Year 5 & 6 Homework

11 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

Good morning everyone- I hope you’re all staying happy, healthy and safe.

Today’s learning……

Year and 6 maths: operations

Complete this nrich maths challenge, which involves playing with a partner. It is an opportunity to revise adding, subtracting, multiplication and division.


Have a go at this First News comprehension.

Living and Learning

Watch Mrs Welsby read the story Mixed. This story raises questions about race and diversity.

Here are some resources you can have a go at after you’ve listened to the story.


10 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

Today’s learning……..

Year 5 and 6 maths

How did you get on with the nrich challenge yesterday? Caitlin managed to get up to 98!

Complete this challenge called ‘A square of numbers’ where you will need to work systematically.

If you want to challenge yourself, why not find different solutions and justify that you haven’t missed any out. This is where working systemically is important. Then, you could make up your own problem which uses different operations around a square in a different order.

It would be great if you could email me ( your own challenges and some of the children in school could have a go at solving them!

Reading: retrieval

Watch and complete this video lesson. 

You’ll need these questions for your main task. And, this link to the whole First News paper for the challenge.

Design Technology: mechanical systems

Follow this BBC Bitesize lesson all about mechanical systems and you could even have a go at designing and making your own moving toy! If you do, please take a photo and email me your picture. We will have a go at making some in school too- I will post some of our creations on the class news page.

09 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 08 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

Good morning everyone. 

Today’s learning…..

Year 5 and 6 maths: problem solving

Have a go at this nrich challenge. You could make your own digit cards to help you. Try and work systematically to find the solutions.

English/Living and Learning

You may have seen in the news in recent days a lot of stories about racism and inequality. There have been many protests all around the world about the tragic death of George Floyd in the US and the racism, that unfortunately people are still experiencing in today’s society.

Our Living and Learning statement this week is ‘I can see things from other people’s points of view’ and this is relevant when we think about people not being treated fairly or are voicing their thoughts and opinions when protesting or speaking about their own experiences of racism.

Watch this video clipRacism: why is it still a big issue?

Write a summary to show what the video clip is telling.


Listening or playing to music can really help lift your mood. Follow this BBC Bitesize lesson all about singing with feeling.



08 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 08 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good morning everyone. I hope you have all had a great weekend, despite the rain.

Today’s learning….

Maths: Y5 and Y6 today is a Maths challenge. Follow this link to complete the 100 maze. You could take a picture of the solution that you get closest to 100 and email me. Let’s see who gets the closest!

Reading: Read this text about Florence Nightingale and then answer these questions.

PE: Dance challenge: It’s fun to dance and make our own routines up. In June, children big and small are invited by imoves to take part and create their very own dance video. Here’s how it works. If you fancy having a go, follow this link. You don’t have to video your dance, but it’s important that you have fun!


05 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

Happy Friday everyone!

Today’s learning….

Year 5 and 6 maths challenge

Have a go at this challenge all about number lines.


It’s the end of the week……. enjoy reading your own book/magazine/paper or an online article. There’s some good articles on CBBC Newsround this week.


Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson about story settings and fronted adverbials.


04 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

Today’s learning…….

Year 5 maths

Your learning today is about volume. You will be describing volume in cubic units.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Thursday’s lesson

Year 6 maths

Play this maths game with somebody at home.


Read the text about Mahatma Gandhi and answer these questions.

Challenge linked to Gandhi’s inspirational quotes. 

Writing: character creation and complex sentences

Follow this BBC lesson.

03 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

Today’s learning……..

Year 5 maths: Volume


Click on the link above for a warm-up task. You will be playing Snowboard Slalom. Select the multiplication option and then year 5/6. Click on all the times tables that are in the list. You can select your speed also.

Your learning today is about volume. You will be estimating the volume of objects.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Wednesday’s lesson

Year 6 maths


Click on the link above for a warm-up task. You will be playing Snowboard Slalom. Select the multiplication option and then year 5/6. Click on all the times tables that are in the list. You can select your speed also.

Complete this nrich puzzle involving factors and multiples.


Read all about mermaid folklore. Then complete these questions.

The answers are at the end of the sheet.


Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.

02 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 01 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

Today’s learning……

Year 5 maths: volume

Log in to TT Rockstars and see if you can improve your speed!

Your learning today is about volume. You will be investigating cubed numbers.

Just like yesterday, there is a little quiz to get you started.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Tuesday’s lesson

Year 6 maths: problem solving

Complete this challenge. 

Reading: RIC

Today task follows on from yesterday, using jobs and money as our learning area. Complete today’s retrieval and inference questions using this picture provided.

Challenge: Using your dream job (you can use what you wrote in yesterday’s task). Can you answer the same questions about your chosen job?


Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.


01 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 31 May 2020 by Miss Beatson

Welcome back to the final half term of this year. I hope you all enjoyed some sunshine and fresh air over the half term break. St James’ is open for some children from today, but I hope we can all be back in school together again very soon- as long as it’s safe! In the meantime, please stay in touch with me by sending me some pictures or messages to my email:

Today’s learning……

Year 5 maths: volume

Your learning today is about volume. This will involve reading scales to measure volume. As usual there is a short quiz first and then the video lesson. Remember you can pause the video whenever you like, or skip it back in case you need something repeating.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Monday’s lesson

Year 6 maths: problem solving

Complete this nrich problem ‘Reach 100’!

Send in your solutions!


Today, we are going to focus on jobs and money. For today’s task, complete the jobs worksheet – this will help you develop ideas that you can use later on in the week. Here are some questions to help you.

Although this task will significantly help you later in the week, it is not particularly a reading task! On top of this, I would like you to research and read about your dream job. Create a list of requirements you would need for this job, along with some reasons as to why you think people might want to do it as a career choice.

Writing: synonyms and antonyms

Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.

Half-term Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 24 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

Because this week is half-term, we’re taking a break from the usual daily home learning tasks (just like we did at Easter). Instead, we’ve prepared a menu of home learning activities that you might want to dip into this week – these are optional only, but you might want to encourage your child to have a go at being a quiz master, doing some up-cycling, presenting a cookery masterclass or any of the other activities.

Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a happy and healthy half-term.