20 May 2022
This week, the children have been using words with the prefixes ‘mis’ and ‘re’ at the start. Learn the words below ready for a test on Friday 27th May 2022.
- reappear
- rebuild
- misread
- return
- misbehave
- reapply
- redo
- mishear
- miscalculate
- misprint
For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
13 May 2022
Y1: have live give love was
Y2: race ice cell city fancy knock know knee gnat gnaw
06 May 2022
In maths, the children have been learning about fractions. The spellings, this week, are mathematical words linking to fractions.
- half
- quarter
- third
- fourth
- fifth
- sixth
- seventh
- eighth
- ninth
- tenth
- whole
The children will be tested on these words on Thursday 12th May 2022.
06 May 2022
This week we have been learning about words that have unusual spelling patterns. Please learn the following words for a test on Thursday 12th May
- muscle
- privilege
- programme
- rhyme
- rhythm
- sacrifice
- shoulder
- temperature
- thorough
29 April 2022
This week, we have been learning about unusual spelling patterns. Please learn the following words for a test on Thursday 05 May.
- amateur
- ancient
- bargain
- bruise
- conscience
- environment
- foreign
- mischievous
- prejudice
29 April 2022
These words all have an alternative grapheme ‘ch’ to make the ‘k’ sound.
The children will be tested on Friday 06 May 2022.
22 April 2022
The -t sound is usually spelt as -tch in the spoken word. Words of more than one syllable often have an unstressed syllable in which the vowel sound is unclear. There are some exceptions.
Y1: catch, fetch, kitchen, much, which
Adding -ed and -ing to words of one syllable ending in a single constant letter after a single vowel letter. The last constant letter of the root word is doubled to keep the short vowel sound. Exception: the letter ‘x’ is never doubled
Y2: pat, patted, patting hum, hummed, humming drop, dropped, dropping mix, mixed, mixing
22 April 2022
The spellings this week are based on homophones- words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings or spellings. Please learn them for a test on Thursday 28th April
- draught
- draft
- dissent
- descent
- decent
- proceed
- precede
- wary
- weary
22 April 2022 – Year 3
This week, we have been learning about the alternative graphemes that make the /sh/ sound. Here is a list of the words we have covered:
The children will be tested on these words on Friday 29th April 2022.
25 March 2022
This week we would like to children to look back at some of the spellings they have already been tested on. The words below are being misspelt in class regularly.
library disagree
building unnatural
describe increase
bicycle straight
great complete
eight favourite
The children will be tested on Friday 01 April 2022