13 November 2020
Spelling in English can be tricky. There’s lots of ways to write the ‘o’ sound in our spelling (oe, o, ow, oa). This week, we’d like you to practise the following words to help consolidate this learning. Remember, the words may appear ‘random’, but we are being exposed to different ways of writing similar sounds.
notice suppose though although
homeless hero goes glowing
To keep it fun, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the St James’ website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 19 November 2020.
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
13 November 2020
Spelling pattern ‘ough’
Learn for a spelling test next week.
- thorough
- enough
- cough
- thought
- plough
- dough
- ought
- bough
- although
- rough
13 November 2020
Use last week’s spellings and write them in dotty writing.
Year 1
- is
- love
- me
- my
- no
Year 2
- school
- she
- so
- some
- the
- there
- their
- they
- to
- today
06 November 2020
This week, please learn the following spellings ready to be tested on Thursday 12 November. There are many ways to practise these, for example:
- Rainbow write (write them in many different colours)
- Speed write (how many times can you write a word in a minute)
- Pyramid write (write one letter, then two, then three etc till you’ve written the whole word
- Look, cover, write
This week, all of your spellings are based around the phoneme “i”. It can be spelt in many different ways whilst sounding the same.
replied | exercise | increase | height | night |
light | slide | bicycle | why | cried |
06 November 2020
This week, we’ve been learning how to change nouns from singular to plural. Click here to remind yourself of the rules for plurals.
Change these nouns from singular to plural.
Choose some words and put them into sentences.
Challenge: add parenthesis (extra information) by using brackets, dashes or commas.
06 November 2020
This week’s spellings are more common exception words (words that don’t follow the usual spelling rules). There are lots of ideas in our super spelling strategies to help you child learn them.
Year 1
- is
- love
- me
- my
- no
Year 2
- school
- she
- so
- some
- the
- there
- their
- they
- to
- today
02 November 2020
Before half term, we were been recapping one of our key spelling rules: adding –ed or –ing to change the tense of a verb.
Here’s an example…
infinitive verb | present tense | past tense |
to walk | walking | walked |
First, we’d like you to complete this table. Be careful, there may be some irregular ones to catch you out!
infinitive verb | present tense | past tense |
to jump | ||
talking | ||
to climb | ||
to pour | poured | |
running | ||
to achieve | ||
explained |
Then, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post.
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
16 October 2020
This week, we’ve been learning about prefixes- complete this sheet.
Match the correct prefix with the root word and write the new word in a sentence.
Please send a photograph of your sentences to nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
16 October 2020
This week, please learn the following spellings ready to be tested on Thursday 22 October. There are many ways to practise these, for example:
- Rainbow write (write them in many different colours)
- Speed write (how many times can you write a word in a minute)
- Pyramid write (write one letter, then two, then three etc till you’ve written the whole word
- Look, cover, write
This week, all of your spellings have a suffix (ed or ing). Remember the three rules:
- Just add the suffix
- Drop the e and add the suffix
- Double the last consonant and add the suffix
See if you can explain to your adult which rule each of these words has followed.
loving | waved | jumping | shopping | digging |
sliding | sliced | poured | dropped | chopped |
16 October 2020
Use last week’s spellings and write them in fancy writing – any you choose!
Year 1
- has
- he
- here
- his
- house
Year 2
- of
- push
- once
- put
- one
- said
- our
- saw
- pull
- says