
19 January 2018

Posted on Friday 19 January 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus: Practice makes perfect

We’ve been learning how to represent and interpret different sets of data this week.

Your child has a worksheet glued into their homework book to complete.

More information on graphs and charts can be found here.

12 January 2018

Posted on Friday 12 January 2018 by Miss Beatson

This week the homework is ‘practice makes perfect’.

There is a reading task in your homework books.

12 January 2018

Posted on Friday 12 January 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus: Creative

This week we’ve been using conjunctions in reports.

Task: Write a short report about the dragon below. Each sentence must contain a conjunction.

More information on conjunctions and supporting activities can be found here.

12 January 2018

Posted on Friday 12 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Thursday 18 January.

I can find different materials around the house.

Remember, all objects are made of a type of material (wood, glass, pottery, metal). You can show the materials you have found in whichever way you wish: writing a list with pictures, taking photographs and labelling them, drawing a poster or writing a description of what you have found.

For more information and games on materials, have a look at BBC Bitesize.

05 January 2018

Posted on Monday 08 January 2018 by Miss Beatson

Practice makes perfect homework: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

Useful links to support:

05 January 2018

Posted on Saturday 06 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. 

Year 1 need to complete the maths sheet on counting to 20 and reading and writing numbers to 20. Have a look at the game Blast Off to practise recognising numbers 11-20.

Year 2 need to complete the maths sheet on groups on repeating addition and multiplication. Have a look at the game Camel Times Tables to practise repeated addition as multiplication.

Homework is due on Thursday 11 January.

05 January 2018

Posted on Friday 05 January 2018 by Mr Mills

This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.

Complete the maths sheets on angles and subtraction.

Here are some reminders on different types angles.

Homework is due on Thursday 11 January.

It’s Christmas!

Posted on Thursday 14 December 2017 by Mr Roundtree

We hope you all enjoy a well-deserved break and come back to school ready and fresh to learn on 02 January.

As it’s the holidays, there’s no homework this week but there’s a few things we think you should try and do over the festive break:

  • spend time with family
  • spend time with friends
  • play outside
  • throw a snowball
  • build a snowman
  • read a book, or two (or three)
  • do something nice for your parents or carers
  • spend some time relaxing and being mindful – remember our workshop?
  • investigate something you observe
  • be polite to everyone you meet
  • eat a few treats (and plenty of veggies!)
  • and, last but not least, have a generally awesome two weeks

08 December 2017

Posted on Friday 08 December 2017 by Mr Roundtree

The homework this week is creative and is due on Thursday 14 December.

I can show what I know about a festival.

​Around this time, ​many children in school will celebrate​ or will have celebrated​ a religious festival of some sort. This might ​be the Christian festival ​of Christmas ​(of course, celebrated by many non-Christians​ in the UK, too​)​. It might also be the Sikh and Hindu festival Diwali​, ​the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, and the Chinese New Year festival which ​is early in the new year.

There are lots of other festivals and celebrations which you and your child together might want to reflect on.  You can research more festivals.

We invite children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), pictures, an interview (perhaps in a script).  Your child might also choose to research a completely unknown festival, or they might even think about creating a brand new festival, one that everyone will celebrate.

01 December 2017

Posted on Sunday 03 December 2017 by Miss Beatson

This week the homework is Practice makes Perfect. This is an opportunity to revise adding and subtracting fractions that we have looked at in class this week.

Here are some links to help you too.

Fractions and decimals

Adding fractions fruit game

Variety of fraction games