
14 June 2019

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by

Spelling Homework

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 20 June.

Year 1 words:

Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise. Think carefully about where the apostrophe goes.

can’t I’ll couldn’t didn’t there’s let’s that’s we’re

Year 2 words:

Here are some words that end with a tricky suffix. The -tion suffix can sometimes trick us. Look carefully at these words.

action station fiction motion national selection perfection attention

07 June 2019

Posted on Friday 07 June 2019 by

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 14 June.

Year 1 words:

ask where says they your house there any

Year 2 words:

every kind hour money climb father everybody eye

07 June 2019

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by Mr Mills

Focus : Words we find tricky

Learn these words for a test next week. You could: speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are words that we decided as a class we were finding difficult to remember how to spell and rich vocabulary we have come across this week

  1. devour
  2. aggravate
  3. calamity
  4. recently
  5. occasionally
  6. impolite
  7. continue
  8. courageous

16 May 2019

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by

Spelling Homework

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 23 May.

Year 1 words:

Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.

ask where says they your house there any

Year 2 words:

Here are some common exception words to practise.

every kind hour money climb father everybody eye

16 May 2019

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by Mr Mills

Focus : Year 3/4 statutory words

Learn these words for a test next week. You could; speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are a mixtures or words we have learnt recently and some from earlier in the year we still need to practise.


10 May 2019

Posted on Friday 10 May 2019 by

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Thursday 16 May.

Year 1 words:

into back from children get just day time

Year 2 words:

prove pretty whole steak parents clothes improve behind

10 May 2019

Posted on Friday 10 May 2019 by Mr Mills

Focus : A range of prefixes

Learn these words for a test next week. You could; speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are a mixtures or words we have learnt recently and some from earlier in the year we still need to practise.


03 May 2019

Posted on Saturday 04 May 2019 by Miss Beatson

Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.

Y5/6 spelling list

familiar guarantee
foreign harass
forty hindrance
frequently immediately
government interrupt

Friday 03 May

Posted on Friday 03 May 2019 by Mr Mills

Focus : -ous ending

Learn these words for a test next week. You could; speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are a mixtures or words we have learnt recently and some from earlier in the year we still need to practise.

  1. poisonous
  2. envious
  3. furious
  4. various
  5. courageous
  6. mountainous
  7. monstrous
  8. fabulous

3 May 2019

Posted on Friday 03 May 2019 by

Spelling Homework

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 9 May.

Year 1 words:

Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.

into back from children get just day time

Year 2 words:

Here are some common exception words to practise.

prove pretty whole steak parents clothes improve behind