in the text and the video!)

Spellings: Revising the long  i vowel sound. Don’t forget, you can use the activity suggested or ANY method that helps you to learn the spelling pattern.


11 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 10 May 2020 by Miss Beatson

Good morning- I hope you all had a good time celebrating VE day with your family.

Today’s learning…..

Year 5 Maths- arithmetic paper

The answers are at the end of the test.

Year 6 Maths

You may recall that this week was supposed to be our SATs week. Don’t worry you can recreate that magical feeling from the comfort of your own home. Sharpen your pencil, set your timer to 30 minutes and take the 2019 arithmetic paper. Scroll through the questions and use your exercise book to write down your answers and working out. You don’t have to wait weeks to find out how well you did; the answers will be revealed tomorrow.


For your learning today, complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.

Living and Learning

This week’s living and learning statement is ‘I recognise the importance of money’.

The £5 dinner challenge!

This guide may help you design your £5 family meal and check it’s healthy and filling- not just good value! Eat well guide NHS



11 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 10 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Week six of our home learning tasks! Well done if you have done some home learning, even if it is not everything. We hope you are still enjoying the videos from teachers. It is strange not having anyone answering us but we know you like seeing your teachers talking about the learning. As time goes on, some of you may be struggling to keep up with all the tasks. Don’t worry, any learning that is missed we will catch up on once we get back to school. The most important thing at the moment is to stay safe and look after your emotional well-being. If you need any help or support, please email your class teacher.

Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.

There is new content on BBC Bitesize, with three lessons each day: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize and Oak National Academy (ONA), also with three lessons each day: https://www.thenational.academy/ There’s also White Rose: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

Each Monday, we will also upload a set of spellings for you to practise over the course of the week. Then on Friday, see if you can write them out without looking at them. Someone could test you if you want.

Y2s will also have times table or division facts to learn too.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : soon food look book card dark fork short

Y2 : change badge edge race ice city knock know knee knit

Times tables : If you ready, start learning ÷4 (half and half again, link to ÷2) OR keep going with times 2, 3, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 5 or 10


More fractions learning this week. We are focusing on quarters. Watch the slideshow by Miss Harker all about quarters : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYh1Xdghs7


This week, the text we are using is ‘The boy who cried wolf’ : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYh1lQghRf

Read the text along with Miss Harker. Look for the key vocabulary in the text. All the words have the suffix ed .

Challenge : Write a list of words that also have the suffix ed.


Watch the clip about eating a varied diet : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zwgnvcw

Draw your own plate of food. Make sure you have some fruit of vegetables on there!

08 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Miss Beatson

Happy Friday!

Today is a bank holiday – a time where you may be spending extra time with your families and celebrating VE day. VE day stands for Victory in Europe Day and it is celebrated on 8th May – the day when World War  II ended in Europe in 1945.

If you would like to do some learning about VE day, there are a few tasks below that you can do and a few extra fun things based around VE day.

Watch this BBC video to find out more about VE Day.

The Royal Mint has released a special £2 coin to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day. This Newsround article explains more about this. Once you’ve read the information, have a go at designing your own £2 coin to mark this occasion.

How about doing some war time baking? In WWII, lots of the food was rationed to ensure there was enough to go around, so people had to bake using different ingredients. Does anything take your fancy? I think the chocolate cake sounds delicious!

How about becoming a medal designer? Lots of medals were handed out during and at the end of WWII. Do you have what it takes to be the designer of an important medal?

How about flying a spitfire plane? The Spitfire is the most famous plane of World War Two. Its groundbreaking design and superior specifications gave the British a decisive advantage fighting the Luftwaffe.

Please do send me any pictures of you celebrating VE day and let me know how you’re doing- have a great day!

08 May 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Happy VE day!

Here is the working out to yesterday’s maths challenges.

Today is a bank holiday – a time where you may be spending extra time with your families and celebrating VE day. VE day stands for Victory in Europe Day and it is celebrated on 8th May – the day when World War  II ended in Europe in 1945.

If you would like to do some learning about VE day, there are a few tasks below that you can do and a few extra fun things based around VE day.


Here is a reading text all about VE day and some questions to answer. This reading text will tell you more about VE day.


During WWII, Morse Code was used between warships and naval bases, because radio frequency was limited and also easily identifiable by military enemies. Morse code is an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short light or sound signals. Have a go at cracking these morse codes to find out the secret messages.


Extra activities

Here are some extra activities that you may want to do on VE day:

  • How about doing some war time baking? In WWII, lots of the food was rationed to ensure there was enough to go around so people had to bake using different ingredients. Does anything take your fancy? I think the chocolate cake sounds delicious!
  • How about becoming a medal designer? Lots of medals were handed out during and at the end of WWII. Do you have what it takes to be the designer of an important medal?
  • How about flying a spitfire plane? The Spitfire is the most famous plane of World War Two. Its groundbreaking design and superior specifications gave the British a decisive advantage fighting the Luftwaffe.

Please do send us any pictures of you celebrating VE day and let us know how you are doing. Send them to both Mrs Rowley and Mrs Welsby and one of us will get back to you.

( beckyrowley@spherefederation.org / kerensawelsby@spherefederation.org )


08 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Happy VE Day! You might be busy with your family today or enjoying the bank holiday as a day off. If not, here are a few things you can do.


Complete the halves and doubles fluency :

Reading – karaoke/sing-a-long

This is a famous song sung by Vera Lynn at the end of the war. Join in, read the words and sing along!

Topic – VE Day

Write down any facts you can remember about VE Day, draw a picture or make a poster.

If you can, you could also have your own VE Day celebration. You could display your flags that you made on Tuesday. You could decorate your house or dress up in red, white and blue. You might be able to bake or make something to eat at the party. You could make a flag to wave. Try to have a fun day, but stay safe.



07 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 06 May 2020 by Miss Beatson

Good Morning Year 5 and 6. The weather is starting to pick up again, so I hope you’re managing to get some fresh air and exercise.

Today’s learning…..


Year 5: watch the video on angles

Year 6: watch the video on circles

Writing: semi colons

Watch this video and listen to the words to remind you when we use a semi colon.

Writing: using bullet points

Follow the BBC Bitesize lesson about bullet points.

Art: optical illusions

Today, we are going to use our artistic talents! I am always amazed at optical illusions (where your eyes deceive your brain) and I find them fascinating. I thought we could all have a go at making our own!

Why are we doing this?

During this school year, we have been learning about different skills that can be used in paintings, drawings and sketches to improve our artistic abilities. Skills such as shading and colour choice are vital when improving form. This task is a great way to improve our skills and create an exciting optical illusion!

I would love to see some of your finished pieces – please email me nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org

How to get there: click here.