08 May 2020: Home Learning
Happy Friday!
Today is a bank holiday – a time where you may be spending extra time with your families and celebrating VE day. VE day stands for Victory in Europe Day and it is celebrated on 8th May – the day when World War II ended in Europe in 1945.
If you would like to do some learning about VE day, there are a few tasks below that you can do and a few extra fun things based around VE day.
Watch this BBC video to find out more about VE Day.
The Royal Mint has released a special £2 coin to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day. This Newsround article explains more about this. Once you’ve read the information, have a go at designing your own £2 coin to mark this occasion.
How about doing some war time baking? In WWII, lots of the food was rationed to ensure there was enough to go around, so people had to bake using different ingredients. Does anything take your fancy? I think the chocolate cake sounds delicious!
How about becoming a medal designer? Lots of medals were handed out during and at the end of WWII. Do you have what it takes to be the designer of an important medal?
How about flying a spitfire plane? The Spitfire is the most famous plane of World War Two. Its groundbreaking design and superior specifications gave the British a decisive advantage fighting the Luftwaffe.
Please do send me any pictures of you celebrating VE day and let me know how you’re doing- have a great day!
07 May 2020: Home Learning
Good Morning Year 5 and 6. The weather is starting to pick up again, so I hope you’re managing to get some fresh air and exercise.
Today’s learning…..
Year 5: watch the video on angles
Year 6: watch the video on circles
Writing: semi colons
Watch this video and listen to the words to remind you when we use a semi colon.
Writing: using bullet points
Follow the BBC Bitesize lesson about bullet points.
Art: optical illusions
Today, we are going to use our artistic talents! I am always amazed at optical illusions (where your eyes deceive your brain) and I find them fascinating. I thought we could all have a go at making our own!
Why are we doing this?
During this school year, we have been learning about different skills that can be used in paintings, drawings and sketches to improve our artistic abilities. Skills such as shading and colour choice are vital when improving form. This task is a great way to improve our skills and create an exciting optical illusion!
I would love to see some of your finished pieces – please email me nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
How to get there: click here.
06 May 2020: Home Learning
We are halfway through the week! I can’t quite believe we are now into May. I’m so proud of you all during these strange times; you’re all doing so well.
Maths: angles
I hope the videos helped with yesterday’s learning. Please refer back to the videos to help you with today’s learning if you need to.
Year 5: angles on a straight line
Complete this practice makes perfect activity, re-capping on yesterday’s learning.
Year 6: quadrilaterals
The activity today is a re-cap on yesterday’s learning about quadrilaterals and the interior angles of a quadrilateral.
Writing: hyphens and dashes
When do we use a hyphen? When do we use a dash? Can you remember the difference between the two?
Today, you are going to revise hyphens and dashes by following the BBC Bitesize lesson.
Geography: capital cities
As part of Geography this half term, we would be learning the capital cities in Europe. Using an atlas or google maps, can you locate all the capital cities in Europe? Use this sheet to help you with the activity.
Once you’ve completed the activity, test yourself (and people in your family) to see how many you can remember!
05 May 2020: Home Learning
Good morning!
There are two video lessons today: Year 5 maths and Year 6 maths. Please email me if there’s anything you need help with. Have a good day!
Maths: angles
Year 5: angles on a straight line
Please watch the video– my first Year 5 video lesson!
Year 6: angles in a quadrilateral
Please watch the video to find out how to find missing angles in a quadrilateral.
Here are the answers to yesterday’s reading comprehension.
Today you are going to complete a reading activity on BBC Bitesize: The London Eye Mystery by Siobahn Dowd.
Watch all 3 videos, have a go at the video tasks. For activity two, name the seven continents of the world.
This is a year 6 task, but it is designed for both year 5 and 6 to do, as our topic lessons are spread across two years. (Basically year 5 and 6 do it, not just year 6.)
04 May 2020: Home Learning
Hi guys, I hope you’ve had a good weekend.
Thank you to Hannah, who sent me a video of her doing the physical challenge Mr Mills set for everybody last week. Did anyone else have a go? Please send me some photos of your obstacle courses or any other learning you’ve been doing. Check out the class news page to find out more about what everyone has been up to.
Year 5: mental calculation
Complete the activity by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing mentally.
Year 6: four operations
Complete these questions using all four operations.
Write you own word problem, similar to Q9.
Your learning today is a comprehension task.
You should read the FirstNews task. Once you’ve read it, answer the questions on page 2 – these questions will help you practice a range of reading skills.
Challenge 1: create your own questions for someone else to answer.
Challenge 2: ask someone in your house to help – they’ll need to be able to read so maybe not your pet dog or your favourite teddy bear. One of you is going to play the role of a ‘journalist’. The other person will play the role of an ‘expert’. The journalist should ask the expert questions that they can answer using the text. The expert uses the text to answer them. You could swap roles, too. Why not go BIG and put on a different voice, dress up or use a hairbrush as a microphone. You could even film it and send it in to me!
