20 September 2019
Drop the y for an i+ tricky words
Complete a spelling activity.
- copied/copier
- worried/worrier
- happier/happiest
- funnier/funniest
- replied
- cried
- beautiful
- people
- quiet
- consequences
19 September 2019
Focus : ee, ie, ea, ey, y, e-e
Learn these words for a test next week. You could: speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them.
- believe
- breathe
- complete
- appear
- extreme
- increase
- relief
- money
- chimney
- people
- busy
- quickly
13 September 2019
Double up for a short vowel
Learn for a spelling test on Thursday 19 September.
- accommodate
- aggressive
- attached
- correspond
- embarrass
- exaggerate
- immediately
- occupy
- apparent
- opportunity
13 September 2019
Focus : ai, ay, aigh, eigh, ey, a-e, ei
Learn these words for a test next week. You could: speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them.
06 September 2019
This week’s spelling list consists of homophones. These are words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning. Choose a word from bullet point and use it in a sentence.
- there/their/they’re
- here/hear
- to/too/two
- which/witch
- were/wear/where
- of/off
- threw/through
12 July 19
Spelling Homework
Year 1 words:
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 25 July. Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.
about | said | when | looked | saw | with | some | friends |
Year 2 words:
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 25 July. Here are some words with short vowel sounds. We sometimes have to double the consonant in these words. Look out for suffixes that we’ve learnt.
stopped | happen | grabbing | biggest | letter | spelling | hotter | swimming |
Friday 5 July
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 12 July.
Year 1 words:
could | called | little | came | people | their | here | were |
Year 2 words:
whole | who | hour | would | wild | climb | beautiful | everybody |
28 June 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 4 July.
Year 1 words:
Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.
could | called | little | came | people | their | here | were |
Year 2 words:
Here are some common exception words. Look carefully at these words, as they sound different to how they are spelt.
whole | who | hour | would | wild | climb | beautiful | everybody |
Friday 21 June
Focus : -ly endings
Learn these words for a test next week. You could: speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are words that we decided as a class we were finding difficult to remember how to spell and rich vocabulary we have come across this week
- happily
- frantically
- gently
- easily
- nastily
- dramatically
- prickly
- cuddly
21 June 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 28 June.
Year 1 words:
can’t | I’ll | couldn’t | didn’t | there’s | let’s | that’s | we’re |
Year 2 words:
action | station | fiction | motion | national | selection | perfection | attention |