10 May 2019
This week’s homework is a creative task and is due on Thursday 16 May. Look at the science experiment below. Have a go at following the instructions (you may need an adult to help you).
Write some sentences to answer these questions after completing the experiment.
10 May 2019
Our homework this week is Creative
As part of our ‘disasters’ mini topic, we have been studying volcanoes: How they form, what happens when they erupt etc.
Your task is to use your knowledge about them and any extra research you carry out to create a piece of work on volcanoes. You could create a poster, a poem, a game or anything else that you can think of.
We will be looking for creative ideas and originality.
03 May 2019
This week’s homework is talk-time:
Is mental health more important than physical health?
This homework, which links to our living and learning theme, is an opportunity to discuss the issues around mental health. If we can’t see our mental health, does that mean it is less important?
Can you justify your reasons and decisions?
Do people agree or disagree with you? Why?
Year 6: grammar and maths revision booklets to complete by Tuesday 07 May.
3 May 2019
This week we have a Talk time homework: Is physical health more important than mental health?
This homework, which links to our living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to show that they can recognise what mental health is. We all have mental health but it is sometimes hard tell if our mind is healthy. If we can’t see our mental health, does that mean that it is less important?
You could respond to this in a range of ways:
- create a poster to show your ideas
- write a response to the question
- create a piece of art to show your ideas
- Write a poem, song or rap about mental health
Of course, there are many other ways in which you could respond. Please be ready to celebrate your learning as part of your homework review by Thursday 09 May 2019.
Masters of Mathematics
We are working hard on fundamental maths skills in year 1/2.
Here are a few links to some games that you may want to practise at home.
- Mathsframe speedy timetables (Adjust the difficulty to x2, x5 and x10).
- Jetpack Mathematics (Select year 1 or year 2).
- Hit the button (Try number bonds, doubles, halves or times tables).
26 April 2019
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate different emotions.
This homework, which links to our living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to show that they can recognise, and show, different emotions. As humans, we display a huge-range of emotions. Sometimes, it’s obvious how we’re feeling. Sometimes, it’s trickier for us to show, or recognise, an emotion. This statement allows us to spend time thinking about the different emotions we experience and how we can recognise these accurately in ourselves and others.
Children could respond creatively to this in a range of ways:
- create a piece of art that shows a range of emotions
- take pictures of themselves (or others) displaying different emotions
- write a short-story in which a character shows lots of emotions
- Devise a poem, song or rap about emotions
- Create a comic strip to illustrate different emotions
Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Thursday 02 May 2019.
18 April 2019
This week’s homework is creative:
‘I can show what I know about space.’
Here are some ideas that you may want to create:
- Posters
- Leaflets
- Models with explanations
- Information texts
- Poem
18 April 2019
This week’s homework is a practice makes perfect and it is due on Thursday 25 April.
Year 1
Use your knowledge of positional language to add to the picture below.
Have a go at the free pirate game.
Year 2
Use your knowledge of turns to add to the picture below.
Have a go at this free game to practise turns.
Multiplication madness
In Year 2, we have been thinking about how we can become super speedy at doing times tables facts. Here are a few games to help you become super speedy.
If you fancy a race against the clock then try Hit the Button.
If you feel like having a race then then try Grand Prix Multiplication or Times table Rally.
Remember, staying safe whilst online is very important. Be sure not to display your personal and private information, even if it is for a username!
22 March 2019
This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework: I can pay and receive compliments to/from people outside of school.
This homework, which links to our living and learning statement, is an opportunity for children to discuss the benefits of paying compliments to people. Here are some questions that might shape your discussion:
- How does paying a compliment make you feel?
- How does receiving a compliment make you feel?
- Why is it important to be sensible when paying or receiving compliments?
- Can you compliment people too much?
Children should be ready to discuss what they’ve talked about at home by Thursday 28 March 2019. It would be even better if children were able to talk confidently about times when they have given, or received, a compliment.