22 April 2020 : Home learning
Bonjour! We often like to say hello in different ways during the register. Which other ways do you know?
Remember to read today.
Look at the repeating patterns. Copy and complete them.
Challenge : Make some shape/colour repeating patterns of your own. Look around your house to see if there are any more repeating patterns you can see?
Look at the funny postcard. Write a list of words that you can see in the postcard. Use your phonics and knowledge of tricky words to spell the words you use.
Challenge : Write sentences describing what is happening in the picture.
Topic – History
Read the information about the Queen.
Answer the questions.
- What is the Queen’s full name?
- How many children does the Queen have?
- Who are two of her grandchildren?
- How long has she been the Queen for?
- What doesn’t the Queen need?
The bear from yesterday belonged to Mrs Latham. She got it in about 1978 when she was a little girl (well before Miss Harker was born), over 40 years ago ! She called it Barnaby and played with it a lot. It was special because it could suck its thumbs and toes.
21 April 2020 : Home learning
Remember to read today and work on your spellings/times tables. The BBC Bitesize Daily lessons and resources are also excellent. You can watch them on your tv, tablet or laptop. A full menu of how to access can be found here. We use White Rose to aid our maths planning in school and they have lots of resources too https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/.
Look at the 3D shape mat.
List the shapes and write the properties of each one.
Pyramid – 5 faces, 5 vertices (corners)
Sphere – 1 face, 0 vertices
Challenge : find some objects around your house that are the 3D shapes
eg a book is a cuboid, a toilet roll is a cylinder, the roof of the house is a pyramid
Sing the alphabet song : https://youtu.be/jPVbJ-IaHIw
Go on a scavenger hunt around your house or garden. Try to find something beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
Challenge : write out the alphabet and the item you found beginning with that letter.
Topic – History
Have a look at the photos of the old toy. It belongs to one of the teachers.
Write 3 (or more) questions that you would like to find out about the bear. Eg When did you get it? How old is it? What did you call it?
20 April 2020 : Home learning
Well, the Easter holidays are over. It may not have felt much different to the previous two weeks, but we hope you had some egg-cellent fun and enjoyed the sunshine. Here are your tasks for today. Each day we will set three main tasks.
We would also like you to read for at least twenty minutes per day – to yourself, your mum, dad, teddy or pets. It could be in two, 10 minute sessions.
Keep reading anything and everything. If you have run out of your own books to read, there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Each Monday, we will also upload a set of spellings for you to practise over the course of the week. Then on Friday, see if you can write them out without looking at them. Someone could test you if you want.
Y2s will also have a set of times table or division facts to learn too.
Weekly spellings :
Y1 : was we were where you your
Y2 : half hold hour improve kind last many mind money most
Times tables : times 10 and divide 10
You can contact your child’s teacher if you are not sure about any of the learning or want to send photos or messages about what you’re doing.
Year 1/2 – Miss Harker- katieharker@spherefederation.org
Warm up by singing the shapes song – https://youtu.be/WTeqUejf3D0
Go on a shape hunt. Look around your house see which 2D (flat) shapes you can see.
Draw the shapes from the song or shapes that you see.
Challenge : Write what you know about each shape.
Eg A square has 4 sides. It has 4 corners. The sides are straight and all the same length.
Read the instructions about how to make a fruit salad. Answer the questions in your home learning book.
Challenge : If you can, make your own fruit salad.
Topic – Science (observing nature)
Find three animals outside. Find out their name, write down where you saw them and draw or take a picture of them.
Do not pick them up!
Challenge : Find out/make up and write a fun fact about each one.
eg Blue Tit
I saw it in the tree in my back garden, singing.
Fun Fact : As they get older, their colouring gets brighter.
Easter Home Learning
As it’s the Easter holidays, we’re taking a break from the daily home learning tasks. Instead, here are a range of activities that you might like to try over the two weeks. The tasks are creative and are designed to allow children the opportunity to enjoy some different learning, perhaps alongside family members. A few key points…
- The list will be the same across year groups, meaning if you’ve more than one child, they might work on it together in some way.
- Some of the tasks can take a bit longer, like a mini-project, and others match Creative homework tasks.
- You can encourage your child to do some or all of the activities – they’re all optional.
- During this time, you can still email your child’s class teacher about the home learning, although they may not respond as quickly as they have been doing.
- Teachers will return to daily home learning tasks on Monday 20 April.
Art Attack
Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist who creates art using things he can find in nature. The artwork shown here was created using different leaf types and creating a pattern. He creates his art outside as he likes the fact that it’s temporary and won’t be around for long!
