14 June 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 20 June.
Year 1 words:
Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise. Think carefully about where the apostrophe goes.
can’t | I’ll | couldn’t | didn’t | there’s | let’s | that’s | we’re |
Year 2 words:
Here are some words that end with a tricky suffix. The -tion suffix can sometimes trick us. Look carefully at these words.
action | station | fiction | motion | national | selection | perfection | attention |
07 June 2019
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 14 June.
Year 1 words:
ask | where | says | they | your | house | there | any |
Year 2 words:
every | kind | hour | money | climb | father | everybody | eye |
07 June 2019
Focus : Words we find tricky
Learn these words for a test next week. You could: speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are words that we decided as a class we were finding difficult to remember how to spell and rich vocabulary we have come across this week
- devour
- aggravate
- calamity
- recently
- occasionally
- impolite
- continue
- courageous
16 May 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 23 May.
Year 1 words:
Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.
ask | where | says | they | your | house | there | any |
Year 2 words:
Here are some common exception words to practise.
every | kind | hour | money | climb | father | everybody | eye |
16 May 2019
Focus : Year 3/4 statutory words
Learn these words for a test next week. You could; speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are a mixtures or words we have learnt recently and some from earlier in the year we still need to practise.
10 May 2019
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Thursday 16 May.
Year 1 words:
into | back | from | children | get | just | day | time |
Year 2 words:
prove | pretty | whole | steak | parents | clothes | improve | behind |
10 May 2019
Focus : A range of prefixes
Learn these words for a test next week. You could; speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are a mixtures or words we have learnt recently and some from earlier in the year we still need to practise.
03 May 2019
Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.
Y5/6 spelling list |
familiar | guarantee |
foreign | harass |
forty | hindrance |
frequently | immediately |
government | interrupt |
Friday 03 May
Focus : -ous ending
Learn these words for a test next week. You could; speedwrite them; use them in sentences; draw them as pyramid words; or any other way to remember them. These are a mixtures or words we have learnt recently and some from earlier in the year we still need to practise.
- poisonous
- envious
- furious
- various
- courageous
- mountainous
- monstrous
- fabulous
3 May 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 9 May.
Year 1 words:
Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.
into | back | from | children | get | just | day | time |
Year 2 words:
Here are some common exception words to practise.
prove | pretty | whole | steak | parents | clothes | improve | behind |