24 January 2020
Prefix co- and re- + tricky words
Learn for a spelling test next week. |
co-operate | re-emerge |
co-own | re-invent |
co-ordinate | re-tell |
co-exist | beautiful |
which | really |
17 January 2020
Suffixes: ant/ance, ent/ence
Complete the words with the correct suffix.
- violence
- toler__
- confid__
- conveni__
- attend__
- assit__
- hesit__
- innoc__
- resid__
- depend__
Write a sentence using as many words from above as you can.
17 January 2020
This week in spellings we have been recapping the alternative phonemes for oa and oo. (We studied these last term.) This week, practise each word by using pyramid write.
Think about each spelling as you write it.
oa sound oo sound Tricky words
although drew could
notice choose should
throw peculiar people
potatoes approve even
10 January 2020
This week in spellings, we have been recapping the long vowel sound for ai, ee and i. (We studied these sounds last term.)
For this week’s homework, practise each word by using rainbow write.
Write out the word correctly. Write over it in a different colour. Then repeat with two other colours. Think about the spelling as you write it.
ai sound ee sound ie sound
favourite believe exercise
straight breathe bicycle
weight complete decide
06 December 2019
Focus : the short vowel sound a e i o u
This week we have been looking at the short vowel sounds. We have been paying particular attention to the double consonants that follow them. The following list of words it to be learnt for a test next week.
Make sure you write them more than once. You could do rainbow words, sentences, speedwriting or pyramid words to help you learn them.
29 November 2019
ible and able word endings
What’s the rule?
When we cannot identify a root word, we most commonly add ible, eg legible. When you can identify the root word this means that you are able to, therefore we add able. Eg forgivable means you are able to forgive.
Sort these word beginnings to the correct ible or able ending. Add more examples if you can think of any.
29 November 2019
Focus : homophones
This week, we have been consolidating our learning on homophones (same sound different spelling). Your task this week is to write a list of ten sentences which contain some of the following homophones.
which, witch, here, hear, their, there, they’re, were, where, wear
However, you must have a mixture of correct and incorrect uses of them. We will then figure out which are correct and which are incorrect as a class.
22 November 2019
How many words can you make joining a root word and suffix together? Record in a list. | |
Root word | Suffix |
apparent conscious definite desperate sincere care thought |
-less |
Friday 22 November
Focus : homophones
This week, we have been learning about homophones (same sound different spelling). We have been focusing on the ones that we must know in year 3 and 4. Below is a passage containing lots of mistakes using the wrong homophones. You task is to rewrite it using the correct homophone spellings.
Witch of you can here the which cackling over their. There rude creatures. If she comes hear, there will be trouble. They wouldn’t like it if we went to there cave and they could hear us cackling whilst their trying to work.
08 November 2019
Re-write these words so they become plural (more than one).
What do you need to add: s, es, ves or ies?
bruise puppy category hoof community dictionary wolf bush crutch design opportunity |