Create your own piece of art using different materials you can find around your home or in the garden. You could even create some ‘rubbish art’ using only items that have been used and would be thrown away or recycled.
Take some photographs and send them to your teachers.
Create your own treasure hunt with cryptic clues for your family members to complete. Make the clues as tricky as you can. What could be the prize for the winning hunter? Maybe, this could tie in with a family Easter egg hunt.
Secret Message
Create your own invisible ink.
Using a spoon, mix water and lemon juice. Dip a cotton bud into the mixture and write a message onto the white paper. Wait for the juice to dry so your message becomes completely invisible. When you are ready to read your secret message or show it to someone else, heat the paper by holding it close to a light bulb – be careful: maybe ask an adult to do this part. As the mixture heats up, your message should reappear so people can read it again.
Alternatively, the same result can be achieved by writing the message on white paper with a white candle or crayon. Then, paint over the message using coloured paint to reveal the writing.
For a challenge, come up with your own way of making invisible ink and try it out on your family.
‘Board’ Silly
Design and create your own board game for you and your family to play – perhaps play some existing board games first to research ideas.
There are a few key things to think about:
- What will your theme be?
- Will there be any ‘snakes’ or ‘ladders’ style elements?
- Do you need to make a dice using a cube net?
- Will there be any extra challenges or forfeits if you land on certain numbers?
Enjoy your games!
Extreme Reading
Reading is a great way to relax and learn about the world around us; also, reading regularly can help us to stay happy and healthy. This challenge is all about making reading even more fun. We’d love to know how many places you can read in. Try to read in a different place each day. Take photos or draw a picture of you doing it, if you can.
You could read…
- in a den that you’ve made
- up a tree
- under the bed/table
- to the dog/cat
- looking in a mirror
Stay safe and send your class teacher some pictures.
Come Dine/Bake with Me
Have your very own family ‘Come Dine With Me’ experience. Each family member could cook a meal or a course and then you must score each other out of ten. Similarly, each family member could bake something and you could all have a tasting after where you give points (like on Great British Bake Off). You don’t have to work on your own – you could help an adult.
Who will win?
Den Building
Who doesn’t love making a den? Either in your house, or in your garden, spend time building a den and enjoy some time relaxing in it – if there’s more than one of you, you could make it a competition. Use whatever materials you can find and see how creative you can get.
You could also read in it and combine this challenge with the ‘Extreme Reading’ one.
Get Ya Body Movin’
Staying physically active plays a crucial role in keeping us happy and healthy; it boosts our mental and emotional health, too. This task has three options – all of which are designed to get people moving during the holidays. You could include your family as well.
Option A: Create your own ‘Ninja Warrior’ style challenges in the garden or your house. Try to include a range of activities that include jumping, balancing, stretching, climbing and, if you’re feeling brave, water. The adults in your family will love a water challenge.
Option B: Create your own Joe Wicks style workout video. You could do it with your family or film yourself and send it to your friends. You might like to check out Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for inspiration.
Option C: Choose your favourite song and create your own ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ (WUSU) dance routine. Again, you could lead this for your family to join in or film yourself and send it to friends or other family members. This’ll be a great way to get everyone dancing.
3 April 2020 : Home learning
Happy Friday everyone. Hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s learning. You could ask someone to give you a little spelling test/times table test on this week’s lists. Also, remember to read for 20 minutes today.
Maths fluency is like becoming fluent in reading – it involves lots of practising. Have a go at the fluency questions below. Some you might be able to do in your head or you might prefer to draw it or use equipment (or fingers). Write the questions and answers in your home learning book.
Go on a noun hunt around your house. Write a list of the nouns you find eg spoon, dog, garden.
Challenge: Put those words into sentences. Remember your ‘must dos’.
Topic – Science
We were due to do a science investigation about floating and sinking. You could have a go at home though! Find some toys or items from around your house. Check with as adult that it is ok to put them in water. Then predict whether each item will float or sink. Check if your prediction was correct by putting the items in a bowl or container of water (or you could do it at bath time if you’re allowed).
Draw or write lists of the items that float and the items that sink. What do you think that is?
2 April 2020 : Home learning
Hello everyone. Keep going with your reading, times tables and spellings each day. You can also warm up by singing the days of the week song – https://youtu.be/zJLiJIf8c_c
Maths – subtraction using part whole models
We use part whole models to help us represent number stories and calculations. From a part whole model, a ‘fact family’ can be created. These are calculations that are closely related and match the part whole model. There is a subtraction fact family example below.
