
23 November 2018

Posted on Sunday 25 November 2018 by Miss Beatson

Please learn the following spellings for a test on Thursday 29 November.


Pre-fix: dis

disappointed disown
dissatisfied dislike
dissimilar dishonest
disagree disrespect
disappear disobey
disqualify disembark

23 November 2018

Posted on Friday 23 November 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : the ‘ay’ and ‘ou/u’ sound in different ways

Learn these words for a test next week. Remember to write each word at least three times and use pyramid writing and sentence making to help you learn them.


23 November 2018

Posted on Friday 23 November 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : the ‘ay’ and ‘ou/u’ sound in different ways

Learn these words for a test next week. Remember to write each word at least three times and use pyramid writing and sentence making to help you learn them.


09 November 2018

Posted on Friday 09 November 2018 by Miss Beatson

Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning:

  • Words such as happy, cheerful and merry.
  • Words such as sad, miserable and heart-broken.

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings:

  • Words such as angry and peaceful.
  • Words such as funny and serious.

Spelling task: find and write six examples of synonyms and six examples of antonyms.

Find out more here.

09 November 2018

Posted on Friday 09 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Due to being unable to test the words on Friday 26 October, we’ll have these words as our spellings again.

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 16 November.

Year 1 words:

we her him my me can are had

Year 2 words:

We have begun to learn about contractions – a contraction is two words made shorter by placing an apostrophe where letters have been missed out. Don’t forget to write the apostrophe.

didn’t I’m don’t wouldn’t couldn’t shouldn’t can’t it’s


09 November 2018

Posted on Friday 09 November 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : ay, a-e, ey, eigh

This week we have been learning words which use the ‘ay’ sound. There are a quite a few different ways to write this sound down. Your task is to find ten words which use the sound in any of the ways shown above and then write a sentence for each of them.

Challenge: Write a short story containing all the words you found.

19 October 2018

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Miss Beatson

Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.

Words containing silent letters.

doubt resign
island plumber
column wrong
thistle write
solemn knife
sign knot
foreign wrinkle

19 October 2018

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mr Mills

Focus : prefixes ir- il- im- in-

Last week, we researched these prefixes and we then collected and discussed them as a class and came up with a list. Your task this week is to use the strategies that we use in class to learn this list of words for a test next week.

1. illegal
2. invisible
3. impossible
4. impolite
5. incomplete
6. incorrect
7. immortal
8. irregular

19 October 2018

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 26 October

Year 1 words:

we her him my me can are had

Year 2 words:

We have begun to learn about contractions – a contraction is two words made shorter by placing an apostrophe where letters have been missed out. Don’t forget to write the apostrophe.

didn’t I’m don’t wouldn’t couldn’t shouldn’t can’t it’s


12 October 2018

Posted on Friday 12 October 2018 by Miss Beatson

Please learn the following spellings for a test on Thursday 18 October.

achieve invention
attached relevant
awkward frequently
exaggerate secretary
identity soldier