24 March 2020: Home learning
Good morning!
Here are your tasks for today. Remember … each day we will set three main tasks. In addition to these, we would like you to read for at least twenty minutes per day, practise your times tables facts and weekly spellings (uploaded each Monday).
Happy learning.
Mrs Welsby & Mrs Rowley
Year 3 – find your maths fractions packs. On page one, when you’ve written the correct fraction for each shape, draw a line to match the equivalent fractions. Remember, Equivalent fractions are fractions with different numbers representing the same part of a whole. They have different numerators and denominators, but their fractional values are the same. For example, think about the fraction 1/2. It means half of something. You can also say that 6/12 is half, and that 50/100 is half.
Year 4 – find your maths fractions packs. Complete the Counting up and down in hundredths and converting decimals tenths and hundredths to fractions. Complete questions three and four from the problems on page 1.
Don’t forget to mark yesterday’s work. Year 3 answers, Year 4 answers.
The reading task today is a RIC. Read the text Coronavirus Storybook. Then answer the RIC questions in your books. Remember to write today’s date! I will post some suggested answers tomorrow. Can you complete the challenge?
For writing today, please finish your newspaper report. You should have already written the first two paragraphs.
In your third paragraph, you need to include two quotes from eyewitnesses. Work from your plan (or mine) to remind you who you might use.
Your last paragraph is about ‘what next?’ Use your notes to help you. You only need to write a few sentences in this paragraph.
Don’t forget to re-read your work to make sure it says what you want it to say.
23 March 2020: Home learning timetable
Hi children, parents and carers,
We hope your first day of home learning is going well. Having structure and routine in your day can help a lot. You may have already planned your day to match our school day, but if you need a help, we have attached a timetable of a typical school day that you might want to mirror.
09:00-10:00 | First lesson |
10:00 -10:10 | Wake Up, Shake Up (or dance around the garden with music!) |
10:10 – 10:50 | Second lesson |
10:50 – 11:05 | Break (another chance to have a run round and let off steam!) |
11:05 – 12:00 | Third lesson |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunchtime (you could make your own – we call this Food Technology!) |
13:00 – 14:00 | Fourth lesson (household chores, perhaps?) |
14:00 – 14:45 | Fifth lesson (gardening?) |
14:45 – 15:15 | Collective Worship / Reading class novel |
Don’t forget how important exercise is. You could start your day with Joe, the body coach, on YouTube (9am Mon-Fri) or later in the day.
You can also access the i-moves website for 5-10 minute brain breaks throughout the day. Why not keep a timetable to ensure you are active throughout the day.
23 March 2020: Home learning
Hi children,
We hope you’ve had a good weekend.
Here are your tasks for today. Each day, we will set three main tasks. In addition to these, we would like you to read for at least twenty minutes per day and practise your times tables facts – you could use TT Rock Stars to do this.
Each Monday, we will also upload a set of spellings for you to practise over the course of the week. The spellings will link to a rule that we have covered already this year.
The answers to the maths tasks will be given the next day so you will be able to go through and mark your answers.
Happy learning.
Mrs Welsby and Mrs Rowley
This past week, we have been learning all about fractions.
Year 3 – find your maths fractions packs. Complete the year 3 fraction problems. Explain to a grown-up which part of the fraction is the denominator and which part is the numerator.
Year 4 – find your maths fractions packs. Complete the adding and subtraction fractions with the same denominator. Answer questions one and two from the problems on page 1.
The reading task today is a comprehension task. The answers are on the second page so please don’t look before you have answered! These sheets do not need to be printed – just write the answers to the questions in your books. Remember to put today’s date!
Last week, we acted out the rebellion by Boudicca and the Britons. We planned our own newspaper reports. If you have yours with you, you can use this. If not, you can use my ideas on this plan. Today, write your first paragraph include the WWWWWH and your second paragraph. Don’t forget, this is where you give more details about what happened. We will continue this tomorrow so save some ideas and information for your last two paragraphs!
-less -ly -ment -ed -ing
Can you add the suffixes above to any of the following root words? How many different words can you make?
care run help proper
hope sure achieve rain
pain skip move close
enjoy curious point use
Now you have written your list, how many more words can you think of ending in each of the different suffixes?
Practise spelling these words. Use different strategies to help you learn them. Examples:
- rainbow words – each letter is written in a different colour
- split each word into syllables en/joy/ment
- box words – draw a box around each letter in the word
- pyramid words
- look, cover, spell, check
23 March 2020: Home learning
Year 5 Maths Task
Starter: Times Tables Rockstars- improve your multiplication skills.
Your learning today is place value.
- Create 3 part whole models for 4,050.
2. Partition the following numbers.
For example: 5, 945 = 5,000 + 900 + 40 + 5
- Here are the numbers of tickets sold at a theme park per month.
January | 33,569 |
February | 76,598 |
March | 21,324 |
April | 111,236 |
May | 109,487 |
Use the more and less than symbols < > to create 4 statements for the populations.