Look at the other part whole models, copy them into your home learning book and write the subtraction fact families to go with them.
Challenge : Draw your own part whole model and write the subtraction fact family to go with it.
Read the words below. Copy these words into your home learning book and make them plurals by adding ‘s’ or ‘es’:
Challenge: Put those words into sentences. Remember your ‘must dos’.
Play a game on Phonics Play – https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Art : drawing
There are some great ‘How to draw…’ guides on YouTube or you could use the example below to draw a teddy.
How to draw a cat https://youtu.be/oJntsEBNalM
Pug https://youtu.be/H7Gp-GRnGdA
Easter bunny https://youtu.be/xMa5gsmZwHs
Send us pictures of your favourite drawing, if you can!
1 April 2020 : Home learning
Happy April Fools Day!
We are in the fourth month of 2020 already! Sing the months of the year song – https://youtu.be/JABPMyXTZcs
Maths – addition using part whole models
We use part whole models to help us represent number stories and calculations. From a part whole model, a ‘fact family’ can be created. These are calculations that are closely related and match the part whole model. There is an example below.
Look at the other part whole models, copy them into your home learning book and write the addition fact families to go with them.
Challenge : Draw your own part whole model and write the addition fact family to go with it.
Reading – phonics
Copy the questions below into your home learning book. Add sound buttons to the words that you need to sound out (your child should know what these are and there is an example below). Write yes or no to answer them.
Can a boat sail?
Would you scream if you saw a snake?
Has a frog got sharp claws?
Challenge : Think of some more yes/no questions of your own.
Topic – jokes!
It’s April Fools Day. Tell some jokes to your family. Here are some ideas or you could find/tell some of your own.
31 March 2020 : Home learning
Good morning!
Keep going with reading, spellings and times tables every day.
Warm up by singing the big numbers song – https://youtu.be/e0dJWfQHF8Y
There are some numbers missing from this part of the 100 square. Copy it and fill in the missing numbers.
Challenge :
Read a story book. Write three questions that you would like to ask one of the characters. Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a question mark. For example –
How did you feel when you found Goldilocks in your house?
Topic – History
We have been learning about chronology in the last few weeks, putting toys in chronological order. Look at the toys timeline we created last week. Talk about what the timeline shows using the words below.
Challenge : Choose 3 or 4 of your own toys. Put them in chronological order of when you got them.
Reading at home
We have had a few emails asking what to do when children have finished reading their school reading books.
Any books you read at home will be fine; story books, comics, magazines, dictionaries, atlases, chapter books, recipes or lists. The children don’t need to be able to read every single word independently. You can read to them, take turns, look for words they can read and talk about the book.
There are also lots of e books on Twinkl for free, ranging from traditional tales to information texts – https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/literacy/reading/reading-ebooks
Just keep reading!
30 March 2020 : Home learning
Good morning everyone! It is Monday again, so here are some new spellings and times tables to use throughout the week. Remember to keep reading every day too.
Y1 spellings
- she
- so
- some
- there
- their
- they
- to
- today
Y2 spellings
- every
- everybody
- eye
- fast
- father
- find
- floor
- gold
- grass
- great
Times tables for this week is the times 5 facts and divide 5 facts (for Y2s) and counting forwards and backwards in 5s (for Y1s).
Sing along with the counting in 3s song – https://youtu.be/V96IZWctZYA
Copy and compete the number patterns.
0, 2, 4, 6, …., 10, …., 14, …., ….
0, 5, …., 15, …., …., 30, …., ….
0, 10, 20, 30, …., …., …., 70, ….
0, 3, 6, 9, …., 15, …., …., 24
Challenge :
16, 14, 12, …., …., 6, …., 2, 0
50, 45, 40, …., 30, …., 20, ….
100, 90, 80, …., …., …., …., ….
24, 21, …., 15, …., 9, …., 3, 0
Challenge : Make your own ‘Guess my number’.
Read the ‘Hide and Seek’ text and answer the questions in your home learning book.
You can also use the text as ‘reading fluency’. We do this every day at school, reading the same text each day. The aim is to develop fluency and expression when reading. Each day we would focus on a different aspect of the text eg vocabulary (what do the words mean), punctuation (taking note of commas, full stops) and tricky spellings. By the end of year 2, children are expected to be reading approximately 90 words per minute.
Topic : Geography
Watch and sing along with the continents song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6DSMZ8b3LE
Write a list of all the continents. Remember that proper nouns begin with a capital letter (names of continents).
If you have a globe or atlas, you could try to find them on there too.