
08 March 2019

Posted on Friday 08 March 2019 by

Year 1

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Friday 15 March. This week we have been writing about the characters in our story. Here are some of the high frequency words that we have been trying to spell within our work.

about got see very down now house oh

Year 2

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Friday 15 March. This week we have been learning about the suffixes ‘-er’ and ‘-est’. Here are a few words that may need spelling rules applied to them. Don’t forget that in some words we drop the ‘y’ and add an ‘i’.

nastier break sneakiest Mrs grumpier Mr happiest climb


01 March 2019

Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.

Suffix tial or cial

potential crucial
residential racial
influential artificial
confidential unofficial
torrential special

Friday 01 March 2019

Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by Mr Mills

Focus : apostrophes for possession

We have been learning about how apostrophes can show possession or ownership in a sentence.Create a series of questions that you can give to a partner to test them on apostrophes.

You could have questions on:

  • correct/incorrect use of apostrophes
  • insert apostrophes in sentences
  • spot the incorrect use of an apostrophe

or anything else you can think of.

1 March 2019

Posted on Friday 01 March 2019 by


Spelling Homework

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 8 March.

Year 1 words:

she help saw into your little one do

Year 2 words:


poor pour saw floor your call sure pure

08 February 2019

Posted on Sunday 10 February 2019 by Miss Beatson

Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.


suffixes: –able or -ible

adorable horrible
considerable Possible
comfortable legible
enjoyable incredible
reliable sensible
changeable terrible
laughable visible

01 February 2019

Posted on Sunday 03 February 2019 by Miss Beatson

Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.

Suffix ‘shun’ : -cian

magician dietician
musician politician
technician clinician
optician mathematician
electrician statistician

25 January 2019

Posted on Saturday 26 January 2019 by Miss Beatson

A reminder of the spelling activity grid.

1.    Spot the Word

Look to see if you can spot smaller words inside the spelling word eg; friend, vegetable.

2.    Speed Write

Choose some words from the spelling list. How many times can you write the same word in one minute?

3.    Rainbow Words

Break a word down into syllables and write each part in a different colour eg; im / poss / i / ble

4.    Mnemonic

Write a mnemonic to remember the spelling: the first letter of each word in the sentence spells the word eg; because: big elephants can’t always use small exits.

5.    Backwards Words

Write out the spelling word forwards and then backwards eg; communicate / etacinummoc

6.    Silly Sentences

Write silly sentences with a spelling word in each. Underline the spelling word.

7.    Connect the Dots

Write the spelling words using dots, then connect the dots by tracing over them with a coloured pencil.

8.    Spelling Tennis

Play with somebody at home and evidence it in your homework book.

One person starts with the first letter of the word; the other person says the next letter. The last person to add a letter, wins!

9.    Musical Words

Make up a little thyme, rap or song to remember words or rules for spellings eg; Mrs D, Mrs I, Mrs F,F,I, Mrs C, Mrs U, Mrs L, T, Y- difficulty.

25 January 2019

Posted on Saturday 26 January 2019 by Miss Beatson

This week’s spelling list

Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.

 Suffix ‘shun’ : tion, sion, ssion

protection persuasion
competition infusion
occupation confession
accommodation expression
explosion mission
occasion discussion

25 January 2019

Posted on Friday 25 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 31 January.

Year 1

This week, we have been looking at adding the suffix ‘ed’ to a word to use it in the past tense. Don’t get tricked out when it sometimes sounds like a ‘t’ though!

look looked call called ask asked jump jumped

Year 2

In phonics, you’ve been learning about the alternative pronunciations of vowels. All of these words have vowels in that are said differently.

bath class half many busy money sugar only


Choose one of the following activities to complete using your spelling words.


Choose one of the following activities to complete using your spelling words.

25 January 2019

Posted on Friday 25 January 2019 by Mr Mills


Focus : the gu- sound
Learn these words for a test next week. For each word: speedwrite it three times; draw it as a pyramid word, and use it in a sentence.
