10 September 2021
We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).
Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.
Year 1
• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come
Year 2
• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come
• do
• for
• friend
• full
• go
10 September 2021
This week, we’ve been learning how the ‘ai’ sound can be spelled in lots of different ways. For example, in the word day, the letters ‘ay’ make the ‘ai’ sound but in the word wait it’s the letters ‘ai’.
To help consolidate this learning, we’d like you to practise spelling these words at home.
eight famous favourite straight strange weight great everyday
We’ll test ourselves on Friday 17 September to see how we’ve got on.
For some tips and tricks on how best to practise your spellings at home, visit the Y3,4 spelling page on our website and click here.
16 July 2021
This week, we’ll continue to recap some common homophones. Homophone are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.
of off its it’s
great grate break brake
To keep it fun, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Friday 23 July 2021.
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
16 July 2021
This weeks spellings are covering some different spelling patterns.
Year 1 are looking at making a plural by adding an ‘s’ or ‘es’ to the end of the word.
Year 1
- cats
- dogs
- rocks
- trains
- books
- brushes
- glasses
- witches
- boxes
- buzzes
Year 2 are looking at the /s/ sound spelt as c before e, i and y. Also, /n/ spelt kn at the beginning of words.
Year 2
- race
- city
- space
- fancy
- ice
- knock
- knee
- know
- knitting
- knife
09 July 2021
Here are some words from the Year 5/6 spelling list that the children have learnt throughout the year that are a bit tricky! Re-cap on these spellings and write them in a sentence:
- accommodate
- committee
- competition
- environment
- government
- persuade
- pronunciation
- rhythm
- temperature
- sincerely
09 July 2021
09 July 2021
Use last week’s spellings and write them in dotty writing.
02 July 2021
The spellings this week are all words from the Year 3,4 National Curriculum spelling list. Click here for a link to the National Curriculum Spelling Appendix (the Y3,4 list of words is on page 16).
accidentally believe calendar decide disappear experiment imagine favourite
02 July 2021
This week, we’ve been learning about words ending in ent/ence and ant/ance. Please learn these spellings ready for a test on Thursday 08 July 2021.
ent/ence | ant/ance |
dependent/ence innocent/ence confident/ence convenient/ence |
tolerant/ance hesitate/ant/ance attend/ant/ance abundant/ance |