
01 December 2017

Posted on Friday 01 December 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework for Year 1,2 is a practice makes perfect and is due on Thursday 07 December.

We have spent the last two weeks looking at shape.

For Year 1, naming common 2D and 3D shapes. For example, triangle, square, octagon, cube, sphere and pyramid.

For year 2, naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes. For example, knowing that a square has 4 sides and 4 corners, a cube has 6 faces (all of which are square), 8 vertices and 12 edges and a pyramid has 5 faces (4 triangle, 1 square), 5 vertices and 8 edges.

01 December 2017

Posted on Friday 01 December 2017 by Mr Mills

This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.

We’ve been learning about measures and how to convert between different measures eg centimetres (cm) to metres (m).

Your child will have a sheet stuck into their book to complete for Thursday 07 December.

Challenge: How tall are you in metres, centimetres and millimetres?

24 November 2017

Posted on Friday 24 November 2017 by Mr Mills

For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 30 November.

Following our whole school themed week this week, Who do you think you are? Children should consider the following statement by showing what they have learnt.

I know what community is.

As a guide, children could think about these aspects.

  • What is community?
  • Where is their community? Children could consider their school community to local community to wider community.
  • Who is in their community? Children could consider visits/visitors during our themed week.
  • Why is community important? Children could consider the terms identity and diversity discussed during our themed week.
  • How can we be a good citizen in our community?

This could be done in any creative way.

  • a story
  • a poem
  • a map
  • a comic strip
  • an advert
  • an interview
  • a game
  • a model
  • …or any other creative ideas!

17 November 2017

Posted on Friday 17 November 2017 by Mr Roundtree

For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is talk time and is due in on Thursday 23 November

Which charity should our school support?

Throughout the year, our school will be holding different fundraising events and it’s important that the children have a say in which charity we support. Have a chat with your child and talk about which sorts of charities they would like to support. Write the suggestions and we’ll vote for our chosen charity during our homework review.

You may want to focus on children’s charities. Or, you may have family or friends who work for or have been supported by a charity.

10 November 2017

Posted on Saturday 11 November 2017 by Miss Beatson

This week’s homework is Talk Time’ and is due on Thursday 16 October. Next week is Anti-bullying week and we will be exploring this important topic in school.

‘I know how to stop bullying.’

  • What is bullying?
  • Are there different types of bullying?
  • What do we do if we feel we are being bullied or see someone else being bullied?
  • What would it feel like to be bullied?
  • How can we stop bullying?

10 November 2017

Posted on Friday 10 November 2017 by Mr Mills

This week’s homework is ‘Practice makes perfect’.

In class, we’ve been practising column addition and this is what the homework will be based on.

Moortown Primary School (one of our federated schools) has some useful videos on how calculations should be set out and solved, which you can use if you’re unsure.

10 November 2017

Posted on Thursday 09 November 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.

Year 1: I know my number bonds to 10. 

For the homework, please support your child to answer the number bond to 10 questions in their homework books.

Also, have a look at Hit the Button for a fun and interactive game for number bonds to 10. (Year 1 could also practise doubles and halves to 10.)

Year 2: I can solve problems with addition and subtraction. 

For the homework, please support your child to answer the addition and subtraction word problems in their homework books.

Also, have a look at Hit the Button for a fun and interactive game where your child can practise their addition and subtraction facts. (There is also doubles, halves and timetables to practise on there.)

03 November 2017

Posted on Friday 03 November 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is talk time.

This week, our Living and Learning statement is “I understand rights come with responsibilities”.

Talk to your child and ask them what rights they have? Have a look at the UN convention on the rights of the child where the UN convention of child’s rights are written in a child friendly manner. They include:

  • You have the right to play and rest
  • You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion
  • You have the right to food

Talk to your child about what responsibilities they have. Think about this in all sorts of situations, including both in school and at home.

03 November 2017

Posted on Friday 03 November 2017 by Miss Beatson

This week the homework is ‘Practice Makes Perfect’.

There is a maths activity to complete: multiples, factors and times tables facts.

Click here to play a fun game all about factors!

03 November 2017

Posted on Friday 03 November 2017 by Mr Mills

This week’s homework is Creative.

Using this picture from the ‘Journey’ trilogy, write a story about the boy and girl’s adventure.

Try to include:

  • Pronouns – he, she , they, his, hers etc.
  • Ambitious vocabulary
  • Fronted adverbials

We’ll reading our stories to each other next week.