19 June 2020 : Home learning
Friday is here again! Can you write out all of your spellings and one of your times tables?
Warm up with some counting with the Big Numbers Song : https://youtu.be/e0dJWfQHF8Y
Read the ‘Skeletons are in the park’ song. Find the rhyming words in the poem. Write some more words that rhyme with the ones you find.
Eg: park, dark, shark, bark
Challenge : Have a go at writing your own poem. It could be about skeletons or anything else you like! You could use this poem and start yours the same but change some of the rhyming words.
Topic – Music/Science
Join in with the song and dance. Do it a few times to try to learn the words and boogie along!
18 June 2020 : Home learning
Here are Thursday’s tasks.
Complete the part whole models with a 2 digit number for each part. The first one has been done for you but you could complete it in a different way.
Challenge : Draw some more part whole models of your own. Choose a number between 20 and 100 for the whole then make it using 2 two digit numbers.
Read the bones information text and answer the questions below.
- Which is the bone that is broken most?
- How many bones will you have when you grow up?
- What is the job of our bones?
- How many bones are there in your foot?
Topic – Music
Watch and dance along to the Bones song on Go Noodle : https://youtu.be/Sk_q_ShHDBM
Challenge : Have a go at drawing your skeleton or print the one below. Label some of the bones using the song to help.
17 June 2020 : Home learning
Morning everyone.
Have a go at the word problems adding 2 two digit numbers.
Challenge : Have a go at these extra tricky problems.
Reading – synonyms and antonyms
Watch the clip about synonyms (words that have the same or similar meaning) and antonyms (words that have the opposite meaning) : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk23c7h
The word ‘dark’ is used lots of times in the Funnybones story! (https://youtu.be/sJodPwWCClQ)
Can you think of any synonyms for dark? Make a list. Make 3 more lists of synonyms for big, hot and nice.
dark |
big |
hot |
nice |
black |
- Write a sentence from the story replacing ‘dark’ with the synonyms you thought of.
- Do the follow up activities on the BBC Bitesize page.
Topic – Science
Watch the BBC Bitesize clip : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zmptsbk
Have a look at the animal skeletons. Can you work out which animals they belong to? Look at the shape of the body, legs and tails for clues.
Challenge : Choose a different animal and draw what you think it’s skeleton might look like.
Answers :
Top row – dog, horse, chameleon
Bottom row – bird, fish, snake
16 June 2020 : Home learning
Hi everyone. Here is today’s learning.
Add the two 2 digit numbers. Add the tens and ones separately. You could draw the tens and ones and then count them.
Watch the Funnybones story again : https://youtu.be/9O9ErtvJKEo and then the BBC Bitesize clip about Funnybones. Do the follow-up activities : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfmtpg8
Topic – Science/art
Using magazines or newspapers, have a go at creating a person by cutting out different pictures of different parts of the body. You could draw any parts that you can’t find!
Use the word mat to label all the body parts.
15 June 2020 : Home learning
I hope you are still managing to do some home learning. I know it is a long time, and things might be tough, but try to keep going! Please email me if you need any help or support. Keep sending photos and updates of what you are doing too.
Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Weekly spellings :
Y1 : hair, chair, stairs, dinner, person, letter, sure, cure
Y2 : metal, pedal, capital, hospital, animal, pencil, fossil, nostril, pupil, spoil
Times tables : If you’re ready, start learning x6 (link to x3) OR keep going with times 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
Watch the video about adding 2 two digit numbers : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1ll5C0dH
Choose 2 items from the shop. Add them together using what you know about adding the tens and then the ones. Keep choosing 2 items and adding them together.
Watch and read the Funnybones story : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1lI6C0Ly
Lots of our learning this week will be linked to this story. The beginning is below.
Think of or look for any words that have the long ‘i’ sound. It can be made in 5 different ways (the alternative grapheme poster below gives hints about which sounds are found where in words).
Eg : night, frighten, idea, climbed
Topic – PE/Science
Get moving with this activity using all of your body :
Home learning help
The teachers at school have been talking to some families who are continuing to learn from home this week. There was a common topic of conversation : this is all dragging on and becoming quite tricky at times!
It has been a long time since we have all been back at school with our classes and we understand that home learning is challenging. Here are a few links that might help if you are wanting more activities to engage your child.
