
12 July 19

Posted on Friday 12 July 2019 by

This week’s homework is a practice makes perfect and it is due on Thursday 18 July. We have been learning all about time in our class. Using our understanding of the five times tables has really helped us. This is a song that we like to use for our active learning.

This week, pupils should use their understanding of time to create a diary of the things they do on a typical Saturday.



Friday 05 July 2019

Posted on Sunday 07 July 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate happy and healthy choices.

This homework links to our weekly living and learning statement and is something we talk about a lot in our school. Can you encourage your child to make a new healthy choice every day this week? Or think about one new healthy change your child can make? Try to help them make sure the choice is a realistic, achievable one, such as avoiding being on an electronic device after a certain time to help sleep, or adding one extra daily portion of vegetables to their diet each day.

As this is a Creative homework, children could respond in a variety of ways:

  • Create a blog, video blog or diary to show the changes we’ve made.
  • Create a poster convincing others to make a happy and healthy change.
  • Make a cartoon strip in which a character makes a happy and healthy change.
  • Write a song, poem or rap that will encourage others to make changes.
  • Reflect on change they’ve made and how it made them feel.

There are of course lots of other ways to respond, too.

Children should be ready share, and celebrate, their homework in their class by Thursday 11 July 2019.

Friday 05 July

Posted on Friday 05 July 2019 by Mr Mills

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate happy and healthy choices.

This homework links to our weekly living and learning statement and is something we talk about a lot in our school. Can you encourage your child to make a new healthy choice every day this week? Or think about one new healthy change your child can make? Try to help them make sure the choice is a realistic, achievable one, such as avoiding being on an electronic device after a certain time to help sleep, or adding one extra daily portion of vegetables to their diet each day.

As this is a Creative homework, children could respond in a variety of ways:

  •         Create a poster convincing others to make a happy and healthy change.
  •       Make a cartoon strip in which a character makes a happy and healthy change.
  •         Write a song, poem or rap that will encourage others to make changes.
  •         Reflect on change they’ve made and how it made them feel.

There are of course lots of other ways to respond, too.

Children should be ready to share, and celebrate, their homework in their class by Thursday 11 July 2019.

28 June 2019

Posted on Friday 28 June 2019 by

In maths, we are learning all about different units of measure. This week’s homework is an activity to let you show off everything that you have learnt so far. We are currently looking at measuring height and length. Here is a free game to play at home.

Year 1:

You will have an activity that looks a little bit like this.


Year 2:

You will have an activity that looks something like this.

21 June 2019

Posted on Friday 21 June 2019 by


This week’s homework is a creative task and is due on Thursday 27 June. Using your research skills, find and label a type of food from each part of a plant. You may want to use the table provided in your book, but please feel free to present your ideas in a different way if you would like to.

Draw and label food from these different parts of a plant.

Flower Fruit


Leaves Stem


Root or tuber


Friday 21 June

Posted on Friday 21 June 2019 by Mr Mills

This week’s homework is Practice makes Perfect. In our work on fractions we have been learning about fractions greater than 1 – or improper fractions to give them their correct name.

For homework, children need to complete the sheet on identifying improper fractions. Homework is due on Friday 27 June.

14 June 2019

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by Mr Mills

This week’s homework is to complete our annual Health Survey.

This helps us gather important information about what has worked well this year and what we could improve on next year. Please complete the survey and return it to school in your homework book on 20 June, ready for your class homework review.

07 June 2019

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by Mr Mills

This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework based on our Living and Learning statement: I know honesty is important  

This homework is particularly appropriate as honesty is the Christian value which we will be focusing on this half term.

For their homework this week, children should discuss the concept of honesty with their families, brothers and sisters or any other people who may wish to discuss ideas with them.

Children could respond to this homework in a range of ways:

  • Why is it important to be honest?
  • Discuss a time when you had to be honest.
  • Is it ever ok to be dishonest?
  • Is being honest always easy?

The discussion you have need not be recorded in homework books but you may want to make a few notes to help with our whole class discussion about the topic on  Thursday 13 June 2019.


Thursday 16 May 2019

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can show what I know about a particular job.  

This homework is in preparation for our themed week which is next week. Throughout the week, we’ll focus on money. One aspect of this is how money is earned. Obviously, our children are a little young to be earning money but it is really important that they have aspirations.

For their homework this week, children should decide on a job (maybe one they want to do or one that a family member has) and find out some useful information about the profession: what a ‘normal’ day looks like, how much you can earn, what qualifications/experience you need, etc.

Children could respond to this creative homework in a range of ways:

  • Create a poster
  • Make a ‘project board’
  • Re-create a ‘day in the life of…’ and document this in pictures
  • Make a presentation
  • Compare a few different jobs
  • Devise a short play to show their peers what the job involves
  • Research the salary and decide how they might spend their money
  • Write a job application

Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Thursday 23 May 2019.

16 May 2019

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by Mr Mills

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can show what I know about a particular job.

This homework is in preparation for our themed week which is next week. Throughout the week, we’ll focus on money. One aspect of this is how money is earned. Obviously, our children are a little young to be earning money but it is really important that they have aspirations.

For their homework this week, children should decide on a job (maybe one they want to do or one that a family member has) and find out some useful information about the profession: what a ‘normal’ day looks like, how much you can earn, what qualifications/experience you need, etc.

Children could respond to this creative homework in a range of ways:
· Create a poster
· Make a ‘project board’
· Re-create a ‘day in the life of…’ and document this in pictures
· Make a presentation
· Compare a few different jobs
· Devise a short play to show their peers what the job involves
· Research the salary and decide how they might spend their money
· Write a job application

Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Thursday 23 May 2019.