09 March 2018
This week’s homework is a practice makes perfect and is due on Thursday 15 March.
For the past two weeks, Year 1 and 2 have been learning about fractions:
- Year 1 have learned about 1/2 and 1/4.
- Year 2 have learned about 1/4, 1/3, 1/2 and 3/4.
These are the definitions we have used for our fractions to help the children understand them. This works for both numbers and shapes.
- 1/2 – one equal part of two
- 1/4 – one equal part of four
- 1/3 – one equal part of three
- 3/4 – three equal parts of four
Have a look in the homework books for your child’s practice makes perfect homework based on our fractions learning this past fortnight.
09 March 2018
Focus: Practice make perfect
In Maths this week, we’ve been learning about symmetry and how to draw lines of symmetry on to 2D shapes.
Your child has a sheet of questions in their book to answer. They may make jottings on other pages if this helps them.
A link to more information on symmetry can be found here.
02 March 2018
Focus: Creative
Today, Friday 02 March, was the Great Big School Clean. So, for homework we’d like you to promote the Keep Britain Tidy campaign in an effort to reduce litter, end unnecessary waste and improve public spaces.
You could:
• Make a poster;
• Write a song;
• Storyboard an advert;
• Create a leaflet;
• Or anything else creative that comes to mind.
More information on the Great Big School Clean can be found here.
Enjoy your home learning and get creative.
23 February 2018
Focus: Talk time
As part of our social, moral, spiritual, cultural and health education, we would like to explore the moral issues surrounding animals in captivity.
You may want to discuss the following questions:
- Wild and free or safe and caged?
- Should animals be used for entertainment?
- Are zoos a good idea? What are their good and bad points?
- …or any other moral issues surrounding animals.
02 February 2018
This week’s homework is a practice makes perfect and is due on Thursday 8th February.
Year 1 are practicing their addition skills up to 10/20. To complete this, they may use counters or objects, their fingers or use any mental methods they know. To encourage their fluency, have a look at Hit the Button – a free game where the children can try and beat their score on number bonds to 20 or addition within 10/20.
Year 2 are practicing their multiplication and division skills. They are learning that if they know 5 x 2 = 10 then they also know the inverse, 10 ÷ 2 = 5. To encourage their fluency, have a look at Hit the Button – a free game where they can practice their multiplication and division skills. Year 2 need to know their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.
02 February 2018
Focus: Creative
‘I can stay safe online.’
Links to support your homework:
Here are some ideas for how you could present your homework:
- Create a poster
- Write a story
- Make a model
- Make a video
- PowerPoint
02 February 2018
Focus: Practice Makes Perfect
This week, we have been learning about different sorting diagrams, Venn and Carroll diagrams in particular.
Your child has a Venn and Carroll diagram stuck in their book to complete at home.
A great interactive Venn diagram can be found here.
26 January 2018
Focus: Talk Time
This week, our Living and Learning statement is ‘I am aware of risks’.
Talk with your child about risks.
You might want to talk about:
- risks at home, at school and in lots of other places – can your child consider risks in different situations?
- weighing up risks – some risks (like putting your hand up to answer a question) is a safe risk as the worst that can happen is you might get the answer wrong; other risks are more dangerous – can you think of some more examples of safe and unsafe risks?
- risks to physical health (such as smoking), risks to mental health (such as stress) – can your child think about other examples?
- what are the risks when going online or using social media?
- …..or anything else that comes up.
19 January 2018
Creative Homework
- mammal
- amphibian
- insect
- bird
How are they the same? How are they different?
19 January 2018
This week’s homework is a practice makes perfect. It’s due on Thursday 25 October.
Year 1
This week, we’ve been practising sorting out muddled up simple sentences. For example:
- sing. like I to → I like to sing.
Year 1 children have mixed up sentences to sort and rewrite correctly. Don’t forget the capital letter and full stops!
Year 2
Year 2s are expected to know how to use an apostrophe to show letters are missing (contractions). For example:
- can not → can’t
- did not → didn’t
Year 2 have words to turn into contractions and then they need to write sentences using these contractions. Don’t forget the apostrophe (and, of course, the capital letter and full stops)!