This is great for working on all number facts and you can try to improve your own score. We use this in school on iPads but can also be played on laptops : https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Passwords for Numbots or Times Table Rockstars are the same : https://play.numbots.com/#/intro or https://ttrockstars.com/ Email your teacher if you have lost it.
Loads of resources on here including reading : https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/parents
For reading and phonics games : https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Maths teaching videos and other resources : https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
Variety of lessons, recorded by teachers : https://classroom.thenational.academy/
We love Go Noodle for a sing and dance : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2YBT7HYqCbbvzu3kKZ3wnw
Or Cosmic Yoga Kids for a more relaxing workout : https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Please ring school or email your child’s teacher if you need support and we will try to help.
12 June 2020 : Home learning
Friday is here! Hope you’ve all had a good week?
Maths – 10 less
Find 10 less than each of these numbers. Use what you know about place value (especially the tens) and subtract 10.
22 – 10 = 12
54 – 10 =
25 – 10 =
88 – 10 =
13 – 10 =
47 – 10 =
75 – 10 =
16 – 10 =
69 – 10 =
Challenge : Choose numbers between 10 and 100. Find 10 more and 10 less of each number.
Eg 15 25 35
Have a go at this reading challenge. It is really hard to read the word instead of the colour!
Read the colour jokes to someone.
There are more jokes here : https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/joinin/bad-joke-corner-2
Hope you have a funny Friday!
11 June 2020 : Home learning
Hello everyone. Here is the learning for today.
Maths – 10 more
Find 10 more of each of these numbers. Use what you know about place value (especially the tens) and add another 10.
22 + 10 = 32
54 + 10 =
25 + 10 =
88 + 10 =
13 + 10 =
47 + 10 =
75 + 10 =
16 + 10 =
69 + 10 =
Challenge : Draw the answers showing the tens and ones.
Watch the rainbow song : https://youtu.be/4g0NbaukkQc
Sing along and write down all the colour words in the song.
Challenge : Write the whole song out in your best handwriting.
Topic – Art
Have a go at making your own rainbow art. It could be anything you choose – on the iPad, draw, paint, chalk, collage – you decide!
10 June 2020 : Home learning
When we are looking at bigger numbers, we talk about partitioning them. Learning about place value is important so you know how much each digit is worth. Watch the video about place value : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8sfr82/articles/zw4g2nb
Look at the pictures and use what you know about counting tens and ones to count the objects.
Challenge :
Watch the video about contractions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gubPH3WEurg
Write these words as contractions :
I am = I’m
does not
where is
there is
could not
I will
do not
Challenge : Put each contraction into a sentence.
Topic – Living and Learning
Draw two jars and choose two different emotions and draw things in the jars that remind you of that emotion or that make you feel that emotion. Eg happy – sunshine, ice cream, friends, kittens.
09 June 2020 : Home learning
Morning everyone. Here is the learning for today.
Watch the video about number lines : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zknsgk7/articles/z3t94j6
Write calculations to show what is on each number line. The first one has been done for you.
Challenge : You could draw your own number line to solve the calculations if you can’t print it out.
Watch the video about the Colour Monster story : https://youtu.be/Ih0iu80u04Y
Answer questions at end of video.
- There were mainly five different coloured feelings. Name them all and how they made the Colour Monster feel.
- What about the colour pink? How do you think that made the Colour Monster feel?
Topic – Living and Learning
Today is ‘Empathy Day’ created by EmpathyLab.uk.
Empathy is a vital human force, creating happier children, stronger communities and a better world. We’ve never needed it more than right now. We’ll help everyone understand and experience the power of empathy through books. Scientists say that we can train our brain with stories, as the more we empathise with characters, the more we can understand other people’s feelings. Throughout the day, we’ll be running brilliant online events and fun home-based activities to help children read, connect and act using empathy. Authors, illustrators, schools, libraries, and families across the UK will be taking part and we’d love for you to join in! Join in here : https://www.empathylab.uk/empathy-day-20204bde2d62
Knowing that we are all the same but different is important for children. Here is a story to watch : https://youtu.be/hUrjb4SZnxg
Have a look at the pictures and think about how you are feeling today. Draw a picture of how you felt yesterday and how you feel today. Are they the same? Emotions change all the time and it is ok to have different emotions. They don’t last forever.