19 January 2018
This week’s spelling work is a spelling task.
Year 1 have a phonics-based task where they need to identify the digraphs, which we have been learning this week in words.
Year 2 have a common exception words word search. Year 2s are expected to be able to read and write the common exception words by the end of Year 2 correctly. Have a look at the word mat to see all of the words – Year 2 have 14 of these to find in their word searches.
12 January 2018
Please learn your spellings for a test next week.
Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.
Words from the Y5/6 spelling list |
elegant | bargain |
length | distance |
wrapped | knowledge |
fabulous | column |
muscle | reliable |
12 January 2018
Focus : Must dos (homophones)
Here’s a list of common homophones that children must spell correctly as well as use correctly.
When practising them at home, ask your child to use them in the correct sentence eg I hear the doorbell and Here – take this.
A spelling activity grid is in the back of your child’s book. Please complete one of the activities to help them learn these important spellings.
- here/hear
- where/were/wear/we’re
- there/their/they’re
- are/our
- to/too/two
- your/you’re
- of/off
- of/have (a common error is I should of instead of I should have – the second one is correct)
- which/witch
12 January 2018
This week’s spellings homework is a spelling list. It’s due in on Thursday 18 January.
Have a look in your child’s book to see which spellings they have.
- Group 1: in, is, it, as
- Group 2: was, you, they, are, my
- Group 3: like, so, do, come, some, were, there, little
- Group 4: grow, grew, fly, flew, bring, brought, fight, fought, teach, taught
05 January 2018
Spellings for this week are taken from the National Curriculum Year 5 and 6 spelling list.
Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid. | |
elegant | bargain |
length | distance |
wrapped | knowledge |
fabulous | column |
muscle | reliable |
05 January 2018
This week’s homework is a spelling task.
Year 1 have a high frequency word list to practice spelling.
Year 2 have a list of irregular verbs to practice spelling. Can the children say a sentence using the irregular past tense verb?
All of the spellings tasks are focusing on the “Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check” method. The children will not be tested on spelling these words this week.
05 January 2018
Focus: drop the y for an i (Turn adjectives into adverbs)
Task: Make a list of ten adjectives which end in ‘y’ eg noisy, scary, lazy. Turn them into adverbs eg noisily, scarily, lazily.
Make sure you remember to drop the y for an i!
You may also need to change other parts of the spelling. Dojo points for the most ambitious word choices.
08 December 2017
Learn your homophone spellings for a test on Friday.
Homophones and other words that are often confused. | |
advice/advise | led/lead |
practice/practise | aloud/allowed |
steal/steel | desert/dessert |
heard/herd | cereal/serial |
morning/mourning | altar/alter |
past/passed | guessed/guest |
08 November 2017
This week’s spelling work is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 14 November.
Year 1 have a spelling puzzle to complete – practising sounding out words using their phonics knowledge.
Year 2 are practising their homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings and are spelt differently.
01 December 2017
The spellings this week are focusing on homophones-words with the same sound but different meanings and sometimes spellings.
Complete a spelling activity from the spelling grid.
Homophones and other words that are often confused. |
advice/advise | led/lead |
practice/practise | aloud/allowed |
steal/steel | desert/dessert |
heard/herd | cereal/serial |
morning/mourning | altar/alter |
past/passed | guessed/guest |