111,236 > 76,598
Challenge: Can you create your own table of information, like above, containing numbers that you can compare? Write some statements for your information using < > and =.
Year 6 maths task
Starter: Use two dice, a number spinner or a pack of playing cards (picture cards are zero) to generate two 7-digit numbers e.g.
6,527,901 and 6,420,100
Compare using the ‘greater than’ symbol (>) or “less than” symbol (<).
6,527,901 > 6,420,100
Choose 10 more numbers to compare.
Your learning today is rounding. Using the numbers that you have already created, round each to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000.
10 – 6,527,900
100 – 6,527,900
1,000 – 6,528,000
10,000 – 6,530,000
100,000 – 6,500,000
Challenge: Whitney rounded 2,156,708 to the nearest 10,000. Her answer was 2,200,000. Explain her mistake.
Writing task (Year 5 & 6)
Your learning today is writing speech.
Your task is to create a script between two characters of your choice. This script can be linked to something we have previously learnt (such as the Vikings), or something else of your choice. Remember to use character speech to convey character. You may also choose to add some stage direction to add extra information. You do not need to punctuate any speech when writing a script.
Tip: Convey character means to tell the reader about a character through what they said and how they said it.
“I bet you can’t catch me!” laughed Billy.
This tells the reader that Billy is a confident boy, who believes he is very fast.
Reading Task (Year 5 & 6)
As a class, we’ve been enjoying reading our class novel ‘Viking Boy’. Today, we’d like you to create a story map for what has happened so far in the book. This can be as creative as you like but must include the key moments and characters from the story so far. Here is an example of a story map for a story that most of us will be familiar with…
Challenge 1:
Summarise the story so far in 10 words, 5 words and 1 word.
Challenge 2:
Re-write the story so far in a shorter form (this could be one paragraph or more).
In addition, we always recommend that children read for 20 minutes every day – what a perfect time to make sure children are reading loads!
23 March 2020 : Home learning
Here are your tasks for today. Each day there will be three main tasks.
We would also like you to read for at least twenty minutes per day – to yourself, your mum, dad, teddy or pets. It could be in two, 10 minute sessions.
Each Monday, we will also upload a set of spellings for you to practise over the course of the week. Then on Friday, see if you can write them out without looking at them. Someone could test you if you want.
Y2s will also have a set of times table or division facts to learn.
Year 1 spellings
- me
- mine
- ask
- asking
- asked
- no
- some
- school
Year 2 spellings
- child
- children
- Christmas
- class
- climb
- clothes
- cold
- could
- door
- even
Times tables : times 2 and divide 2
Watch and join in with the doubles song : https://youtu.be/8jOzhiACB68
Make 10 in as many ways as you can.
eg 5+5=10, 10=4+6, 1+4+4+1=10, 15-5=10
Make 20 in as many ways as you can.
eg 10+10=20, 1+19=20, 2+18=20, 25-5=20, half of 40 is 20.
Read about the seasons and answer the questions in your home learning book.
1. How many seasons are there in one year?
2. In which season do leaves start to grow on the trees?
3. What type of weather is there more of in the summer?
4. Copy and complete : In autumn, leaves change colour and fall from the _________.
5. List all the clothes you might need in winter.
Sort the toys in your bedroom according to their material eg plastic, wood, metal.
Challenge: Sort the toys again, according to their properties eg rigid, smooth, bendy. Take a picture or draw your groups.
Home Learning- emails
In my case, this means the email to use is:
I’ll aim to reply on the same day and no later than the following morning. To keep this manageable, please restrict emails to one per day, per child.
Emailing teachers
Email teachers if you’re unsure about some aspect of the home learning. The email addresses follow the same pattern in Key Stage 1 and 2: joebloggs@spherefederation.org
Home learning emails
During this home learning period, email us if you’re unsure about some aspect of the home learning. The email addresses follow the same pattern in Key Stage 1 and 2:
In our case, this means the emails to use are:
We’ll aim to reply on the same day and no later than the following morning. To keep this manageable, please restrict emails to one per day, per child.
PE with Joe Wicks
Some classes have used Joe Wicks workouts in their PE lessons recently and he has sent a message for you all.
Starting Monday 23rd March I’m going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel.
With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it’s more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive.
Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.
The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.
You don’t need any equipment, just tune in to my YouTube channel at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout.
One more thing! I really need your help to spread this message. So please please share this with everyone that might like to get involved, and together we can help keep the nation moving
20 March 2020
This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework: I can pay and receive compliments to/from people outside of school.
This homework, which links to our recent living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to discuss the benefits of paying compliments to people. Here are some questions that might shape your discussion:
- How does paying a compliment make you feel?
- How does receiving a compliment make you feel?
- Why is it important to be sensible when paying or receiving compliments?
- Can you compliment people too much?
- Is it ok to compliment a stranger? Is this safe?
Children should be ready to discuss what they’ve talked about at home by Thursday 26 March 2020. It would be even better if children were able to talk confidently about times when they have given, or received, a compliment.