Music: BBC Bitesize singing with feeling
Following on from Friday’s learning, today you are going to try activity 3. Choose one of the ten pieces. It’s time to get arty. Listen to the music carefully and create some artwork based on it. Watch the video to get some more ideas.
01 May 2020: Home Learning
Happy Friday!
Thank you to everybody who has been keeping in touch and emailing me some of their learning.
Look out for a video message from all the staff at school; we’re all missing you very much!
Today’s learning…
Maths: angles
Year 6: angles in a triangle
How did you get on with the triangle investigation yesterday? All the angles should have fitted on a straight line because all angles in a triangle total 180 degrees. Here is today’s activity and challenge.
Reading: fact and opinion
First of all, use this BBC Bitesize guide to remind you of the difference between facts and opinions.
Now, open up the FirstNews paper and go to page 4: it’s called 20 things to know and tell. Read the article and then answer these questions.
Challenge: I would like you to tell us your opinion about any article from this week’s FirstNews. I want you to email me with your views. You should tell me the article you’ve read and what you think about it. However, in your explanation, I’d like you to include some facts, too. You can show me that you know these are facts by underlining or writing them in bold. I can’t wait to see what you guys think of the articles – please email your response to nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
Music: BBC Bitesize singing with feeling
Here’s something slightly different for your home learning. Watch the videos and complete activity one and two. Send me the notes about your favourite song so I can share them with the rest of the class on the class news.
Challenge: discuss your favourite song with someone in your family. Compare it to their favourite song. What are the similarities and differences?
30 April 2020: Home Learning
Good morning! I hope you’re all staying happy and healthy. How did you get on with the physical challenges yesterday? Did you beat Mr Mills with the shoe lace challenge? What was your personal best time?
I’ve created my first video lesson today for Year 6 maths – enjoy!
Today’s learning……
Warm-up: Times Tables Rockstars
Reading: comprehension
Read the text ‘Adrenaline Towers’ and then answer the questions.
Writing: parenthesis
Brackets, dashes and commas indicate parentheses (parentheses is the plural of parenthesis).
Parenthesis is a word or clause inserted into a text as an afterthought (or as extra information).
A pair of brackets, commas or dashes can be used to enclose the extra information or afterthought.
Complete the BBC Bitesize lesson all about how to use brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis.
29 April 2020: Home Learning
Good morning!
Thank you to Sofia, who emailed me her fantastic writing yesterday, which was part of the writing challenge set last Friday by Mr Roundtree-check it out on our class news page.
Maths: angles
Year 6: angles around a point
Today’s task is to calculate missing angles around a point. Remember – angles around a point have a total 360 degrees.
Reading: summarising
When you summarise, you shorten a piece of text and say/write the main, important points.
There are many technique variations for summarising information, such as mind maps, bullet points or story retelling. These are used to discern the who, what, where and when from a piece of text.
For example:
- Who/What – The Tudor family reign.
- When – 1485 to 1603.
- Where – England and Wales
Complete this activity.
You will need a copy of the First News paper again.
Challenge: Go on to the BBC Sport website (https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport), or a different age-appropriate website, and choose an article to read. Once you’ve read it, summarise the article in 20 words. Then, try again in 10 words. After that, have a go at summarising in 5 words. Finally, summarise the article in 1 word.
PE with Mr Mills
Mr Mills has set you two physical activities today to help you keep fit and active.
28 April 2020: Home Learning
Good morning- I hope you’re having a good start to the week and staying happy and healthy.
How are you getting on with the home learning tasks? If you have any questions or would like to send me some of your learning then please email me: nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
Today’s learning……
Maths: angles
Year 5: naming angles
Year 6: angles on a straight line
Today’s task is to calculate missing angles on a straight line. Remember – angles on a straight line have a total of 180 degrees.
Reading: First News
Have a read of the full newspaper. Find an article you like and create your own quiz for a friend / someone in your family to do. You could write questions down or you could do it as a video.
Geography: Where are the major cities of the UK?
This is a recap lesson. Have a go at learning all the major cities in the UK. Challenge your parents to identify as many as they can in a row. Alternatively, take it in turns until one person doesn’t know. Before challenging someone else, study the map yourself so you become an expert.
27 April 2020: Home Learning
Good morning- I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.
On Friday, Mr Roundtree set you a writing challenge. Please can you email me your writing today, so Mr Roundtree can read them and decide if he will publish some writing on the school website. Well done Mya, who had her poem published on all three schools’ websites last week!
Answers to Friday’s maths
Today’s learning…..
Maths: arithmetic
Follow this BBC Bitesize lesson and learn how to select key pieces of information from a text and evaluate the text while giving a personal opinion.
Geography: eight points of a compass
Watch this clip about using a compass and reading a map.
Complete this activity to show all points of the compass.
Complete this challenge to give directions using the eight points of a compass.